Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 135: pregnant

   Chapter 135 Pregnant

   Mr. Ye hit harder and harder. Mrs. Li ate a slash and grew wiser. Seeing the bamboo pole with no long eyes, she directly ducked far away, and let the mother-in-law cry loudly and did not come forward.

   It wasn't until Mr. Ye was exhausted that he stopped. The women who were beaten were still lying on the ground and wailing, each and every one of them determined to ask the Sun family to lose money.

  Sun Laifu came back and saw such a terrible scene. Seeing his own man, Mr. Ye was relieved, and his body softened in vain. Before he fell unconscious, Sun Laifu's shrill voice echoed in his ears.

  Chen Ningya was weaving in the backyard when Madam Ding hurried over and reported through the door: "Madam, it's not good, I heard that Madam Ye fought with a village woman in front of her house and fainted. Now the Sun family is in a mess."

  The sound of the machine in the room stopped abruptly, Chen Ningya hurriedly opened the door, and hurriedly asked: "I'll take a look, you can prepare some supplements to keep up."

   "Yes!" Madam Ding agreed, and quickly chased away Chen Ningya with a basket.

   When Chen Ningya arrived at the Sun's house, she understood the whole story, and apologized apologetically to Mrs. Li, "Auntie, it's because of me that Ahong fainted because of me. I'll give you an explanation on this matter."

   Chen Ningya was already thinking about how to clean up those women with broken mouths.

Li Shi waved her hand and sighed: "It's not a big deal, but I didn't expect her to be so temperamental recently, and she would start a fight if she disagreed. The child is too violent to faint, don't take it to heart."

   said so, but Chen Ningya couldn't answer.

Soon Sun Laifu invited Lang Zhong over, and Chen Ningya waited silently in the yard. After a while, Sun Laifu's surprised voice came from the room. Chen Ningya and Li looked at each other, thinking of the possibility, and hurried He entered the room and asked, "Doctor, what's the condition of the patient?"

"It's all right, but the month is still shallow, and the pulse is a little unstable. Take good care of it. You can't be so impulsive in the future. I don't have any good medicine here. You'd better go to the town and see the doctor. Get some contraceptives." The barefoot man was still quite cautious.

  Although no medicine was prescribed, because of the diagnosis of the hi pulse, Li Shi waved his hand and gave Barefoot Langzhong 20 pennies.

  Chen Ningya was also happy. Seeing that Mrs Ye was awake, she said angrily, "You scared me, but fortunately there is no problem."

Ye Shi had calmed down slowly, pulled Chen Ningya and pouted, indignant, "A Ning, you don't know how stinky those people's mouths are! Dare to say anything without looking at how many people in your family are. , Mrs. Ding, Hongsha, Hongling, and girl Zhenjing, besides, I'm also here, they dare to come here, let me tell you, it can't be left like this, you have to take care of them Let's settle the account, those long-tongued women are. I remember them all!"

  Chen Ningya was moved, and quickly said with relief: "Okay! I will remember everything you said, and I will definitely not look for them if there is any good thing in the future. Are you satisfied with this?"

   Mr. Ye frowned, thinking that this was nothing, but now that she was pregnant, she couldn't take care of that much anymore. Thinking of the errand that might be lost, Mrs. Ye felt down again.

   "What are you thinking?" Chen Ningya asked suspiciously.

"I'm wondering if I won't be able to go to your house to work in the future." Mrs Ye looked at Chen Ningya pitifully. Now her wages have risen, she can earn more than ten letters a day, and hundreds of dollars a month. Wen, she will die of distress if she loses her life.

Chen Ningya was really shocked by her, "I said you take it easy, go to the town to see the doctor first, if the doctor says I can be you, then come over, if the doctor asks you to rest, don't be too arrogant, anyway, there must be someone who can do it for you. work."

   Seeing that Chen Ningya was so determined, Mrs Ye lay down and cultivated in peace.

After Chen Ningya left, Mrs. Li brought the basket in and said with Mrs. Ye, "A Ning brought a lot of things, including meat, eggs, and fish. It doesn't look cheap, so I'll keep it for you. body."

Sun Laifu also glanced at it, the whole basket was full, enough for Ye Shi to eat for ten days and a half months, "Sister-in-law is also interested, but now the most important thing is to take you to the town to find a doctor, I'll go to Wenzhou later Borrow a donkey cart."

  Wen Youshan drives a horse-drawn cart to go out. The donkey cart at home is only useful for delivery, so he should borrow it now.

   Mr. Ye nodded slightly, turned his eyes to Mrs. Li, and pursed his lips in embarrassment: "Mother, what about those stinky women I beat?"

   Mr. Li was stunned and turned helplessly, "You said that! If you hadn't fainted, those people would have been lying in our yard shouting!"

Those few people originally made up their minds to make the Sun family lose money, and were wailing that Ye Shi had fainted. At first, they thought that Ye was pretending, but they didn't realize until Sun Laifu screamed that Ye Shi did not respond. The seriousness of the matter, I was deeply afraid that Ye Shi would pull them on them somehow, and they would not have to run away, and no one has come forward so far, so it can be seen that they are all shrinking.

   Ye Shi pursed his lips, feeling gloomy in his heart, and muttered, "I still don't fight hard enough!"

   Li shivered with a headache and persuaded: "Let's stop in moderation, aren't all women in the village like this? They won't dare to provoke you in the future, so don't worry about it. It is estimated that you will be even more afraid to find fault when you find out that you are pregnant."

   After taking the medicine from the town that night, the Sun family was still calm, and the Ye family exposed the matter.

It was not easy for Ye Shi to conceive this child. She raised it at home for the first three months before going to work at Wen's house. It was already summer, and the lotus seeds from Ye's family had already been delivered to Wen's house, and the price was the same as last year. The brother made money, Ye Shi's face was bright, and she was pregnant, she was really refreshed at a happy event, and her complexion looked different.

When    was working, Mrs. Ye found that Wen Youshan still had no figure as before, and asked curiously.

   Chen Ningya sighed: "It's still early, I guess it will take a month or two to get home."

Starting from Qing'an County, they took away a batch of local specialties, most of them for food, and a batch of silk cloths woven by Chen Ningya, all of which were dyed. These things will be sold along the way, and when they reach Wanli County , buy another batch of bird's nest, and ship it along the road. It is impossible to do it again and again in three or four months.

  Although Mr. Ye didn't know what Wen Youshan was doing, he could guess from Chen Ningya's few words that it must have been a big business, and he admired it more and more.

  Chen Ningya was satisfied when she saw that she did not ask any further questions.

Within two days, Changquan delivered the dry goods store's first-quarter profit and account books. Chen Ningya did a careful calculation and found that the store's total profit in spring was about 620 yuan, and the profit in the first two months was only 200 yuan. Two, there were more bird's nests in the next month, and the profit went up all of a sudden, as much as 400 taels.

   (end of this chapter)

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