Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 111: the purpose of coming

   Chapter 111 Purpose

  Wen Youshan was a little helpless about Zhang Mancang's nondescript praise, and he introduced to Wen Yuanzhen dumbfoundedly: "This is the eldest uncle of your uncle's family, that is the second uncle, and this is your uncle Zhang Yun, as for the others"

Zhang Mancang hurriedly said: "This is the son of our village chief and my good brother, Zhang Ping'an, the other two are my brother-in-law Cao Yi and brother-in-law Bao Dashu, and these two children are mine. Longevity of the eldest son, and longevity of my second brother's family."

   Good guy, most of them are relatives, why haven't I seen or heard of them before? Wen Yuanzhen slandered in her heart, did not show her face, called someone obediently, and then silently left the main room to help Chen Ningya prepare food.

As soon as the girl entered the stove, she took her mother's hand and asked gossip: "Mother, there is my uncle's uncle, second uncle, second cousin, second cousin, eldest uncle, uncle Zhang Yun, uncle Ping'an, good guy, all of them are Relatives! When did our family have so many relatives?"

The corners of Chen Ningya's mouth twitched slightly, and she said indifferently, "Isn't it normal to be poor in a busy city and have distant relatives in the mountains? But I don't think they came here because our family had a better life. Maybe It was your father who made a trip to your uncle's house last year, so many people are here today, I'm afraid it's something important."

   The relatives over there have never come to the door for so many years, and suddenly there are so many people, and they are all men, obviously it is not a trivial matter.

  Chen Ningya pondered for a while, then said, "Go to the cellar to get some bacon over."

When the food was served, the group of people in the main room stared straight at it. It was meat and fish, a plate of fried eggs with yellow and orange, and a pot of chicken soup. fragrant.

Zhang Mancang smacked his tongue and said, "Cousin, my younger brother and sister are too rich, where do we need to eat these? We can't eat like this even during Chinese New Year. If anyone kills a chicken, they have to smell it. Satisfied."

  Wen Youshan was deeply saddened to hear that, "The visitor is a guest, so of course we have to entertain you, don't worry, you have enough food, just open your stomach and eat it! By the way, why didn't Uncle and the others come to sit and sit?"

Zhang Mancang ate a piece of bacon, squinted his eyes happily, and said, "My father also wanted to come, but we have too many people going out and we don't have enough clothes to wear. My father is afraid that he will catch a cold on the road and cause trouble for everyone. I can’t say it anymore, let us come here.”

  Wen Youshan also noticed that they were wearing thin clothes before, but he didn't expect to be so poor.

Zhang Mancang and others have long been used to it, but they don't care. They can't even talk to a table of delicious food. The whole hall is unbelievably quiet. Eat so fast, hurried to the stove to get them something to eat.

   "Ma'am, why don't you make something else, you look pitiful." Wen Youshan sighed.

  Chen Ningya nodded slightly, said nothing, and asked, "They probably have been hungry for a long time, and they can't eat too much at once. Why don't I cook another pot of seafood porridge and eat it later?"

   "It's done!" Wen Youshan smiled warmly, walked around the stove, and took some marinated beans.

   When he returned to the main room again, he found that there was already a CD on the table.

   Zhang Mancang blushed and covered his stomach embarrassedly and said, "Cousin, my younger brother and sister's craftsmanship is really good, and when we come back to our senses, we've already eaten up."

   After rushing for so long and standing outside Wen's house for most of the day, they were really hungry and almost fainted.

  Wen Youshan knew very well. He had to walk from Zhangjiagou for two or three days. Seeing that they had not eaten well on the way, they had to toss here for a long time, and it was strange that they were not hungry.

After drinking enough food, Wen Yuanzhen came over to clean up the dishes swiftly, and heard Zhang Mancang say: "Cousin, in fact, we came here today mainly to ask about taro. Last year, you brought a bag of taro to our family, My father was very concerned. After planting in the spring this year, it was very good, and the autumn harvest actually received five or six bags. You don't know, my father was not happy when he saw so many taro, but he was sitting on the ground and crying. "

   "Why?" Wen Yuanzhen covered her mouth after asking, secretly annoyed that she was so unruly in front of her elders, but she was really too curious.

Zhang Mancang didn't care at all, and replied, "My father said he shouldn't eat taro. When my cousin sent it over, my father cooked some for the whole family to try, but he didn't want to take it out when he found that it tasted good. He said yes. I'm going to be a seed next year, but I just ate several of them this time, my father is distressed."

Zhang Guliang said: "You don't know how my father cried at that time, the whole village heard it, we were in the mountains at that time, and we thought that something happened and ran back all the way in a panic, for this I also fell a lot, and it turned out to be."

   Zhang Guliang was full of depression. What he didn't say was that the fall broke his only pair of winter trousers. Originally, the clothes were tattered and torn so badly that they could not be worn outside the village even if they were repaired.

Everyone else nodded, Zhang Ping'an said with lingering fears: "At that time, my father thought that a wild boar entered the village and hurt people, so he let us carry the rake to hunt the wild boar without asking anything, and Zhang Yun even gave up the prey he was about to get in a hurry. Come back."

   "Tsk tsk." Zhang Ping'an shook his head, obviously he would never forget what happened that day.

  Wen Youshan's father and daughter were stunned for a while, and they could imagine how funny that scene was.

   Zhang Yun, who has been silent for a long time, looked at Wen Youshan with a clear gaze, and said, "A prey is okay, we mainly want to ask if you have any taro here?"

   Zhang Yun was also a little embarrassed to say this, and hurriedly added: "I can exchange the prey with you."

   said that he immediately went outside and brought in his big back basket, "This is the deer that I just got. I remember you liked it very much last time. I will exchange this with you."

  Bang! Wen Youshan fell from the stool tremblingly, and asked dumbfounded, "You want to exchange this fragrant deer with me for taro?"

  The taro in his family is not worth the fragrant deer.

   Zhang Yun nodded earnestly, "Change?"

  Wen Youshan didn't know what to say anymore, so he swallowed his saliva and sat down on the table again. He muttered in confusion, "How could you stay in Zhangjiagou all the time with your ability?"

   Now it's Zhangjiagou's turn to understand.

"Cousin, where is Zhang Yun going when Zhang Yun is not in Zhangjiagou?" Zhang Mancang looked puzzled and sighed: "Hey! As poor as he is, he hasn't talked about his daughter-in-law yet. will be better."

   Zhang Mancang couldn't hear Wen Youshan's answer after he finished speaking. When he looked up, he saw that he looked demented and was startled, "Cousin, what's the matter with you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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