As if realizing that the current situation was not good for them, all the faceless people slowly backed away.

Soon, all the pale faces disappeared into the darkness around the delivery room, leaving Wen Jianyan alone in the huge operating room.

In the “Integrity First” live broadcast room.



[Male mommy YYDS[1]!]

[Thanks to the anchor, this child’s pants are already bursting, Shasha!]

[The anchor’s bug card is really awesome, aaaaah! I’m afraid this instance will be very easy! But I’m very excited!]

[Hahahahahahaha upstairs, don’t be afraid. Is it your first time watching the live broadcast? Relax. Seeing how big the bug card is and how harsh the limits given by the instance are, for the sake of instance balance, any ruthless move can be used in the live broadcast room by the system.]

The air was filled with a strong, bloody smell.

Under the illumination of the only surgical lamp, Lin Qing’s body lay on the operating table. Her lifeless and cloudy eyes were wide open, staring at the distant place. The blood was still gushing out from the cut on her neck, and the pale limbs were lifeless, looking bloody and miserable.

Wen Jianyan stepped forward, his eyes falling on the corpse, and he was thoughtfully silent.

Just before her throat was cut, Lin Qing shouted out the words, “Second Underground Floor”.

Whether it was the map or the elevator, there was only one floor underground, which means there should be a whole floor hidden in this Fukang Private General Hospital, with the core secret of the entire hospital buried there.

Moreover, after this encounter, Wen Jianyan also had some vague speculations in his mind.

Sewn mouths, slit throats, and the familiar way of dying.

And what that faceless man said.

“Lin Qing, you let me down.”

“Since this hotbed is useless, then you will be the next one.”

Since the role he just played was “Lin Qing”, was it possible that the scene that just happened was some kind of reflection of reality?

Wen Jianyan’s eyelids drooped slightly, and he reached out and gently closed Lin Qing’s wide-open gray eyes.

At that moment, a mechanical voice sounded in his ear.

【Ding! Hidden branch line completed!】

The next second, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

He returned to the empty delivery room, and the familiar feeling of dizziness struck him, making Wen Jianyan almost unsteady.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the face of the cockscomb head close to him.

Wen Jianyan was startled and leaned back subconsciously.

【Ding! The special mission of the live broadcast is completed, and the special line is unlocked. Reward points: 5000】

【The reward for the live broadcast mission is being calculated for you:

Degree of exploration: 60%, Reward points: 10000

Current plot modification degree: 76%, Reward points: 10000】

【Remaining points in the account: 75000】

【Wow, congratulations on being the richest anchor in the entire instance!

Achievement Unlocked: With all due respect, everyone here is poor.】

“Special line?” The cockscomb head asked curiously.

Since the contract had been signed and the cooperation between the two was guaranteed by the system, Wen Jianyan did not hide the necessary things from him, he nodded, “Yes.”

Oh God, that’s amazing.

The cockscomb head sucked in a breath of cold air.

On the way over, he casually clicked on his live broadcast interface and was shocked by the number of viewers that had been reduced by half.

After all, most of the time, in a situation like this, the number of viewers usually increases. If you live with a high-level anchor with high popularity, your online audience would also increase because the audience in the other party’s live broadcast room would occasionally want to watch from a different perspective. But this time, although he had teamed up with the big guy, the number of online viewers had not increased but decreased. The cockscomb head was a bit unreasonable in his heart before.

But now, he would not go with it.

This big shot is 100% a big shot!

Even if he is not a senior anchor now, he will become one soon!

Wen Jianyan took out his mobile phone and turned on the screen.

The blood-red countdown dwindled little by little, and now there were only a few seconds left.

【Countdown to Instance Alienation】



At that moment, all the anchors heard a familiar mechanical sound.

【The instance “Fukang Private General Hospital” has been successfully alienated! The difficulty has increased! Eight new anchors are on the way—】

【In the successfully alienated instance, there will be a new team battle mode. Please think carefully about your position and make your choice carefully!】

The cockscomb head: “???” 

What the hell?

Instance alienation? Difficulty increased? New mode?

Although he had gone through four instances before, each player in them was very well-behaved. He had never encountered a teammate who was as fierce as a tiger and raised the plot modification degree above the threshold. So he was completely unfamiliar with the current plot, and he even had a sense of unreality because something like this had never happened to him before.    

This kind of thing… Does it have anything to do with me?

The cockscomb head took out his mobile phone and opened the Nightmare app.

A team selection circle appeared in the background.

The red team and the black team. The number of people in the red team was 8, it should be the so-called new anchors who had just been put in.

The number of people in the black team…

It was 1.

Looking lonely and miserable.

In this case, anyone would choose the side with the larger number of people and the greater chance of winning.

The cockscomb head muttered in his mind.

However, before he could make any choice, a pop-up window suddenly popped up on the screen of his mobile phone:

【You have been bound by a contract with the black team anchor. You cannot choose the red team, and also cannot change the team in the middle. The system is going to automatically assign you to the team.】

In the next second, the Black team’s number jumped from “1” to “2”.

The words “Black Team” slowly appeared on his live broadcast backstage.

The cockscomb head: “……”



What’s going on?!

He raised his head in a trance, and subconsciously looked at the only young man who had been bound by a contract with him—

Under the shocked gaze of the cockscomb head, the young man’s eyes were a little erratic for some reason, “…cough.”

After clearing his throat, he awkwardly said something to comfort him:

“Although we have a smaller number of people on our side, we are not entirely without an advantage. After all, you see, at least the number of people in our team will double very quickly!”

The cockscomb head: “……”

Well, yes, “1” becomes “2”, and the speed of doubling was indeed very fast.

Looking at his only teammate in front of him, the cockscomb head couldn’t help but be in a trance.

…For some reason, he suddenly felt as if he was on a pirate ship.

Must be… must be his delusion, right?!

At the moment when the alienation countdown returned to zero, the sign hanging outside the live broadcast hall of “Fukang Private General Hospital” changed.

The data on the sign flickered, and each rating jumped by one or even several levels:

Hall Difficulty Level: C+

In the next second, the shortcut channel of the entire hall jumped suddenly, directly entering the forefront of the entire live broadcast square! It even directly surpassed the other two A-level and B-level instances that were being broadcast live!

The audience in the live broadcast square suddenly burst into an uproar.

This…what was going on here?

Why did this C-level instance suddenly run to such a front position? Is there a problem with the system algorithm of the live broadcast room?!

Just as the audience was talking, a line of striking bloody red characters appeared on the screen of the “Fukang Private General Hospital” instance:

【This instance has been successfully alienated and the team battle mode is about to begin.】

【Betting is about to start!】

In an instant, the whole square exploded!

—Team Battle?!

There were two ways to start the team battle in an instance. Either as the instance developed, the system determined that there was a clear faction distinction among the surviving anchors, which interfered with the balance of the game, making the viewing value too low, or one or several anchors had made excessive modifications to the instance, so that the instance couldn’t be adjusted internally.

The first situation was more common. After all, there were guilds and many groups in the instance, so from time to time, there would be instances that were judged by the system to be too low in viewing value, and the team battle would be started.

But the second one was rare.

This situation was often called “The Hunt” among the audience because there were often only a few people who broke the rules, so this kind of team battle often developed into the encirclement and hunting of a single anchor by multiple anchors, and the development would always be more bloody and exciting.

There was no audience that didn’t love team battles.

Team battles could make the situation in this instance more turbulent, and the viewing experience would also be the most exciting.

More importantly…

In the team battle instance, all spectators could participate in the “bet”.

They could give their points to the red or black team anchors participating in the team battle. Each point was counted as a bet, which would accumulate votes for both parties, and the system would also calculate the odds based on the number of votes and the performance of the two parties, and the winner takes all.

Blood, excitement, and gambling.

In this world of entertainment to death, who could refuse it?

“Aaaaahhhhhh, I haven’t seen a team battle for a long time, I’m so excited!”

“I don’t know which type it would be. I hope it’s the hunt. At least I will be able to make a steady profit.”

“Come on, although the hunt is stable, the odds are not good. I’d rather have a guild team battle. The Oracle, the Dark Fire, and the Eternal Days’ point rankings haven’t changed for a long time, right? I am looking forward to it!”

The enthusiasm of all the viewers in the square was fully ignited, and while they were discussing enthusiastically, they rushed to the side of “Fukang Private General Hospital”.

Outside the Fukang Private General Hospital, eight figures suddenly appeared in the night.

Several people nodded cautiously at each other.

Although they were very unfamiliar with each other, they knew exactly which guild they belonged to.

Three Oracles, two Dark Fire, two Eternal Days, and a free anchor who doesn’t belong to any faction.

After saying hello, they took out their mobile phones from their pockets and began to read their identities and the plot assigned by the system.

【A doctor in your Fukang Private General Hospital, who is also a member of the hospital’s secret plan, suddenly receives a message the night before the plan is about to be completed: A trainee nurse on night shift patrol stole the most important part of the completion of the plan. If you don’t catch him, you will all fail.】

【Mainline Live Mission 1: Destroy all Black team members before the instance ends (7:00 a.m.)】

【Mainline Live Mission 2: Ensure the successful completion of the plan.】

【System Suggestion: From the operating room on the fourth floor, you can directly go to the second underground floor, where you will learn everything about the plan.】

“Cheng Mi, C+, Oracle.”

One of the anchors wearing glasses took the lead, “Do you have any method against the Black team?”

“What method?”

A tall anchor in a tight shirt sneered, “What method can there be? Do you really think that anchor can survive this kind of hunting?”

He introduced himself as Liu Yuze, a member of the Dark Fire.

“I’ve often played the hunt.” Liu Yuze relaxed his strong and sturdy neck and wrists. His bone friction made a rattling sound, and his falcon-like eyes flashed with excitement, “I’ve heard of this kind of instance, and there is no better way to earn the points than this.”

“I don’t think you should be careless,”

One of the members of the Eternal Days, a slender and soft-looking woman, said, “Was it not mentioned in the introduction? That anchor got the most important part of the completion of the plan. If there is an exceptionally lethal prop, the situation will be reversed. I think it would be best for us to be careful.”

“And… if my estimation is correct, the difficulty in the instance should have also increased, so even if we won’t be able to find the Black team, all the ghosts and evil spirits in the instance will do it for us.” 

In the end, several people reached a consensus.

The four people of the Eternal Days and the Dark Fire would enter the second underground floor to search for clues. The three Oracles and the free anchor would search for the remaining anchors in the instance together, increasing the number of Red team members — the fewer the number of black team members, the smaller the advantage, and the easier it is to be attacked.

Before leaving, Cheng Mi took out a prop from the backpack.

It seemed like a small and delicate palm-sized Feng Shui plate. Its strange gears turn, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and then slowly stop after more than ten seconds.

“How is it?” Another person in the Oracle guild stepped forward, “Is there a good chance of winning?”

Cheng Mi smiled, and the eyes under the lens shone with excitement.

“Very big.”

“Oh?” His companion was excited, “How do you say it?”

“The anchor has a deep cause and effect. I’m afraid that not only did he offend a lot of people, but also a lot of ghosts, and more importantly—”

Cheng Mi pointed to a black line on the plate and said firmly.

“He is hated by a very powerful and very terrifying existence. With that prop given to us by the vice president, even if there is a mistake in the process, we can summon him to get rid of the Black team.”

“Double insurance, foolproof!”

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