Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 268 Prosperity Building

Chapter 268

The sharp guttural voice cut through the darkness and echoed in the ghostly courtyard.

At the same time, the duration of the final main quest has also entered the countdown.

There are ten seconds left, but the big picture is set.

The courtyard was shrouded in a strange red light. Tangerine Candy, Su Cheng, and Qi Qian blocked the crumbling gate. The corpse of a woman in red stood outside the gate. The courtyard inside the gate was filled with paper figures. Flanking; nowhere to escape.

Wen Jianyan, who rushed out, was drowned in the pile of paper figures. From this direction, there was no trace of it.

[Changsheng Building] In the dungeon live broadcast hall, there are not many live broadcasters left, and their four live broadcast rooms have the worst signal in all the remaining live broadcast rooms, with snowflakes flashing on the screen, pictures and sounds They are all intermittent, but almost 90% of the audience are concentrated in these four live broadcast rooms with the worst signals.

"This wave is basically over. Anyway, there is no way to recover."

"Alas, these four anchors are basically the seed players I follow, which is a pity."

"And there are only three left now, and one of them has just been hacked."

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly!"

"Ah? No? There's only ten seconds left to say ''so fast''? Did you misunderstand the word ''fast''?"

Five seconds left.

The camera in the live room was shifted to a person's face.

The little girl held a long knife in one hand and stopped Su Cheng behind her in the other. Her eyes were fixed on the place where Wen Jianyan disappeared. The expression on her face was surprisingly calm. The red light in the courtyard fell on her face, looking ghostly. dense.

Three seconds left.

3, 2—

[The ultimate main quest has been lost—]


Wen Jianyan took a sharp breath and opened her eyes suddenly.

His face was pale, and there was cold sweat on his forehead, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

The arms, shoulders, and calves still seemed to have the touch of the paper figurine's grasping, and the pitch-black clay pot tightly held in his arms was cold and hard, from the torso to the limbs, all of which were aching. The eardrums were buzzing, and the ending sound of "The auspicious time has come" seemed to still reverberate in his ears, making his heart beat like a drum and the dead silence in his ears like a tomb.

In front of him was shrouded in red.

Wen Jianyan raised her hand and touched a familiar soft fabric.

Red hijab.

He tightened his fingers and yanked the hijab off.

What appeared in front of him was a small wedding room.

At the head of the bed, red candles were lit high, illuminating the scarlet room that had been decorated.

The wooden bed under him was covered with a thick happy quilt, embroidered with the decoration of mandarin ducks playing in the water, and there was only one big red pillow on the bed, which looked lonely, so not lonely.

There were countless dowry furniture, tables and chairs painted scarlet, red combs on the table, and a shiny new bronze mirror.

Wen Jianyan was panting, and the sound of rapid breathing echoed in the huge room, with the same rapid heartbeat, like a drumbeat approaching step by step.

His memory is still stuck in the fright in the courtyard just now.

The pale and stiff faces of the paper figurines surrounded him, and countless strange smiles swirled in front of him. Then, he heard the sharp sound of "auspicious time has come", and then, Wen Jianyan's eyes went black, and he appeared in the In this strange and empty marriage room.

Not only did the appearance disappear, but even the clothes on her body were replaced by scarlet wedding dresses.

Wen Jianyan tried to open the live broadcast room.

All the buttons were gray and completely unresponsive. Obviously, the space he was in was completely beyond Nightmare's control.

He frowned, and before he had time to think about it, suddenly, something black in his arms broke into the field of vision.

That's right! The urn!

Wen Jianyan was startled, then lowered his head abruptly and looked at the black pottery jar in his arms.

The lid of the altar was sealed, and it took a lot of effort for him to finally pull it open, and the rotting dust rushed towards his face, causing Wen Jianyan to cough.

He looked carefully into the jar.

Unsurprisingly, what is inside is really human bones... exactly the same as the Soul Locking Altar in [Antai Community].

So, in addition to human bones, there should be something else in there...

Wen Jianyan reached out and searched for it without hesitation. Soon, his fingertips touched something cold metal. He twisted it with two fingers and pulled it out, but, unexpectedly, , what appeared in the palm of the hand was not the gossip mirror with the spell in memory, but a small brass mirror that matched the style of the entire copy. The back of the small mirror is bumpy to the touch, and it seems that something is still engraved.

Wen Jianyan was startled.

He raised his hand to lift the drapery, and brought the small brass mirror in his hand close to the red candle beside him. Under the weak light of the candle, he carefully identified the words on it.

Nine characters are engraved behind the bronze mirror:

"Born in Si, buried in Si, guarded in Si."

Wen Jianyan frowned slightly, feeling that the clues he had just groped seemed to slip through his fingers again, making him return to the state of ignorance at the beginning. He stood up and circled around the wedding room.

The door was closed, and it was pitch black outside, like

That is, he cannot leave.

Suddenly, at this moment, a familiar warmth rose from the hip bone.

The scorching heat was simmering under the skin, and even intensified over time.

Wen Jianyan was stunned.

Since he made a deal with Wu Zhu, this mark has rarely been so hot, and every time the mark was hot before, it was when he encountered each other's fragments... Fragments?


Wen Jianyan seemed to realize something suddenly. She raised her eyes and looked at the table not far away. There, a small bronze mirror stood upright, which looked the same as the bronze mirror that sealed the corpse of the woman in red on the second floor. Not much.

He stood up and walked towards the bronze mirror.

Every time he took a step forward, the mark on his lower abdomen became hot. When Wen Jianyan walked to the mirror, the skin was so hot that he couldn't bear it anymore.

He frowned and stared at the bronze mirror in front of him.

Compared with the rusted bronze mirror on the second floor, the surface of the bronze mirror in front of him was brand new and bright, but it seemed to be filled with some chaotic existence, blurred and unable to reflect his face no matter what.

...just give it a try.

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, bit her finger, and pressed the bloody fingertip on it.

The wound cracked, and thick scarlet blood gushed out, which was absorbed by the bronze mirror in an instant.

Like a hungry beast, it devours and licks the blood of human beings, and as time goes by, it emits a faint red light.


A subtle metal cracking sound rang out.

Under Wen Jianyan's gaze, on the flat and smooth mirror surface, spider web-like lines gradually appeared. The lines became more and more denser and denser, until it approached a certain critical value... The mirror surface starts from the inside out. Explode violently!

In the next second, the darkness was like a flood that broke the dike, rushing out of the mirror without warning!

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, turned her face subconsciously, raised her arms, and tried to avoid the flying sharp fragments. When he opened his eyes, he found that the light had completely disappeared.

The solid darkness entwined from below the ankles and climbed up the calf. The icy tentacles fit the warm skin of the young man, sliding slowly along the undulating lines, causing a shudder.

This is

Just when Wen Jianyan was stunned, suddenly, a pale and slender hand stretched out from the darkness and grabbed his wrist.


Wen Jianyan's pupils shrank, she raised her head abruptly, and looked closer.

What emerged from the darkness was a bewitchingly beautiful face, with golden eyes flashing with the cold texture of metal, looking ancient and wild. The jet-black, soft strands of hair hung down and flowed down the side of the neck to the broad shoulders.

From the neck down, the large swathes of the skin are covered with strange spell patterns, like dark vines. The complex patterns wrap around the strong and slender limbs, showing a primitive, terrifying beauty.

His eyelashes moved, he lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on Wen Jianyan's fingertips that were still bleeding.

The man lowered his head and pressed his icy lips against it, his scarlet tongue rolled up thick and warm blood, licked and sucked, the wet and rough tongue slid across the scarred flesh near the wound, bringing the young man up. A shiver in the fingertips.

His movements are slow and gentle, like a tender and affectionate lover, but what he does is the opposite - bloody, brutal, disturbing.

Is it a witch candle?

Or fragments of witch candles?

Wen Jianyan stood there, letting the other party lick his own blood, waiting with a numb scalp.

After a few seconds, the other party let go of his wrist in an unsatisfactory manner.

He licked his lips, a little blood-like redness reflected in his golden eyes.

"…You did very well."

...is not a candle.


Wen Jianyan stood there, her eyes flickering, she couldn't tell whether she was nervous or relaxed.

Wu Zhu leaned down and touched Wen Jianyan's cheek with his cold fingertips, sliding down the side of the young man's neck along the line of his smooth jaw.

He pressed the soft skin, rubbed slowly, and felt the hot blood throbbing underneath.

"You entered the fifth floor and released a part of me."

"The most important part."

Wu Zhu narrowed his eyes, showing a rare happy expression.

His voice was calm and soft, like a sweet whisper in a lover's ear:

"You don't need to worry about the next thing."

Wen Jianyan opened his mouth, there was a slight time difference between the voice and the action, and half a second later, the voice came out in the middle of the throat. He took a deep breath and asked calmly:

"What's the meaning ? "

"Meaning, mission accomplished."

Boundless darkness came from all around, wrapping around the human body like an ocean, sliding in along the cuffs and neckline, rubbing every inch of each other's skin ambiguously.

Wu Zhu raised his hand and wrapped his arms around Wen Jianyan's waist. He took his belongings into his arms, and his movements were extremely gentle, almost affectionate. His voice was low and understated, as if he was reciting a given fact, and at the same time as if he was giving a condescending prophecy: "I will complete everything for you that you have already opened, and you...

Just lie in my arms and wait. "

"I will fulfill your wishes, and in return, your soul, your faith, your body... everything will belong to me."

The tall man lowered his head and touched the other's neck with his lips, biting and licking with his sharp teeth, marking his ownership with a gesture that could not be refused. He pursed his lips and smiled:

"As we said at the beginning."

"You have given me everything, and I will give you eternal life."

Wu Zhu licked his lips, a pair of golden eyes flashing deep and primitive light.

The young man in his arms looked like an incapacitated string puppet.

The red wedding dress was loose and open, revealing the neck that was as white as a young lamb, and the collarbone and chest stretched into a beautiful arc, undulating with the rapid breathing, the blue veins meandering under the too pale skin, and the top is faint. Pale red bite marks appear.

The contrast between the red wedding dress and the white body is dazzling.

Everything seemed messy, hot and humid, exuding a fragility that was unwilling and powerless to refuse.

Wu Zhu leaned down, and behind him, countless shadows intertwined and appeared, controlling the young man's body, sliding up along his limbs, winding like a snake.

He leaned closer again, stared at the young man in front of him for a moment, and said in a low voice:

"You said that this meeting would teach me more interesting things."

"It's time to start."

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