Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 133: Scalping profit

   Chapter 133 Profits from reselling

The village chief has been grateful for his help for many years. Hearing that the price is one floor higher than before, he would refuse, so he immediately responded, "Most people in the village have hoarded a lot of bird's nest. There are a lot of broken pieces, you see what you want, I will ask Mao Kan to show you."

  I took 500 taels to go out this time. Because the dry goods store is not big, he didn't dare to buy more of the best bird's nest. As long as I bought a few, most of the ones I bought were ordinary bird's nest and chopped bird's nest.

  After the goods were loaded into the donkey cart, they waved goodbye to the village chief and Mao Kan, who had seen them off for many years. The donkey cart went all the way to the county seat, and made a trip to the county office for many years, and asked the concierge to see the county magistrate.

  Because I have been here with Master Ge for many years, the concierge still remembers him, and after receiving some benefits, he immediately went in and passed the news.

After seeing the county magistrate for many years, he took out the letter directly, and in front of the county magistrate, he complained to Tian Sheng, and said that Yan Nong mistakenly thought it was the county magistrate's intention, so he was very worried, and said that Tian Sheng probably got Pang. Only with the acquiescence of the family dare to pretend to be a fox under the banner of the county magistrate.

   After the call, he not only expressed his respect for the county magistrate, but also put eye drops on Pang Jia and Tian Sheng.

   No matter how angry the county magistrate was, he was very comfortable after leaving the county office for many years, but unfortunately he had to run away quickly, otherwise he could stay and watch the fun.

   Waiting for the donkey cart to leave the boundary of Wanli County, Chang Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Brother Changnian, what are you doing to the Pang family and Tiansheng, will you be revenge by them?"

"What are you afraid of! It's impossible for them to find Qing'an County. Besides, the Pang family is not a big family. If it weren't for the fact that they were connected with the county magistrate, they were not even a fart. This time the county magistrate would definitely look for them. Do the reckoning, do you think the Pang family still dares to be domineering?

The Pang family has been beaten, so Tian Sheng has nothing to be afraid of. In fact, even if I didn't stab this matter in front of the county magistrate, Tian Sheng has nothing to be afraid of, but the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, that is, I can't talk to you next time. Come here, avoid the limelight first, and sail carefully to the ship of ten thousand years.

   Anyway, after this trip, you have already recognized the way. Those people know about you and will not pit you. Don’t worry! "For many years, his face was calm.

  The three of them looked at each other and took a deep breath. Well, it seems that they have already made up their minds, and they are still worrying about it.

The road is quite safe. After arriving in Fucheng, I remembered that there was still a lot of stock in Cliff Village for many years, so I went to inquire about the market of bird's nest. During the chat, I revealed that I had the goods in my hand, but I didn't think that the other party was actually interested. After seeing the goods, I immediately ordered everything, and the price was twice as much as what they charged. Just like this, the five hundred taels brought out became one thousand taels.

   The four of them were quite excited after taking the money, but they didn't know what to do after the excitement.

   "Brother Changnian, do we want to go back directly?" Changquan asked weakly, came empty-handed, and then returned empty-handed, would he be beaten to death by the master?

Raising his eyebrows for many years, standing on the bustling street of Fucheng, his feverish brain became clearer. After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it! Let's fight again, let's go back and exchange all the money. I'll see if I can sell some more, and bring the rest back to earn more money."

  Other people have no idea, they do what they say for many years, and they really go back the same way.

   It took a few days to get to Cliff Village. The village chief saw the four people who had gone back and forth, and his eyes widened, "Why did you come back? But something is wrong?"

   Seeing the anxious look on the village chief's face, he shook his head for a long time to reassure: "There is no problem with the things, we just want to buy more, so we came back."

The village chief's heart could be regarded as falling to the ground, and he invited the four of them into the house, and said with great excitement: "You don't know, on the third day after you left, a team of officials suddenly came to the village and said it was to verify. Yes, I didn't hide it. To tell the truth, those people gave 100 taels before they left, saying that it was Tian Sheng's apology to our village.

In addition to the 500 taels you had before, the villagers can be considered to have slowed down. Now the shop in the county town has said that they want to buy our bird's nest. The price is fair, but the amount is not large. Anyway, everyone has some hope. By the way, how much are you going to ask for this time? I went ahead to say hello. "

   stretched out a finger for many years and said, "One thousand taels."

   "Hey!" The village chief gasped in shock and ran out of the house happily. After a while, he brought a number of people over, all of whom were carrying bamboo baskets on their backs, and it seemed that they had delivered the goods directly.

I checked them one by one for many years, and finally I asked for 400 taels of high-quality bird's nests, 400 taels of ordinary bird's nests, 200 taels of broken swallows, and a lot of goods. The two donkey carts that arrived were full.

   The Yannong who sent them away this time were many young and old, and they were the great benefactors of their village, and they had to be respected.

  I didn't know the thoughts of those people for a long time. Because they offended the Pang family and Tian Sheng, the four of them almost ran on the road after leaving Cliff Village.

   After arriving at Fucheng, he took off part of the goods in his hand for many years, exchanged one thousand taels of silver, and then rushed back to Qing'an County with five hundred taels of goods.

   It took more than half a month for this trip, and Wen Youshan couldn't sit still. He was worried about money and people, and his mouth was bubbling.

   knew for a long time that they had been delayed for a long time, and as soon as they came back, they hurried to the shop to see Changxin.

Wen Youshan happened to be stocking goods in the shop. Seeing Chang Nian, he hurriedly called him over to ask questions, "But I ran into trouble on the way? Why is it so late all of a sudden? If you don't come back in a few days, I will pay for it. Go to the yamen to report the case!"

   Being exhausted for many years, he directly handed over the silver in his arms to Wen Youshan, "Master, fortunately, I didn't lose my life on this trip. Not only did I bring back 500 taels of goods, but I also earned an extra 1,000 taels."

  Wen Youshan's worried expression froze, and asked in surprise, "Why is there an extra thousand taels?"

  One thousand taels is not a small amount of money. His wife has to work for half a year to have so much money. In many years, they have only been out for more than half a month, and they have brought so much money back. Wen Youshan is not at ease.

He didn't hide it for many years, and reported the matter to Wen Youshan one by one, "I wanted to help those Yan farmers, but I didn't realize that things are so in short supply, especially those high-quality bird's nests, which are located in Fucheng. Bian is extremely popular, and the main ones for the small ones are the high-quality bird's nests, and the others are brought back, and it is estimated that we will be able to sell them for a while."

  Wen Youshan was terrified, and his mind became a lot more alive, and he asked thoughtfully, "Then the bird's nest can be supplied all year round?"

He shook his head for a long time, "How can we supply it all year round? It's also a good time for us to catch up. The bird's nest harvested in spring is of the best quality, which is the first stage bird's nest, and the second stage bird's nest and the third stage bird's nest in summer and autumn have more impurities and are more expensive. Naturally, it is cheaper, and it will disappear when the weather is cold. It is also because Wanli County is the origin of bird's nest, and the price is cheaper. If it is in other places, it will be in short supply.

   (end of this chapter)

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