Fukang Hospital

Wen Jianyan returned to that transparent room again.

It was surrounded by strong lights and there were countless large and small cameras around, looking like prying eyes.

【The next live broadcast will start in five minutes.】

It was the familiar voice again followed by the familiar countdown.

Wen Jianyan thought that he would be a little more accustomed to it, but he still felt a little uneasy when he saw this strange scene again.

There is no progress at all…

He sighed, suppressed the emotions in his heart, and lowered his head to open his live broadcast interface.

There were two props in the backpack.

【Xiao Jie’s teeth (Difficult-level prop in Decai Middle School instance), Effect: Summons Xiao Jie’s hair to resist damage for one minute.】

【Mr. Mirror (Epic-level prop in Decai Middle School instance), Effect: ?】

According to the information collected by Wen Jianyan during this period, the items above the difficulty-level collected from the instance can be brought out and can also be traded. It can even be used in the next instance—if it’s not for the fact that Decai Middle School was closed now and selling the props would be too conspicuous, Wen Jianyan would have already sold them earlier.

The apple seedling above the backpack was lush and green.

【Apple Seedling: level 1】

【Flower of Delusion: Growing】

【Fruit of Lies: Growing】

Wen Jianyan looked at the points balance in his account.

Well, not bad, it’s quite a lot.

As long as these points can be brought in, I won’t be as bad as last time, maybe I can still be comfortable…

Before Wen Jianyan’s thoughts were over, the little assistant’s lively voice sounded in his ears again:

“The amount of points that an E-level anchor can bring into the instance is: 1000, requesting the anchor to save the expense and try to survive!”

Wen Jianyan: “……”

Okay, these points can be changed to ten minutes of survival time.

What are you afraid of?!

Harden your fist.

He gritted his teeth and asked, “What if the anchor’s level upgraded?”

The little assistant replied in a formulaic voice: “After the anchor’s level is upgraded, although the difficulty of the instance will increase, the number of points that can be brought into the instance will also increase accordingly.”

“Small reminder, only the points accumulated by the number of viewers can upgrade the anchor’s level, and the points obtained by rewarding and completing tasks can’t play a role in this aspect!”


It’s really comprehensive, and there’s no possibility of exploiting loopholes.

You guys are really good at business.

Outside the transparent walls, countless small cube-shaped rooms were hanging in the air, and all the anchors locked in them had different behaviours. Some anchors were leaning on the wall of the room with their eyes closed, while others were checking their live broadcast interface like Wen Jianyan. There were also some anchors who looked horrified and dazed, hitting the grid hard and letting out a silent scream.

It was like an absurd comedy shrunk to the size of a square.

The blood-red countdown was floating on the wall.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 …

【Welcome to the Nightmare Live Room, the next live broadcast will start soon.】

The emotional female voice sounded:

【Our aim is to entertain to death!】

Something was shaking.

A dull vibration came from the side, like the creaking sound of a tire running over a pebble.

Wen Jianyan frowned and opened his eyes.

He found himself sitting on an old bus, with a dizzying smell of oil floating in the air; dirty seats, closed curtains, and dim light. The people sitting on other seats not far away could only vaguely be seen.

“Are you okay?”

A concerned female voice came from the side.

Wen Jianyan turned his head to look, and saw a girl in a blue and white dress with short hair sitting beside him, looking at him with concern at the moment:

“Is it motion sickness?”

“Yeah, a little bit. ”

Wen Jianyan nodded, holding his head slightly in cooperation, and showed a slightly pale and weak smile.

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and glanced at the inside of the bus without a trace.

The entire bus was half-full, and there should be less than twenty people.

It was impossible for so many people to be anchors. It should be a mix of NPCs and anchors.

Some anchors were easily recognizable, such as dressing too abruptly and fashionably, or looking really different—either too nervous and scared or too calm and collected.

But some people were difficult to distinguish whether they were the anchor or the NPC from their appearance.

Just like Wen Jianyan.

The clothes he wore in the instance this time were ordinary black trousers and a white shirt. He was dressed in a classic style, which was timeless, and it was difficult to determine which faction he came from just by relying on his clothes.

After looking all the way to the back, Wen Jianyan quickly found Su Cheng who entered the instance with him.

The other party was sitting by the window at the moment, with his back to him, and seemed to be looking out of the window.

After confirming the other party’s location, Wen Jianyan retracted his gaze and touched his bulging pocket—his fingertips touched something cold and heavy, like a mobile phone.

He took out his phone and glanced at it.

Not bad, a smartphone.

The battery was full, but there was no signal.

The screen of the phone can be unlocked with his fingerprint. After unlocking, a message immediately popped up on the screen:

【ID Card】

Name: Zhao Chengyi

Age: 23

Occupation: Trainee nurse in Fukang Private General Hospital

Related Plot: Not yet unlocked

【Initial survival time allocation…】

“Just hold on, we should be there soon.”

The girl obviously misunderstood his intention of taking out his phone, she fanned Wen Jianyan with her hand, and said comfortingly, “I also didn’t expect that Fukang Hospital will be so far away from the city… sigh, but we trainee nurses have no choice, what can we do?”

Wen Jianyan turned to look at the female NPC beside him, and smiled at her:

“Thank you, I’m much better now.”

Under the other party’s attentive gaze, the girl’s cheeks turned slightly red, and she turned her eyes away slightly: “No, it’s alright, we are all fellow students.”

Wen Jianyan leaned slightly closer, and the smile on his lips increased even more: “Since it’s still a while before we arrive at the hospital, why don’t we chat.”

With the start of the broadcast, the “Integrity First” live broadcast room became active.

[Oh oh oh! My wife is starting to show his charm again!]

[Damn, why isn’t it me who is being told by my wife, and I really want to be the one who is chatted up by the anchor!]

[Hahahahaha, am I the only one who noticed something? This time the anchor’s identity is of a trainee nurse, and it will be difficult for him to pretend to be a trainee this time.]

[Yes, I think that the live broadcast room deliberately let him into this instance to avenge the old grievance.]

[Nice job!]

[I rather watch the anchor roll over than watch him pass the hurdle with ease, hahahahahahahaha!]

Soon, the body of the bus shook slightly, and the speed gradually slowed down until it finally stopped.

With the hoarse and harsh sound of the handbrake, the car body staggered to a stop.

The driver at the front turned his head, his face was particularly stiff and rigid in the light, and his cloudy eyes stared at everyone on the bus:

“Fukang Hospital is here, everyone, get off.”

The NPCs and the anchors in the front row stood up first and left the bus one after another.

Through the dusty bus window, Wen Jianyan looked out.

It was getting late, and there was pitch black and silence all around. Looking around, except for a crooked dirt road, the surroundings were almost deserted, and the headlights on the bus became the only light source in the darkness.

A small hospital stood in front of it. The old-fashioned building looked extremely old. The white and wretched wall paint was peeling off, revealing the earth-black walls underneath. The signage on the outside also looked mottled and blurry, but it was clear enough to distinguished the text above——

[Fukang Private General Hospital]

It was dark all around, which made the old hospital in front of him look particularly gloomy.

Just as everyone got out of the car one after another, suddenly, someone abruptly turned around and rushed toward the driver. He stared at the driver with bloodshot and crazy eyes, and his pale fingers tightly grasped the driver’s arm. Despite the other party’s obstruction, he still stretched out his hand toward the steering wheel persistently:

“No, no, no…I, I don’t want to go in!”

He seemed to be babbling nonsense because of the nervousness: “Please, drive, I, I, I don’t want to get off! I don’t want to get off!”

Judging from his studded trousers and trendy cockscomb hairstyle, this person should be an anchor, and he should be a novice anchor who is entering the instance for the first time.

Many anchors already weren’t surprised by this, and only glanced at it slightly and got off the bus..

Several NPCs approached with concern, both comforting and persuading, as if they really thought that the other party would have such an exaggerated reaction only because they were not used to the internship life.

The driver was even more impatient: “Hurry up, get off the bus, don’t waste my time. I’m only responsible for dropping you here, I don’t care about the rest.”

Finally, the struggling and shouting new anchor got off the bus.

The bus jolted away behind the crowd, leaving only a string of raised dust.

He huddled alone at the back of the crowd, with a pale face lowered, muttering something in his mouth, looking terrified and frightened.

Soon, a woman in a nurse’s uniform walked out of the hospital.

Her figure was thin, her face had deep lines, and she looked about fifty years old. Her eyes were mean and cold, and there was a nametag pinned on her clothes.

Xue Mingyan was the head nurse of Fukang Hospital.

“Why are you here so late?” She raised her thin, shrivelled eyelids and glanced at the loose crowd in front of her with a cold gaze. Her brows furrowed in disgust: “Hurry up, go change your clothes. There is not enough manpower. If you continue to delay time, believe it or not, I will write a note in your internship record?”

Xue Mingyan waved her hand as if chasing flies, and pointed in the direction: “On the first floor, hurry up!”

In the locker room, the nurse’s uniform of his size was already present.

Wen Jianyan pulled the curtain, then reached out and took the phone out of his pocket. The last line of the text message was still:

【Initial survival time allocation…】

It seems that only when the plot was officially triggered, just like the last time in the dormitory when he saw Xu Yuan, the initial survival time would be allocated to his account.

This at least shows that during this time, the anchor should still be safe.

At this moment, Xue Mingyan’s impatient voice came from outside the door:

“Are you done?”

Wen Jianyan came back to his senses: “Here it comes.”

He lowered his head in response with the loud voice and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. The neckline of the shirt loosened, revealing the slender collarbone. Under the dim light, his skin looked white as if glowing, his chest and abdomen were firm, and beautiful muscle lines were faintly visible between movements.

The sudden benefit made the live broadcast room explode, and all the audience became excited.

[Unexpectedly, this damn scammer’s figure is really good.]

[Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Wife exposed! Exploded, Thank you (50 reward points)]

[My figure is also pretty good. Does the anchor still lack a warmer at home? I can start my job today (50 reward points)]

[Hurry up, keep going, that’s what we paying viewers should watch! (100 reward points)]

Wen Jianyan didn’t know anything about the trends in his live broadcast room.

He changed his clothes as quickly as possible. The blue nurse uniform assigned by the hospital was quickly pulled down, covering the young man’s beautiful body lines, strong chest, narrow waist, and white dazzling skin. It all disappeared in a blink of an eye.

There was wailing in the barrage.

[Aaaahhhhh, nooo, why does the anchor change clothes so quickly? I haven’t watched it enough yet!]

[Take it off again, this child really hasn’t seen enough!]

[When an anchor can change the direction of the live broadcast by just looking good, I’ll definitely buy it!]

Wen Jianyan put his mobile phone in his pocket, opened the curtain and walked out.

The nurse station in Fukang Private General Hospital was not very large. The dirty walls were white and green, and there were a few old desks, chairs and cabinets. After being squeezed in by more than a dozen trainee nurses, it looked a bit crowded.

A wall clock was hanging above the wall. Its hand’s were moving slowly, making a ticking sound.

——Looking at it, it was still ten minutes away from ten o’clock in the evening.

Su Cheng stood not far from Wen Jianyan, but the two never greeted each other from beginning to end.

Before entering the instance, Wen Jianyan had told him not to reveal the fact that they were familiar with each other in the instance. Otherwise, it was very likely that like Kong Shixing in the previous instance, people would quickly find out about their identities and teammates and would formulate strategies for their actions.

After all, with Wen Jianyan’s current state of carrying hatred of several people, in addition to ghosts, he also needs to beware of other anchors at any time.


The girl who had chatted up with Wen Jianyan on the bus came over and asked with concern,

“How are you feeling now? Are you still dizzy?”

When she was on the bus earlier, Wen Jianyan had already collected a lot of information.

This girl is called Cheng Mei, and according to her ID card, she is a classmate and is also a trainee nurse at Fukang Hospital.

She is a local. Although she has never been to the outskirts of the city where the hospital is located, she has vaguely heard rumours of Fukang Hospital.

It is said that this place is a bit creepy and a lot of weird things have happened in the hospital. The death rate here is also ridiculously high, resulting in a sparse number of patients here. Few people were willing to come to Fukang Hospital to see a doctor, and the place gradually turned into ruins. But unexpectedly they suddenly wanted to accept a batch of trainee nurses.

“Maybe it’s because the number of patients suddenly increased?”

Cheng Mei guessed.

Wen Jianyan nodded thoughtfully: “Maybe.”

While the two were talking, Xue Mingyan walked into the duty room. She clapped her hands, and the room that was buzzing immediately became quiet. And pair of eyes that were either panic, or uneasy, or ignorant looked over.

Under everyone’s attention, Xue Mingyan cleared her throat and began to lecture the trainee nurse in front of her.

From the rules in the hospital, to the discipline of the internship, to the distribution of grades, etc…

Finally, after three minutes, she stopped speaking.

Xue Mingyan picked up the cup and moistened her throat, and began to introduce the main topic: “Although today is your first day of practice, Fukang Hospital is short of staff, so tonight you will be participating in the night petrol. Show me your hard work and don’t be lazy, understand?”

She raised her thin fingers, pointed to the clock, and continued:

“The first round of night petrol starts at ten o’clock in the evening and ends within two hours. We’ll gather on the floor after that, and then I’ll assign you the next round of patrol tasks.

You can go to your respective floors to get acquainted now. If a patient rings the bell, maybe they need something, be sure to arrive as soon as possible. If there is an emergency that cannot be handled, come to the nurse’s station and find me, did you hear me?



A faint reply sounded.

Xue Mingyan squinted her eyes and looked around at the trainee nurses in front of her, and began to assign work: “You, you, you, and also you, go to the second floor.”

“You three will be with me on the first floor.”

“You two, go to the third floor.”

She turned her gaze to Wen Jianyan’s direction, and her mean grey eyes narrowed slightly behind the lenses: “You, and the two next to you, go to the basement.”

Soon, the floors for the petrole were assigned to all intern nurses.

Cheng Mei was assigned to the third floor, while Wen Jianyan, Su Cheng, and another NPC were assigned to the basement.

After the floor assignment ended, a familiar voice rang in the ears of all the anchors:

【Survival time allocation is completed.】

【This instance is a normal time-limited instance with a duration of nine hours.

(Survive from 10 o’clock in the evening to 7 o’clock in the morning to clear the instance)】

Then, after repeating the method of obtaining points, the voice said passionately:

【The audience is God, and popularity is everything! Please fight for your live room!】

Wen Jianyan and the three walked along the dimly lit corridor.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it.

The blood-red countdown has already begun.


Oh God, this time the initial survival time is actually an hour long!

Wen Jianyan was slightly startled.

It’s tripled!

Although compared to the nine hours, it was still a drop in the bucket, after the last 20-minute hellish difficulty start, he was a little moved by seeing this extremely normal initial survival time.

[Not bad, although the initial survival time is not much, but at least it is not 20 minutes!]

[Congratulations to the anchor for clearing the Lucky E Stigma!]

[But the overturned anchor’s image can’t be brought back, after all, Lucky E overturning is also a form of overturning!”

[In short! Congratulations, it’s impressive!]

The corridor was deep and empty, the doors of the wards on both sides were all closed. And it was completely dark inside, with no sound or light showing through, like a silent eye socket, fixedly watching the coming person.

The air was filled with the smell of disinfectant.

On the mottled and faded wall on the side, doctors’ recommended photographs were hanging. In the dim light, their smiles were the same, and even the curvature of the corners of their mouths was very similar, appearing particularly vague and empty.

The sound of the three people’s footsteps echoed in the corridor. The further they walked forward, the stronger the invisible spine-chilling pressure became. Wen Jianyan’s heart became more and more disturbed and a chill raised up through his spine.

“That… So how long do we have to walk?”

The temperature in the air was getting colder, and Su Cheng shivered uncomfortably and asked.

“Didn’t the head nurse say just now? There is a special elevator to the basement.”

The NPC replied unconsciously as he walked forward, seemingly completely unaware that they were walking away from the crowd: “Don’t worry, it should be right ahead.”

Soon, the three of them turned the corner of the corridor. Not far away, under the faint light, a mottled and old elevator door appeared in front of them, which looked bigger than an ordinary elevator. It presents a dull iron grey under the light, which inexplicably gives a very heavy sense of oppression.

There was a sign on it: [Special elevator, Staff only.]

Wen Jianyan stepped forward and looked at the map posted on the wall, which marked the entire Fukang Hospital’s building layout:

The fifth floor: Dean’s office and the meeting room.

The fourth floor: Operating room.

The third floor: Obstetrics and Gynaecology ward.

The second floor: The radiology department and archives.

The first floor: The lobby and the emergency ward.

His gaze moved down inch by inch, and the sense of foreboding in his heart gradually came true——

Basement: The mortuary

Wen Jianyan: “……”

The huge iron-grey elevator doors in front of them stared at them coldly, as if silently exuding a cold aura.

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room:

[So this is the special elevator for you!!]

[It’s only for corpses, lol.]

[I remember that during the first round of patrol in this instance, the basement was the place with the highest mortality rate. Basically, only a few of the anchors who were sent down came up alive.]

[Absolutely, it’s such a dangerous place. I feel that our previous conjecture seems a little wrong. You wait, I will go to the live broadcast room of other anchors to take a look at their survival time.]

[I’ll go, I’ll go too.]

[Take me with you!]

[I’m back. I saw two hours and three hours of initial survival time there.]

[I just came back from the next door, and I saw five hours over there, which is very lucky.]

[There is also three hours.]

[And this…]

Soon, the audience, scurrying the live broadcast rooms came back, and after seeing the survival time of all the anchors in the instance, everyone fell silent:


Well, we congratulated you a little earlier just now.

So… in the end, yours is still the minimum!!!!

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