Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 131: aware of this life

  Chapter 131 Awareness of this life

   The four of them were busy from morning to night. At this moment, they all huddled in the pit to make a fire to keep warm, drinking hot **** tea. The seaside in spring was still very cold, especially for them who had soaked in water.

   Although he didn't look down on Jiang Dayi, Wen Youshan still asked, "You've been soaking in the sea for so long, and you took a cold bath in the stream, so you won't catch a cold, right?"

"Humph!" Jiang Dayi raised the corners of his mouth disdainfully, drank soup and meat, and said boldly: "We are much colder in Mobei than here, and the north wind in winter is like a knife blowing on the face, so we are still there. Taking a bath in the river is not like the north wind here, as soft as a girl! The water is not cold enough, no!"

  Wen Youshan suddenly laughed angrily, rolled his eyes and ignored Jiang Dayi, he felt that he could live longer.

   On the contrary, Chang Yong and Chang Yi asked yearningly: "Old Jiang, do you like Mobei so much?"

Jiang Dayi shook his head without hesitation, "Who likes Mobei? The yellow sand is all over the sky, there is no water, no food, no food, it is very hard to march and fight, and you can't take a shower casually. What should I do? Drink urine! Don't touch other unknown water sources, otherwise you may be in danger. It's a pity that I miss the brothers who fought side by side rather than Mobei."

  Jiang Dayi shook his head and said affectionate and righteous words in his mouth, but his eyes focused on the roast chicken in his hand. If he hadn't known his temperament, Wen Youshan would definitely think that this kid was talking about scenes.

   The four of them ate meat, drank tea, and baked warm pancakes with a satisfied face.

  Jiang Dayi saw that Wen Youshan was going to lie down and rest, and asked in surprise: "Old Master, it stands to reason that your family's conditions are okay, why are you working so hard?"

   The wealthy people he saw when he came back from Mobei were not Hunu's servants, and Wen Youshan was a different kind. He didn't have the air of being a master at all, and even rushed to work. I really don't know what he thought.

  Wen Youshan turned over and said indifferently, "What's the matter? If I hadn't been busy at home, I wouldn't want to buy you guys!"

  The three of them looked at each other, Chang Yong Changyi shuddered, and hurriedly imitated Wen Youshan to lie down.

   Jiang Dayi murmured twice, then lay down wisely, and fell asleep with the sound of the waves.

After a while, the snoring sound came out of the pit and was swept away by the howling wind. Rows of dustpans and washed clothes were hanging on the edge of the pit. The clothes seemed to fly away under the sea breeze. If there is no horizon The clear light sprinkled by the crescent moon calms people's hearts, it is impossible for the four of them to sleep so sweetly.

  When the tide was low, Wen Youshan was the first to wake up, and Jiang Dayi and the three also followed after hearing the movement, rubbing their eyes, Jiang Dayi asked, "Is it dawn?"

   Looking up, it seemed that it was still pitch black outside.

  Wen Youshan said while tidying his hair: "The tide is low, we still have to go to the sea now, we will have to go again in the morning, and then we will set off back."

As soon as he heard it was serious business, Jiang Dayi, who has always been a fool, stopped talking, jumped up, and was the first to climb to the ground. The seaside at night was a different kind of style. God saw that Chang Yong Changyi was about to go into the sea with a mud sled, so he hurried over to help.

  There are many things on the beach after the low tide, and there are stranded fish, big and small, still breathing, when will we not pick up more at this time?

So the three people who were addicted to pick up began to lie on the beach, and Wen Youshan didn't care about them. He set up the farthest bamboo basket first and carried it to the shore again and again. All the bamboo baskets were brought ashore, and the few were responsible for getting the bamboo baskets on the beach.

  Wen Youshan sighed in front of several piles of seafood. He estimated that he could do it until dawn alone.

   While Wen Youshan was working hard, Jiang Dayi and the others kept going to the shore again, and finally even Chang Yong Changyi came to help, and only Jiang Dayi was still having fun in the sea.

  Wen Youshan can be seen, this guy is a wild horse that can't be tied, and since he is left to go, he can't cause any trouble here anyway.

   A group of people was busy from the tide to the tide, and from the tide to the tide, and finally put the pile of seafood, and started the next time to catch the sea.

  Jiang Dayi's enthusiasm has slowly receded, his eyes widened and he muttered in disbelief: "Is this endless? I am grass! If you guard this beach, you will not starve to death if you do nothing!"

  Chang Yong Changyi nodded in agreement.

  Wen Youshan's eyes were about to roll over, "Otherwise, why would our family open a dry goods store?"

   "It seems to be too." Jiang Dayi muttered, always feeling that there was something strange, but he didn't ask more.

  Because he was about to rush back, Jiang Dayi also relented and gave Wen Youshan a hand. When all the seafood was packed and ready to be taken away, Wen Youshan counted it, hehe! Good guy, it turned out to be more than three times as much as he used to pick it up, and he didn't have to go back and forth several times like ants moving house.

  Although he still walked home under the moonlight, Wen Youshan was already very satisfied.

   After arriving at home, all the things that need to be dried are sent to the drying room. Those that have not been completely drained will be kept in another room of the house, and they will be kept alive and will be sent to the county town tomorrow.

   Hongsha Hongling boiled hot water for Wen Youshan and the four to wash them, while Mrs. Ding made food for them, and then went to the drying room to help Chen Ningya work.

   The group was so busy that it was almost dawn, and Chen Ningya asked Hongsha to go to Sun's house to call Ye Shi to help.

Ye Shi just got up at this moment. He didn't dare to delay at all when he heard Hong Sha's words. She told Li Shi and went out. Seeing that the Wen family had hired so many long-term workers, she thought her life was going to get cold. Cheng wanted An Ning to take care of her like this, so she naturally did not dare to neglect her.

   When Mr. Ye entered the drying room, he was taken aback, and saw that the soil rack was full of things from top to bottom, and it seemed that it had been baked for several rounds.

   "A Ning, how much life do you have?" Ye Shi asked in surprise.

  Chen Ningya stretched her sore arm and said wearily, "There are still a lot in the drain room. Let's dry these first and see how much they can produce. They will ship them out in a few hours."

   Mr. Ye nodded clearly, rolled up his sleeves and started work.

   With a skilled man like Ye Shi here, Chen Ningya was relieved and went back to her room to make up for her sleep.

   Mrs. Ding stayed behind and gave Ye Shi a hand before withdrawing.

   Waiting for Wen Youshan and the others to get up, Mr. Ye had already dried two baskets of dry goods, and the fire in the stove was burning vigorously.

Wen Youshan took a look, loaded the two baskets of dry goods and the fresh seafood into the truck, and when he went out, he told Jiang Dayi and the others, "You take a rest, and go to the sea again later, I will be back tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, you can go again. For a trip to the county seat, you just need to prepare the seafood before I go to the county seat."

   (end of this chapter)

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