Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 376 Prosperous Hotel

In the banquet hall, the cold air was mixed with a rotten smell, and the atmosphere was so depressing that it was hard to breathe.

Outside the door, a resident stood motionless in the blood-red corridor, his face was pale and empty, like a wooden sculpture of clay. At the long table, the only vacant seat seemed particularly glaring.

Everyone's complexion is very ugly.

Obviously, the seats around the long table have been basically emptied, enough to accommodate fourteen new guests, but, for some reason, there is still one guest who cannot take a seat, leaving an empty seat at the table, why? why is it like this

Could it be that one of the previous guests was not completely sent away, or that an invisible guest was added to the table, or that the rules of the banquet changed invisibly? Either way The possibilities are mind-boggling.

Wen Jianyan stood at the same place, flashing through his mind quickly everything that happened on Wangwang: the figure that was clearly controlled but still able to move for some reason, the gaze cast in the dark, the cold and pale fingers on the wrist ... A layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

The hand hanging by the side turned slightly, the cold, hard and painful touch seemed to still remain on that piece of skin, and the cold feeling seeped from the cracks in the bones, which could not go away for a long time.

The hall fell into dead silence again, and time seemed to stop flowing.

Whether it is the residents standing in the corridor or the residents sitting at the long table, there is no sign of moving at all, maintaining a false sense of security. But, everyone knows, it won't last long.

In any case, they have to leave the temporarily safe front desk and start "serving" the guests.

Soon, the anchors reacted and began to organize the next wave of candidates.

"Captain, what should we do?" The black team member asked through gritted teeth.

With no bargaining chips in their hands, it is difficult for them to find out which one is the real Pinocchio from the opposing team. Even if they find it, they cannot be sure whether the key item is on him or not. This tactic of the red team was really cruel, and it almost completely eliminated the possibility of them repeating the old trick, and put them back in a disadvantageous position that could not be reversed.

"If you want me to say, just keep killing." Anis said, narrowing his eyes. This method is bloody and effective.

After all, teaching an anchor costs 20 real coins, but serving a guest can only get 5 real coins. Although it will be very difficult in the case of a residence, as long as they kill enough people, It is impossible to supply the real savings on the other side, and they will be re-emerged to the point where they have to re-do the transaction.

"We're all out, and we'll kill every anchor we meet. I want to see how much he can be resurrected." Anis's voice was full of cruelty.

The gentleman turned his head and glanced towards the door.

Since the last resident did not enter the banquet hall, the lights in the corridor remained strangely bright red, which looked very ominous. He narrowed his eyes and said

"Can't go all out." At least not yet.

This time, some residents did not take their seats, but stayed outside the door, which made him feel uneasy. Something is different from before.

Until the cause is figured out and the possibility of danger is ruled out, they cannot be left alone.

However, if you only rely on half, or even less than half, of the people, you want to besiege and kill the Red Fang in an environment where the lights are dimmed and surrounded by ghosts, it is tantamount to fantasy.

"This time, we're going to rob people."

After glancing at the clock not far away, the gentleman said.

"There is still half an hour left, and the banquet should only last about three rounds at most, and it will end soon."

"In the next two rounds, try not to conflict with the other party, but try to grab customers as much as possible, the more the better." The gentleman said. What he has to do now is to cut off the other party's source of income. If no tip is included in the account, it is tantamount to choking the key lifeblood of the other party's plan. "After the last round, we will start killing again."

The gentleman smiled under the mask, and spoke in a gentle way, which was far more cruel than Arnis.

Black Fang live broadcast room: "Damn, this is really cruel."

"As expected of someone who can be the vice president of the oracle, this level of cruelty is far more terrifying than most senior anchors."

"At first, I thought that the red team's strategy could not be broken, but I didn't expect it... In terms of the level of off-body and his own talent, the gentleman is really not strong, but in terms of pvp internal fighting, he is really good. It's top-notch, and I trembled when I heard it." "Hahahaha, I'm really looking forward to what the red team will do now."


"This time I'll stay."

Wen Jianyan looked away from Hei Fang's direction and said slowly. This is his decision after careful consideration.

In the previous round, Yun Bilan had already brought the word to Black, so this round, Black will not counterattack against Bijun, and they will either continue to kill or carry them forward. sources of income, and their odd customers—only in this way can they counter their plans.

"I guess, there is a high probability that they will choose to grab customers."

After all, the threat of residents staying outside the door and not taking their seats should not be underestimated. In this case, Wen Jianyan did not absolutely say that the other party would take the risk of besieging and killing the people on his side. Wen Jianyan looked at Chen Mo who had already rested for a round: "Do you still remember the method I taught you at the beginning?"

"Of course." Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you next."

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath and glanced at the long table not far away again.

"Stay as far away from that empty seat as you can."

he exhorted.

On the wrist, the blue and black handprints are still aching.

Wen Jianyan was sure that the woman in white had not left completely, but remained here in a way that could not be observed with the naked eye.

"it is good."

After nodding, Chen Mo led the team this time away from the front desk and walked towards the window.

The same goes for Black.

Because of the previous experience, Chen Mo has become familiar with this time.

He picked up the plate from the table and stood beside his anchor.

A new round of "service" has begun.

The light gradually dimmed until it was so dark that only the companions around him and the long table in front of him could be seen.

However, unlike the last time, this time, the red team did not spread out as much as possible to snatch as many guests as possible. On the contrary, this time, the red team gathered together and became two teams. The backbone anchors in each team are composed of offensive talents.

Chen Mo turned his head.

In the darkness, his eyes gleamed behind the mask.

He has always been calm and rational, and rarely makes any impulsive actions, but this time is different.

Under the peaceful and indifferent ice, something silent and hot surged, firm, sure, with the wild hope of victory: "Are you ready?"

"This time, it's our turn to hunt."

The light dimmed again.

The sticky darkness spread around the long table, quickly engulfing the light, and the area in the distance was shrouded in a shadow that could not be dispelled. In the air, a strong rancid smell began to waft again.


In the darkness near the long table, there was the phantom sound of chains colliding.

Wen Jianyan made it clear that Chen Mo and the others started. He turned his head and looked out the door.

In the darkness, only the corridor outside the door was scarlet, and the ominous color was painted on the walls and the floor. Although there was a distance from them, it was still unsettling.

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath under the mask.

Calm down and wait.

Although he didn't participate in the main action this time, his task was no lighter than others. It can even be said that he is responsible for revealing more rules and finding opportunities for more people to survive.

At this moment——"Da, da, da."

Outside the door, there were regular and stiff footsteps.


The anchors, who were already extremely alert, were startled and turned to look in the direction of the voice.

In the depths of the corridor shrouded in red light, black figures appeared from a distance, walking slowly towards the back of the front desk.

One, two, three...

Wen Jianyan's pupils shrank slightly.

Several figures appeared in succession and walked along the corridor to the door of the hall. The body is stiff, the face is pale, and the expression is empty. It is undoubtedly a guest.

But... obviously this round is not over yet... Why do new residents appear?!

Suddenly, Wen Jianyan seemed to have figured something out, fixed his gaze on the red light, and gasped softly. It turned out to be like this.

In the copy of Changsheng Building, there is also a similar mechanism. The red candlelight can attract ghosts. Apparently, the same is true at the Thrive Hotel.

Whether it is the red lantern placed at the front desk of the hotel, or the candle that emits red light that is lit in front of the ghost before serving the food, it is obviously the same reason.

After each previous round, the red light was lit in the corridor first, and then the residents walked into the hall. In other words, the guests did not enter the banquet on their own initiative, but were "led" over.

However, because the seats were not full this time, a guest stayed in the corridor, so the red light above the head could never be extinguished, and it would always play the role of attracting ghosts.


In the case of ghosts who cannot be seated, there will always be a steady stream of guests.

Residents walked towards the door one after another. Under the blood-red light, their figures looked particularly eerie.

Wen Jianyan's heart was in his throat.

His eyes were fixed on that direction, and the nerves in his whole body were tense to the extreme, waiting vigilantly, for fear of missing any next action of the resident.

However, contrary to guessing, those residents did not take any actions that made Wen Jianyan nervous, but stopped behind the first resident like emotionless wooden sculptures. Blood-red lights slanted down.

Although they didn't take any action, the pressure was still frightening and difficult to breathe.

Wen Jianyan's gaze fell outside the door, counting the number silently in his heart.

The number of guests who came this time was ten.

Time passed minute by minute, as fast as it ended in the blink of an eye, and as slow as a whole century. Finally, the darkness around the long table began to dissipate. Wen Jianyan glanced at the time.

This round took about eight minutes.

There are more than 20 minutes left before the end of the banquet, and there should be about two more rounds of supply.

Players from both sides began to return to the team.

However, it is obvious that this time, the number of people returning to the black team is much smaller than that of the red team.

On the black side, the gentleman who had always stayed behind the front desk watched the gap in the number of people on both sides, and soon realized something was wrong.

As if thinking of a certain possibility, he gasped for breath, raised his hand suddenly, grabbed one of the teammates who ran back, and asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

Finally, after questioning three people, he finally pieced together the situation.

The gentleman's face darkened. Slowly turned his head and looked towards the position of the red square.

Wen Jianyan has been paying attention to the movements of the black side all the time, and naturally saw the other side's searching gaze.

Under the mask, he restrained the desire to say hello to the other party, but silently bent his tail and showed a happy smile.

The black side snatches the residents and cuts their throats...

In fact, this was exactly what Wen Jianyan had expected them to do from the very beginning.

In order to promote the tax revenue of the mobile phone system, the teachers must be strictly educated and promoted. Otherwise, it is impossible to get enough visitors. However, due to the presence of visitors outside the door, Members are not allowed to dispatch from the inside, so, so, when they dispersed people, the red team destroyed and privately returned everything they had done in the previous round.

Killing is not something only one party can do.

Through the mask, in the situation where the identities of each other are completely unknown, the two hostile parties stared at each other, and the air seemed to be stagnant like death. Finally, Black took the lead in breaking the dead silence.

Like Wen Jianyan before, the gentleman exchanged a new badge from the front desk.

It's just that he obviously wasn't prepared to bleed heavily for this, but just exchanged for the two people with the most abilities and the strongest strength. Soon, the figures of the team members came out of the darkness.

There seems to be a little commotion inside Black. It seems that some people are not happy with this arrangement.

Wen Jianyan withdrew his gaze, stared at the anchors who came back to his team, and glanced over them, counting the number of people. Although they had the upper hand this time, it wasn't that they didn't lose at all, but there were three people who didn't return.

To be honest, this amount of loss is not low, after all, Black only lost five people.


Wen Jianyan sighed slightly in his heart.

From the looks of it, sometimes the gap in the basic strength of the players cannot be completely made up for by tricks.

What's more, the most important person has not come back. Chen Mo.

Wen Jianyan frowned.

Did you miss it or meet a strong enemy?

But it doesn't matter, no matter how many people are lost, Wen Jianyan has already made a promise to bring back all the people who died due to pvp. In addition, in the last round, they took advantage of Anis' ambush to serve almost all the remaining residents and earned a large tip. It's just Ming coins for three people, Wen Jianyan can still afford it.

Wen Jianyan took out a sufficient amount of coins and handed them to Yun Bilan unobtrusively: "Go."

Yun Bilan nodded, and went to the front desk with the coins to exchange for new badges for each dead anchor.

After Yun Bilan left, Wen Jianyan turned to look at the long table not far away.

This time, as a result of Black's hard work, all the residents were sent away, leaving only a long empty table and countless rusty dinner plates on the table.

Wen Jianyan noticed that the dish with cheeks still hadn't disappeared.

On the contrary, the viscous blood overflowed the edge of the plate at some point, trickled down the table, dyed the snow-white tablecloth bright red, and even flowed to the ground.

Wen Jianyan frowned even tighter.

He lowered his head and secretly lifted the cloth on his arm.

On the pale skin of the wrist, there was a bluish-purple handprint impressively. Compared with just now, it seemed to have become darker, as if it was gradually spreading outward.

Wen Jianyan paused, then reached out to touch it hesitantly.

However, before his fingers were about to touch the skin, his fingertips felt like they had touched something. ""

Wen Jianyan's heart stopped beating, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back. He shivered, subconsciously withdrew his hand suddenly.

It's almost like...

There was always a pale and cold dead hand, as if still holding his wrist firmly.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind.

Wen Jianyan's heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his arms to cover the palm marks on his wrists. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound of footsteps. It's Yunbilan.

Through the mask, he couldn't see the other person's face, but for some reason... Wen Jianyan just felt that the aura on the other person seemed to be particularly suppressed.

Wen Jianyan's gaze fell behind Yun Bilan.

Behind her, followed by two anchors.

Obviously just killed.

And...Chen Mo is not among them.

Wen Jianyan's heart lifted slightly. "What's wrong?" he asked in a low voice.

"Chen Mo's badge, there is no way to buy it." Yun Bilan said concisely. Her voice was very deep, obviously very dignified.

"What do you mean?" Wen Jianyan frowned, "Aren't there enough coins?"

"No, it's not." Yun Bilan shook her head.

She hesitated for a moment, and said, "The hotel manager said that Chen Mo's badge...is not with him."

"...What?" Wen Jianyan was slightly stunned.

"That's what he said." Yun Bilan seemed to be extremely confused, she said, "I don't know what it means either."

Wen Jianyan stood where he was, staring fixedly at the hotel manager who was standing behind the front desk not far away. The other party was the same as before, with an unchanged smile on his face, standing motionless, as if there was no difference .not with him...?

Wen Jianyan narrowed his eyes.

Before the banquet starts, coins cannot be exchanged for badges, and after the banquet begins, coins cannot be exchanged for badges of people who have died before, that is to say, only those who died in this banquet can get There is only one chance of "resurrection"

Wen Jianyan was startled.

Could it be that Chen Mo has actually left the banquet now? But where can he go?

The palm mark on the wrist seemed to be aching again.

A sudden thought popped into Wen Jianyan's mind.

……No way.

While Wen Jianyan was immersed in his own thoughts, the residents who had been waiting outside the door started to walk towards the door, and sat down in the vacated seats one by one. There are a total of eleven residents outside the door, and fifteen empty seats are more than enough.

However, after the eleven residents sat down, the blood-red light did not disappear. On the contrary, the familiar, stiff footsteps came from the depths of the corridor again.


Wen Jianyan was startled, and turned to look at the source of the voice.

As if to confirm his guess, in the distance in the corridor, the red was so thick that it was almost dark, and figures appeared again. One, two, three, four...


Watching this unexpected scene, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

In other words, as long as there are residents who are not received in this round, then they will receive two rounds of residents in the next round! This is simply a vicious circle!

Because the position next to the long table is always fixed, the guests coming in come in rounds. As long as there are guests left in the corridor in one round, then the number of guests in the next round and the next round It will increase exponentially, and the red light in the corridor will never go dark

And this increase...is it infinite?

It's fine if they're just waiting outside the door, but... in case they exceed a certain limit...

Everyone was terrified by their own thoughts.

However, Wen Jianyan thought of something else.

His eyes flicked over the occupants outside the door and counted their number. Twelve again.

Among the twelve people, three walked into the banquet hall and sat down at the long table, while the rest stayed in the corridor, waiting motionlessly.


Something is very wrong.

Wen Jianyan narrowed his eyes and subconsciously fisted his cold knuckles.

The quantity is too much.

Too much.

He calculated quickly in his mind.

In the first round, they received five guests, in the second round seven, in the third round ten, in the fourth round fourteen, in the fourth round ten came again, and now It's twelve. In total, there are a total of fifty-eight people

And until now, they still need to serve two more rounds, that is to say, even conservatively, they will need to serve nearly a hundred guests before the time ends.

However, this number is definitely too much.

Wen Jianyan didn't think that they could send so many guests to Xingwang Hotel with just relying on them!

There are only 200 anchors in this dungeon, and the anchors basically don't act alone, but act in a small team.

However, on the first day, the preliminary screening was completed, and some people even died in the rainy town before they had time to bring any guests. There are only the last five teams left in Mingpanglou, a small town, and there are still a few teams that act together, and the time of these teams is basically used to fulfill the wishes of the guests, even if they want to go back to the hotel. , will also select a portrait of a single person.

Even those with elementary school mathematics ability can calculate it. With their teams, it is impossible to bring hundreds of guests to Xingwang Hotel.


Wen Jianyan's eyes fell on the corridor, and his breathing was slightly suffocated.

What is going on?

Although there was a lot of complexity in his mind, there was one thing Wen Jianyan was very clear about.

This time, he can no longer stay behind the front desk.

"I go."

Wen Jianyan touched his aching right arm, took a step forward, and said. Seeing this, Yun Bilan immediately became nervous, "I'll go too."

"No." Wen Jianyan vetoed it.

"Each anchor can exchange for a new badge only once. If you go again, if you die, you are really dead."

"Do not worry."

Yun Bilan looked up.

Through the pale mask, Wen Jianyan's shallow amber eyes curled up behind the hole: "I will bring Chen Mo back."

His voice is very soft, with a soft smile, but inexplicably, it gives people an extraordinarily believable feeling.

Yun Bilan hesitated for a moment, then moved her hand away.

Wen Jianyan turned his head and glanced in the direction of Hei Fang without any trace.

In addition, with Chen Mo Kuaiyan's attack last time, this time, Black may have lost his ability to judge the situation, and it is completely different. Whether he wants to spread money to get more benefits, or to Tighten up the lineup to prevent them from making a surprise attack. In this case, they might be the safest this time.

"Bai Xue, you come with me." Wen Jianyan said.

The shorter Bai Xue nodded slightly.

The fifth round begins.

Wen Jianyan and the others came to the window again.

Everyone reached out their hands with ease and picked up the plate from the window. Each plate contains a breastplate with a different number.

Wen Jianyan also skillfully picked up one of them. But, suddenly, his sight stopped.

"What's wrong?" someone asked in a low voice.


Wen Jianyan didn't answer for a while.

His eyes were fixed on the several dinner plates in front of him, as if he had been hit by something suddenly.

The numbers on the badges on these dinner plates...

Wen Jianyan's breathing became slightly rapid.

He remembered that when he served the plate last time, he saw the badge of the person who died on the first day. At that time, Wen Jianyan wondered why there were no anchors who passed the screening, the badge symbolizing the soul. Of course, it would appear on the dinner plate, but this time, Wen Tongji saw more numbers.

These numbers not only belong to those who died on the first day, but even the badges of those who did not die!

If it was normal, he might immediately wonder if there was a ghost sneaking into the team. However, at this moment, Wen Jianyan was extremely sure of the answer to this question.

The few unanswered questions before were like scattered beads. At this moment, they were connected by invisible lines one after another, forming a complete line.

Wen Jianyan still remembers that in the [Xingwang Hotel] in Hugo's timeline, he also accidentally mixed in with the guests attending the banquet.

The long corridor was crowded with ghosts with pale faces and stiff bodies. They walked out of the doors, as if being pulled by some kind of force, and walked forward along the corridor. There are a lot of them. Definitely more than a hundred.

At that time, Wen Jianyan didn't think about that at all.

But, now that I think about it, this side body was not the father at that time, and the Hugo that was sent at that time was only an A-level main fan. Pulling hundreds of ghosts to the extent that the entire Xingwang Hotel is completely filled,


In the timeline Wen Jianyan is in now, there is a steady stream of guests outside the banquet, far exceeding the number they can attract, as well as anchors who appear on the dinner plate, who obviously do not meet the screening rules, and who have not yet died. chest cavity,

Bai Xue noticed his reaction and turned her head slightly.

"I see."

Wen Jianyan's breathing was slightly short behind the mask, he lowered his voice and said, "I see."

[Prosperous Hotel] dungeon, even before it was made into Hakoniwa, was special. In other words, it is precisely because of its particularity that it was transformed into a small garden.

"Every time it starts, it's not actually completely reset."

The progress of the dungeon will be reset, but a certain part of the hotel will always be retained, even accumulated.

These residents were pulled in by the hosts who had previously entered this dungeon, and those badges that did not conform to the "rules" also belonged to other hosts who met the rules when the dungeon was opened before.

Therefore, every time the instance of [Prosperous Hotel] starts, more "ghosts" will be pulled into the hotel, and the number of paintings in the town will gradually decrease. That's why, the number of paintings is far less than that of houses.

Sometimes they go into a room that has traces of human life, but it doesn't have any paintings in it.

Because during the process of opening this dungeon, the paintings here have already been taken away by the previous anchor.

When Wen Jianyan's brain was spinning rapidly, all the dinner plates had been taken away. Some anchors began to walk towards the long table.

Darkness fell again, spreading around the long table.

Wen Jianyan stood where he was, without moving.

He felt that he seemed to be close.

To get closer to a truth that he had touched before, but didn't realize it.

A sentence from the previous diary flashed in my mind.

[In my dream, I saw a strange building called Xingwang Hotel appearing in the town]

[However, our town is too small, there has never been any hotel built here]

[I took a look at the hotel in my dream, it was empty and there was nothing, I must be dreaming]


Wen Jianyan couldn't help but tighten her fingers. He pinched the dinner plate with his fingers, and the edges of his fingertips were slightly white.

First, replica and reality are related.

Now it seems that the town exists in reality, but the Xingwang Hotel does not exist, it is part of the dream of the woman in white. And its appearance obviously has only one purpose.

Use the instance to reincarnate again and again, fill the hotel with ghosts, and then send them away at once. 【Open the prison】

Just as Wen Jianyan was thinking wildly, a cold voice sounded: "Hello."

It was Bai Xue who was calling him.


Wen Jianyan withdrew from his own thoughts.

"Look." Bai Xue said.

Wen Jianyan raised his head and looked into the distance.

He froze.

In the thick darkness, the only thing that can be seen is a long table. The table was full of people.

Even before the lights were turned off, the only vacant seat was occupied.

When her eyes fell on the empty space, Wen Jianyan felt goosebumps all over her body, and she felt cold from head to toe in an instant.

It's Chen Mo.

The mask on his face had disappeared, and he sat sluggishly on the only vacant seat, with a blood-stained copper dinner plate in front of him, and the three faces on it were dripping with blood. Viscous blood flowed down from the plate, leaving scarlet pools of blood on the table and the ground. In the pool of blood, the figure of a woman in white can be vaguely seen.

It stood behind Chen Mo, motionless.

But Wen Jianyan knew...it was looking at him.

On the wrist, the palm mark was painful again.

On the side, Bai Xue asked, "What did you see?"

Wen Jian said, "...you didn't see it?"


Snow White said.

He turned his head. Behind the mask, his eyes were filled with piercing black:

"I can only see possibilities."

Wen Jianyan calmed down slightly, and asked:

"What possibilities did you see?"


Bai Xue replied.

"hundred percent."

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