Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 123: Chen Ningya's idea

  Chapter 123 The idea given by Chen Ningya

   It's not that Sun Laifu and the Ye family are big mouths, but that they know this kind of thing.

   "Don't worry, I know what I have in mind." Wen Youshan assured, pounding his shoulders.

   A few days later, Sun Laifu really brought Mr. Ye over to the county seat with the car.

The farthest place Ye went to after marrying Fushan Village was the town. It was the first time she went to the county seat. She saw everything was fresh, and even the road was a mountain road with wild flowers and grasses. The reaction to seeing the city gate was exactly the same as that of Wen Yuanzhen's sisters.

  Sun Laifu saw her happy, and said with a doting face: "If you like it, I will bring you here later."

   Mrs Ye watched for a while, then muttered, "It's enough to come here once. I can tell my mother when I go back, so I don't need to come again."

The people on the street were dressed in more decent clothes than those in the countryside. At first glance, their families were well-off. Of course, there were a lot of poor people, but they had straight waists and their mental outlook was different. Everything about her was so novel that she didn't recover until the donkey cart stopped outside the hospital, "Is this here?"

   "It's here! Get off the bus, I'll pick you up later." Wen Youshan said, and they left after they entered the hospital.

   There are not many patients in the hospital at this time. They waited for a while and then took their turn. Before explaining that they came to Italy, the doctor said: "Are you two coming to see the children?"

Sun Laifu was shocked, "Doctor, you are really amazing, I just wanted to show my wife, we have been married for almost a year and there is still no news. The doctor in the town said that my wife was cold and took some medicine, but still It's useless."

The doctor motioned Mr. Ye to sit down, and after taking the pulse carefully, he pondered: "The condition is still relatively serious, I'm afraid that long-term treatment is required, so let's take a look at it for half a year. During this half year, take a medicated bath every three days and drink more. Warm boiled water, put some red dates and longan, remember not to touch cold water in winter, do not take cold showers in summer, do not drink cold water, do not eat cold food, if you have the conditions, eat more chicken, duck, fish and eggs. medicine, and come back for a follow-up after half a year.”

   When Mrs Ye heard that she was taking medicine and taking a bath to make up her body, her heart suddenly became half cold. She managed to save a few dangling money, and now it is estimated that it will be all gone.

   When Wen Youshan came to pick up the person, seeing Ye Shi's face was not very good, his eyes fell on Sun Laifu's face in confusion, and he asked silently, "Isn't it optimistic?"

  Sun Laifu smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just that the doctor said that if you need to take medicine for a long time, you need to take a medicinal bath, and you have to eat chicken, duck, and fish to replenish your body. She thinks it's a waste of money."

Wen Youshan hissed in relief, "What do I think, if you're going to make up your body, you can always go to the next fish basket, you can always get some small fish and shrimp, my wife said, although the river shrimp is It's a hassle to eat, but it's good to make up your body, and it doesn't cost much, or you can go up the mountain and get off the cover. Our village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, do you want anything to eat? As for the medicine, is it expensive?"

   "Eating and soaking, you'll get 200 wen a month!" Ye Shi was about to cry.

  Wen Youshan was startled, and hurriedly signaled Sun Laifu to coax people.

   So Mr. Ye cried all the way, and Sun Laifu coaxed him all the way. When they entered the village, everyone saw Mrs. Ye's red eyes and started to gossip again.

   Chen Ningya heard the news and went to Sun's house with a basket of eggs.

At this time, Mrs. Li was still persuading in the main room, "It's not just taking medicine for a few months, and it's not that it can't be cured, let's take care of it, let's take good care of our body, and we don't need to spend any more money when we have children. "

   "Auntie said it very well, you can earn more money when you are healthy. Even if it's not for the sake of having children, we can't be sloppy."

   Mrs. Li did not refuse this time, and said to Chen Ningya with a sigh, "You persuade her well." She turned around and went out.

   Mrs Ye raised her head, burst into tears and sobbed non-stop, "Sister-in-law. You said that I finally saved all this money, and it's gone all of a sudden!"

  Chen Ningya was stunned for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Did you pay for the medical treatment?"

   Mr. Ye hurriedly shook his head, "That's not true. The money is given by the boss, but he has to spend it every month. The boss doesn't have much money in his hands, and he can't afford such a prodigal as I am."

   After they got married, Sun Laifu handed over the family to her, and also talked about Xiao Li's stealing money. No one knows more about Sun Laifu's situation than her.

Chen Ningya pondered for a long time, and said, "I plan to let Youshan build the vegetable field in the front yard into a drying room, and I will be busy every day in the future. The two of us don't have the time, and the children are too young to do it. If you are really short of money, why don't I hire you to work and give you one hundred and fifty cents a month, what do you think?"

   Ye's tears stopped instantly, and her tearful face showed a dull expression, "Is my sister-in-law joking with me?"

   "Why am I teasing you with this?" Chen Ningya said angrily, "If I hadn't seen you so pitiful, I wouldn't have looked for you."

   Ye Shi suddenly burst into laughter, picked up Chen Ningya and said pitifully, "It's still my sister-in-law who takes care of me! I promise to do a good job for you."

  Chen Ningya patted her claw tightly clutching her arm, and said solemnly, "It's just that construction hasn't started yet, and it's estimated that it will take a month to start work."

It was also a helpless move to change the vegetable field into a drying room. The backyard had to dry the silk cloth, and the idle people were not allowed to enter. Although there were many rooms in the front yard, the drying room was not big enough. Chen Ningya thought about it. For a long time, all I could think of was that vegetable field. Not only was the place large, but it was also close to the courtyard gate. Even if the smell of drying was heavy, it would not affect them, and it could avoid the curious eyes of the village.

   After returning from the Sun family, Chen Ningya brought this up.

  Wen Youshan felt distressed about the vegetable field, frowned and asked, "Ma'am, what will we do when we eat vegetables after the vegetable field is gone?"

  Chen Ningya's eyes fell on the **** at the back door of the backyard, and she pondered: "Make a large piece of the **** in the backyard and grow vegetables, and by the way, grow some melons and fruits."

Those sloping fields were all bought by Wen Youshan at the beginning. In addition, the compound was blocked. Villagers could not get there. Even if they were planting melons and fruits, they didn’t have to worry about being stolen. The only thing to guard against was animals. An adobe wall that always works out.

   Wen Youshan listened to Chen Ningya's plan and was noncommittal. The next day, he asked someone to look at the terrain, and by the way, Sun Laifu and the others helped to carry the soil there.

   Fortunately, this batch of silk cloth has been collected. As long as Chen Ningya does not start work, the villagers who come in will not know about their cloth weaving.

It took only a few days to repair the **** in the backyard, but it took a little more work to surround the adobe wall. It took more than ten days to clear the vegetable field in the backyard, which was about two acres. It was enough to grow melons, fruits and vegetables. It can also be shipped to stores in the county for sale.

   (end of this chapter)

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