Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 129: Jiang Dayi

   Chapter 129 Jiang Dayi

  Chen Ningya was a little nostalgic and a little sad, her eyes fell deeply on Jiang Dayi, and she sighed: "Do you miss the wind and sand in Mobei?"

   Jiang Dayi was stunned, his eyes instantly widened as big as copper bulls, and he looked at Chen Ningya vigilantly, "How do you know I'm from Mobei?"

Chen Ningya retracted her thoughts, sneered twice, and said casually: "You can't raise your physique here in Dizhou, not to mention I just asked your name, but you answered me in the tone of a soldier, and there are soldiers on your body. It can be seen that it is the result of fighting on the battlefield all the year round. In the prosperous world of the Great Qi, only Mobei is in constant war, so where can you be if you are not from Mobei?"

   A gleam of light flashed in Jiang Dayi's eyes, but he didn't look like he was stupid before, "Who said that only Mobei is the only place where there are wars and chaos in the prosperous world? Isn't the Lingnan area also chaotic?"

"How can Lingnan be compared with Mobei? There is an internal worry, an external aggression, and a three-point face when the family is behind closed doors. Even fighting has to be graceful and calm. You don't dare to have such a temperament, the King of Lingnan." Chen Ningya said slowly. He lightly flicked the ash on his body with his hand, and looked at Jiang Dayi with a smile, "Okay, Mrs. Ben has also answered your doubts for you. Now let's talk about your business. How did a soldier in Mobei go to the battlefield? To the point of being sold as a slave?"

  Speaking of this, Jiang Dayi's aura changed drastically, and he was like a ferocious hungry wolf that could erupt at any time.

   Others were so frightened that their legs were weak, but Wen Youshan stood in front of Chen Ningya and scolded, "What are you doing!"

   Jiang Dayi was pulled back to his senses by this roar, and his momentum instantly subsided. Chen Ningya signaled to Wen Youshan to stay calm and stared straight at Jiang Dayi.

But seeing him suddenly saddened, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "It's not the traitorous ministers in the DPRK, our marshal is working **** the front line, but they keep dragging the marshal behind for their own interests, I am the subordinate of the marshal. Xiaobing, although inconspicuous, is also the personal soldier of the marshal. The wound on my face was caused by desperately protecting the marshal.

In the end, when the imperial commissioner came, he said that my face would easily expose the marshal. People would know that the marshal was nearby when they saw me, and it would hurt the marshal. Besides me, there were several brothers who were all called out of the personal troops by those people. The people who went in were arranged by the emperor. How can those people be compared with our brothers who were born and died together?

   Only fought two battles. Those people either died or fled. The marshal was seriously injured and had to go back to court. Mobei has now changed to a marshal, hum! In my opinion, it's just a gimmick, and it's useless at all. Without the marshal, we don't want to stay in the barracks any more, so we just leave the barracks and go back home.

But when I got to my hometown, I realized that after so many years, there is still a place for me at home, and I have no other skills, only boxing and kung fu, so I went to the **** bureau. As an escort, I ended up fighting with those family sons and killing them, and even the yamen. The county magistrate knew that I was returning from disarming, and could not bear to see me die, so he came up with an idea to sell my body to pay the debt. At that time, I was alone and felt hopeless in life, so I sold myself as the magistrate wanted. "

   Jiang Dayi said it lightly, but Chen Ningya's mouth twitched, "Then why did you fall into the hands of Renyazi again?"

Jiang Dayi shrugged his shoulders with an innocent look on his face, "I am a follower by the second generation ancestor. The second generation ancestor went to Hualou to grab a woman from others, so I can't help? It's just that the attack was not serious, and I accidentally offended the other party, and they found a way. My previous master was reorganized. Originally, the immortal one wanted to kill me. Later, I thought that if I sold it, I would be able to exchange some money for emergency, so I went to Renyazi."

  Chen Ningya is sure, this person is definitely intentional.

On the other hand, Wen Youshan's face turned black when he heard it, and his feet jumped with anger, "Ma'am, we have been tricked by someone else, how can this thing be worth ten taels of silver! In case he gets into trouble with someone who doesn't like it in the future? How to do?"

  This person is not stingy at first glance, and he has grown up like this, no wonder no one dares to ask for it.

  Chen Ningya grabbed Wen Youshan, who was jumping up and down, and continued to say to Jiang Dayi: "Your past, my wife, is clear now, but since I bought you, I will not regret it. I hope you will work well in our house in the future."

   "Let me be a guard?" Jiang Dayi raised his eyebrows.

Chen Ningya nodded slightly and pondered: "Forget it, our house has a beach, and in a relatively far country, your master has to go to the sea every day to catch the sea. From the village to the sea, you have to go through deep mountains, and there are many beasts in the mountains, although your home The master has experience, but it is not safe to be alone. In addition, there are shops in the county town, and the seafood that he made by himself is not enough to sell, so this lady wants you to go to the sea with your master. Don't worry, you are facing It is the unknown danger in the deep mountains, but it is not necessary to face the danger of the human heart."

  Jiang Dayi snorted lightly: "Sometimes people are much more ferocious than beasts! I'm happy to do this errand, don't worry, since Lao Jiang has spoken in person, I will naturally do it for you beautifully."

   Chen Ningya became more and more dumbfounded, this person really didn't have the slightest self-consciousness to sell herself as a slave, no wonder she would pit her previous master so miserably.

"Okay, since you said so, Mrs. Ben will wait and see, but I still want to remind you that when you arrive at our Wen family, you must naturally obey the rules of the Wen family, and don't cause us trouble, otherwise, Mrs. Ben has a way to let you Suffering!" Chen Ningya tapped unhurriedly, regardless of whether Jiang Dayi heard it or not, her eyes fell on others.

   A group of people hurriedly knelt down.

Chen Ningya rubbed her brows with a headache, and said tiredly, "You have heard what you just said. From now on, one of the five of you will be called Changquan, one will be named Nagato, one will be named Changyuan, one will be named Changyong, and the other will be named Chang. Yi, Changquan, Changmen, and Changyuan stay on the side of the county town, the eldest young master will arrange work for you, Jiang Dayi, Changyong, and Changyi will follow the master to fight for the master. Changyong's daughter is named Hongling, and in the future Serving the second young lady, two boys, one named Shumo, the other named Shushu, and later serve the two young masters, as for Changyi's mother"

   "The slave maid's family name is Ding, everyone calls the slave maid Madam Ding." Madam Ding replied with a wink.

  Chen Ningya nodded with satisfaction. After reading so much, she finally found something pleasing to the eye, "Then you should call Mrs. Ding, and then go back to the old house with Mrs. Ben, and tell me what to do when I go back."

   "Thank you, Madam." Madam Ding couldn't help but be overjoyed, it was a very decent job to be by Madam's side, and she would be able to speak in front of her master in the future.

   When Wen Yuanliang and the others came back, Chen Ningya handed over the two boys to the three of them, explained a few words, and asked Wen Youshan to buy two more donkey carts before leaving for the village.

   (end of this chapter)

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