Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 281 Anchor Hall

Chapter 281

''Let's go'.

Seeing that the disguise was seen through, Tangerine Candy pouted boringly.

She canceled the appearance, and soon, the handsome man who was just 1.9 meters tall disappeared, replaced by a slender and short girl.

She said gloomily:

"The meeting room is just ahead.

Along the dark red corridor, the two walked forward, the carpet under their feet was thick and soft, almost completely absorbing the sound of footsteps.

Suddenly, Wen Jianyan thought of something, and turned to look at Tangerine Candy: "By the way, you just said that only full members can use appearances here, that is to say, I'm not a full member yet?"

"Of course, you don't think that being in the top ten is enough, do you?"

Tangerine still seems to be sulking.

She lifted her eyelids loosely, Wen Jianyan glanced at it, and said coldly.

She seemed to have thought of something, her thoughtful gaze stopped for two seconds on Wen Jianyan, and the conversation changed:

"Well, I didn't expect you to be a candidate so early."

When he was in the [Prosperity Building] dungeon, Orange Candy noticed that this guy is definitely strong, even compared to the top ten anchors. Qualified, but what she didn't expect was that this day would come so quickly.

Although Tangerine Candy is accustomed to the high rewards of the team book, it will actually be a huge amount of points that can make a newcomer go from No. 034 to No. 008... Even she has never seen it.

"It's just luck, after all, the last dungeon was more inclined to decrypt," Wen Jianyan lowered her eyes, looked over with a smile, and skillfully used her rhetoric skills, "If it's a normal team battle book, I guess it won't That's alright... I still have to rely on a team like you who are more familiar with fighting in the team book."


Tangerine Candy snorted coldly and narrowed her eyes.

She tried her best to suppress the slightly raised corner of her mouth, nodded reluctantly, and accepted the other party's just-right flattery.

"Of course."

Soon, the two reached the end of the corridor.

Deep in the ochre-red corridor is a tall and heavy door. The red on the door is thick and deep, even heavier than the color of the corridor, like thick and solidified blood.

Tangerine Tang stepped forward, raised his hand and pressed it on the door.

The thick door that seemed to be a few quins heavy was easily pushed open and slid silently towards the inside.

What appeared in front of Wen Jianyan was a huge and luxurious hall with red as the main tone.

The chandelier hangs down and shines brightly, and below it is a quaint mahogany round table with seats on all sides—Wen Jianyan took a quick look around. Well, ten in total.

Besides them, there were already people waiting in the room. To be precise, two people.

The mason sat on a chair behind the table.

When he saw Wen Jianyan and Orange Candy, he was obviously taken aback for a moment.

As if adding fuel to the fire, Tangerine Candy waved at him with a smile.


The mason's eyes darkened.

"Come in, the others should be here soon."

Tangerine Tang casually pulled a chair and sat down, lying down in a dignified manner, she pointed to the ordinary man sitting opposite her:

"Well, that's the mason, you just saw it at the door, number six."


Wen Jianyan's gaze stayed on the other's face for a moment.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he "doesn't know" the other party.

Although he had just met in the corridor, for some unknown reason, the other's face seemed to have been erased from his memory, leaving nothing but blank space until his eyes fell on the other's face again. , will think of his appearance - this is the first time for Wen Jianyan, who is very good at remembering the faces of people.

This feeling is very similar to the red elevator in the center of the previous anchor hall.

Maybe some kind of cognitive interference.

The orange candy on the side raised his chin and introduced lazily,

"As for that one, he's Snow White, number nine."

Following the introduction of Tangerine Candy, Wen Jianyan's eyes fell on the fourth person in the room.

It was a young boy who looked young.

His hair and skin are light in color, like albinism, without the slightest pigment, as if it will dissipate and melt into the air in the next second.

Since Wen Jianyan entered the door, he didn't make a sound, didn't even raise his head to look in this direction, just lowered his head expressionlessly, his pale eyelashes hung down, and folded the cards in his hand on the table one by one. , when the stacking reaches a certain fixed number, it will take them back to the palm, and then start again, stacking one by one.

It's like being completely immersed in your own world.

Wen Jianyan's gaze stopped on him for a longer time.

The code names of the top ten oracle points rankings are all public. Although he does not know any of them except Tangerine Candy, he has heard the specific names of these people.

After Wen Jianyan mentioned the copy, the ranking of the top ten has not changed. To be precise, this is the same for most of the live streamers of Mengmo. In their memory, the top ten Always the top ten, never changed.

Therefore, Wen Jianyan squeezed into the eighth place this time, which will cause such a big sensation on the forum.


Wen Jianyan looked at Bai Xue thoughtfully.

Remember, before he became No. 8, Bai Xue's code name was already No. 9. Logically speaking, he should be pushed to No. 10 by his superiors.

Could it be Candy Orange forgot this?

Or what happened to the top ten rankings after he became eighth?


"He's always been like this,"

Tangzi Tang noticed Wen Jianyan's gaze on Bai Xue for too long, and seemed to think that Wen Jianyan was interested in this guy's autism, and added lazily:

"Just ignore him."

Wen Jianyan didn't explain much, just looked away and smiled at Tangerine Candy:

"Thank you."

The huge room became quiet, only the dull sound of cards falling one by one echoed.

Tangerine Candy was lying on the table, bored and curling her hair with her fingers.

Wen Jianyan, on the other hand, was sitting on another chair beside him. He lowered his eyes and recalled the top ten information of nightmares in his mind.

In the dream demon, the anchor cannot watch the live broadcast, that is to say, their understanding of other anchors often comes from the common breakthrough in the copy and the communication in the anchor hall.

However, the higher the level of the anchor, the lower the frequency of copying, the ordinary anchor rarely encounters them, and knows very little about them.

Even Wen Jianyan, who is too sociable, has only a superficial understanding of these people.

Among the top ten, except for the fourth, seventh, and ninth free anchors, the rest of the anchors belong to the three guilds of Oracle, Dark Fire, and Eternal Sun, and the top three of the Nightmare List are each of these three guilds. The president of a guild.


Wen Jianyan's fingers on the table curled up.

The president and vice president of the oracle.

He turned his head to look at Tangerine Candy and asked, "Speaking of which, the first place in the Nightmare standings... what kind of person is he?"

"do not know."

Tangerine Candy shrugged: "I haven't seen him yet."

Wen Jianyan was startled: "haven't you seen it?"

"That's right." Orange Candy rested her chin with one hand and turned her head to look over, "The first three are the presidents, aren't they? They basically never attend the secret council, and they have enough points on hand that they basically don't need it. The next copy, I haven't seen it, is it strange?"

She thought about it and added:

"Of course, two and three can meet occasionally, but I really don't know what No. 1 looks like."

"Wait, the secret council, the anchor can choose not to participate?" Wen Jianyan blinked, capturing a bit of key information from Tangerine Candy's answer just now.

The mason's voice came from across the table: "Actually, only the top three can choose to participate or not."

Wen Jianyan raised her head and looked at the other party.

The man with an ordinary face was sitting on the chair, the gloomy look on his face just now completely disappeared, and he looked extremely calm, as if what happened before was just an imagination in his mind.

The mason said calmly: "However, other than the top three anchors, those who are still in the dungeon naturally don't need them, but the others are basically all in place.

"As he said, he pointed to the bronze bell in the center of the table.

The clock was not big, and was placed right in the center of the table.

There is nothing on the dial, but there are several hands at the same time, each with a Roman numeral on it.

Wen Jianyan's eyes fell on it, and he looked at it carefully.

There are nine pointers in total, the longest three overlapping the bottom area, motionless, and the four staying at the top are six, seven, nine, and ten.

They vary in length and move slowly on the dial at different speeds.

That is to say, among the anchors participating in Secret Memories this time, except for him, only four people will be present.


There is no number eight in the dial.

Wen Jianyan lowered her eyes, a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

Mason: "The number displayed on the dial is the number of the member who will be participating in the meeting this time."

He tapped the table with his fingertips, "When the tenth arrives, I can start."

As soon as he finished speaking, the heavy door was pushed open again.

A well-dressed man appeared outside the door.

He looks good, just like a plane model, his skin is smooth and youthful, his eyes are a strange, dull gray, like a tree hole, withered and lifeless, which makes him very popular. There was a strange and uncomfortable sense of incongruity on his face, and even Wen Jianyan could hardly guess the exact age of the other party from his appearance.

"So everyone's here."

The person came with a smile on his face, raised his hand, and gracefully took off the top hat on his head.

His eyes slowly turned around in the hall, paused for a moment on Wen Jianyan's body, and then took it back without a trace, "It seems that I'm late this time, I'm really rude."

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes.

This should be number ten.

Codenamed "Gentleman".

He is also one of the vice presidents of the Oracle.

Oracle has a total of four vice-chairmen, basically all of them are in the top 30 of the overall list, and among the four vice-chairmen, the gentleman ranks the highest.

Perhaps due to his status as the vice president of his guild, the gentleman is actually the only one who is relatively active among the top ten streamers. He even appeared in the same social occasion with Wen Jianyan at the same time, but he is not good enough for the level. According to Wen Jianyan, his understanding of the gentleman is limited to having heard of this guy's name, and has never really touched him.

more importantly……

Before he entered the [Prosperity Building] dungeon, the gentleman was already tenth on the list.

In other words, although he became No. 8, the position of No. 9 and No. 10 has not changed.

Wen Jianyan had a vague guess about the nature of this meeting.

"It seems that we haven't been together like this for a long time," the gentleman sighed, turning his head and staring at Wen Jianyan with those dead gray eyes like tree holes, with a smile: "It's really terrifying.

"Mummy, just luck."

Wen Jianyan had an impeccable smile on her face, her amber eyes narrowed slightly, and she responded sincerely.

The gentleman pulled out a chair at the end of the round table and sat down, putting his top hat on the smooth tabletop, "It's good for young people to be modest, but it shouldn't be too modest."


Tangerine Candy on the side didn't seem to like this kind of fake official tone, and a contemptuous sneer came out of his nose.

"Okay, that's it for greetings,"

The gentleman shook his head, looked at the mason, and naturally suggested: "You are the highest ranked person in this meeting, why don't you explain the rules for our new friend?" Mason: "No, I am clumsy, or Just like before, you're good to go."


Wen Jianyan keenly captured the key words in the other party's words.

"OK then.

Gentlemen do not shirk either.

He folded his white-gloved hands on the table and turned to look at Wen Jianyan: "As you should have guessed, the Secret Council is a small-scale secret organization limited to ten people, and only those who enter the top ten in total points Talents are eligible to enter, and of course, the existence of this council is a secret to the vast majority of streamers."

"You may want to know the meaning of the existence of this council, but unfortunately, you are not qualified for this right now.

The gentleman's voice remained flat and polite:

"Entering the top ten in the overall rankings is just because you have the qualification to enter the secret council. It does not mean that you have become one of us."

He raised his hand and pointed to the bronze bell on the table.

On the dial of the bronze clock, the 008 pointer is still missing.

"You may also have noticed that although the number of points and points replaced the previous number 008, this does not mean that the members of the low-ranking group of you and points will be squeezed to other ranks and soap means that you will be in the next dungeon. , has the qualification to compete for this position with the previous 008."

Wen Jianyan's heart sank.

No wonder.

The reason why the secret council is "secret" is not only because there are very few anchors who can have such a huge number of points like him, and directly replace the anchors in the top ten, but also because of the existence of this mechanism - this is also It means that if someone really has the strength to enter the top ten, he will not be directly inserted into the original top ten, but will compete with the anchors with similar points... Only the one who survives will become the A member of the secret council.

It is because of this that the membership of the Secret Council will always remain at the number "ten".

Once they are replaced from the parliament, there is probably only one fate that awaits them:


——Only the dead can truly keep secrets.

"So, your ranking within the top ten has never changed?" Wen Jianyan asked.

"You are sharp."

The smile on the gentleman's face did not change, and he nodded gracefully, "That's right."

The number of dungeons entered by the top ten anchors and the number of points obtained in each dungeon are not controllable. Therefore, it appears that they have passed the competition and successfully qualified to enter the secret council, but the number of points will always exceed Possibility of the previous one.

"As long as you enter the top ten, you are qualified to decide whether to switch positions with other anchors in front of you - of course, this can only be done through a confrontation."

said the gentleman.

"If you give up the replacement, then the extra points will not be counted into the system by Nightmare. As compensation, these points can be used as double the amount when the anchor consumes."

Wen Jianyan lowered her eyes, covering her deep thoughts.

Therefore, the current top ten rankings are actually not completely based on strength and total points, but more like...the rankings when they first entered the secret council.

Even if there is an anchor who passes a more difficult dungeon and gets a higher amount of points after this, and has the opportunity to continue to climb, they often give up directly.

J Wen is not only that the extra points can be doubled and used, Wen Jianyan guessed that there are more reasons for doing it, and I am afraid that no one wants to be higher than the same as the former for the sake of a higher ranking. main bracket of +

Enter a life-and-death confrontation.

It's not worth it from any point of view

Naturally, the lower the anchor, the easier it is to be replaced. However, rather than conflict with the well-capitalized old man, it is better to directly confront those newcomers who have just climbed up and have not yet established a firm foothold. The success rate may be even higher. big.

Therefore, even if they have the opportunity to continue upward, they will basically choose to stay in the original ranking.

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes.

This also means that in the current top ten, the level of ranking does not fully represent the level of current strength, even if the total points included in the system are lower than him, the anchor may already have more terrifying capital. .

"Anyway, your next dungeon will be against the dungeon, and the previous 008 will also enter it. If you can complete the next dungeon, then you will officially become one of us."

The gentleman was still smiling.

"You should have entered the Dream Demon not long ago. I don't think you have participated in a similar competition system in your resume. If necessary, I can introduce it to you in detail."

Like magic, he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Wen Jianyan:

"—How about dinner tonight?"

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