Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 137: between father and daughter

   Chapter 137 Between Father and Daughter

Wen Youshan said it easily, but Chen Ningya was worried. It must have been extremely dangerous at the time, but she didn't pursue it, but she didn't pursue it. She opened the package and saw that there were many large denominations of silver notes, as well as some silver ingots and pieces of silver. , a string of copper coins, she collected these things.

Wen Youshan brought in a big bag from outside again, "This is the jewelry for you and the two girls, there are gold hairpins, beaded hairpins, gold bracelets, jade bracelets, longevity locks, collars, earrings, beads, flowers, silk flowers, there are quite a lot of things. You look at the arrangement."

  Chen Ningya was really shocked this time, "It seems that you have really made a fortune!"

   This behavior is not a nouveau riche?

Wen Youshan grinned, with a proud face, "Ma'am, speaking of which, your silk cloth is the most profitable. There are twenty-five pieces of silk cloth. In the county seat, we sell one piece of silver for eight taels, and one piece can be sold in Fucheng. For 12 taels of silver, I sold the Fucheng cloth village, and I earned 300 taels, as well as my uncle’s mountain goods, which are quite valuable in Fucheng, and sold for 200 taels for a carload of goods.”

   Of course, there are also seafood bacon sausages and uncommon game, but it does make a lot of money.

Chen Ningya thought about Wen Youshan's words over and over again, but before she said a word, Wen Youshan said again: "I've thought about it, in the future, the lady won't have to work so hard to weave cloth, we can organize the people in the village to work and collect their cloth and sell it. , this is called making money.”

  Chen Ningya sighed when she heard the words, "Do you think I haven't thought about this? It's not that I don't want to, but their hands have been doing rough work for a long time. They are so calloused that they can't even touch the silk. How to weave silk?"

   "What should we do then?" Wen Youshan frowned.

Chen Ningya pondered for a while, then pondered: "Buy land in the village to build a workshop, let's buy some girls with slender and flexible fingers, mainly weaving cloth, and assign the work of raising silkworms to the people in the village, and we will collect silkworm cocoons with them. ,how?"

  Sericulture needs to plant mulberry trees, which can be planted on the mountain, without occupying the land, and the village chief will not have any objections.

   "This is a way." Wen Youshan frowned and began to think about the feasibility of this way.

"Okay, no matter what you have in mind, go take a bath first, I'll cook for you, order whatever you want, eat well and rest for a while, and then think about it later." He took out his clothes, frowning slightly.

  Wen Youshan's eyes lit up, "The new clothes the lady made for me?"

   Chen Ningya nodded and smiled bitterly: "The cloth woven with silk and fine linen is made according to your figure before you went out. I'm afraid it's a little bigger now."

  Wen Youshan lost a lot of weight on this trip, but he became thinner, but his body became much stronger. It looked like he had practiced.

  Wen Youshan didn't care much, grabbed the clothes and ran away, and when he came out of the bathroom comfortably, he only felt comfortable all over, especially the inner clothes were made of silk, which was silky and soft against the skin, not to mention how comfortable.

Before he could sit in the yard for long, Chen Ningya had already prepared a bowl of seafood noodles for him, Wen Youshan took a bite, his eyes lit up, "It's the smell, I've been thinking about my family all the way. Seafood, I will also go to the beach in two days."

   Now he can finally understand Jiang Dayi's mood, not to mention, catching the sea is really addicting.

  Chen Ningya said strangely: "If you like it, I will make it for you every day!"

Wen Youshan was full, and the couple chatted for a while. Seeing how sleepy he looked, Chen Ningya asked Mrs. Ding to set up a bamboo mat in the backyard, and then set up the gauze tent and lit a fire next to it. Cao, then explained to Wen Youshan: "The weather is hot now and the house is stuffy. As long as it doesn't rain, I will sleep with the two girls in the courtyard. If you are not at home, Mrs. Ding will accompany us. When you come back, I will accompany us. Let Mrs. Ding go back to the front yard to rest, and the door lock will be fastened in a while, so you don't have to worry about other people coming in."

   Waiting for the gauze to be set up, Wen Youshan went in and tried it with great interest, and exclaimed, "My lady, He Fazi is really good, not to mention the coolness, and you don't have to worry about mosquitoes, it's really enjoyable."

While talking about enjoyment, Wen Youshan really enjoyed it and fell asleep. In less than a quarter of an hour, Mrs. Ding shook her head at that speed, "Madam, Master looks really tired, you should rest early too. "

   "Yes." Chen Ningya replied softly.

   Mrs. Ding left the backyard with a lantern.

   Wen Yuanzhen's little clever ghost ran to the door lock consciously, and then trotted over, "Mother, everyone is gone, we can rest."

   With Chen Ningya's tacit approval, the two girls got into another gauze tent.

After a good night's sleep, Wen Youshan slept directly until the sun came over before he woke up, stretched in a daze, sat for a while before he woke up, put on the new clothes Chen Ningya made for him, washed briefly, and went to the front. hospital.

Chen Ningya and Mrs. Ding were returning the things that Wen Youshan brought back. Mrs. Ye was working in the drying room. The two little girls cleaned the house. The sisters Wen Yuanzhen were chatting excitedly around Chen Ningya. Wearing a new beaded flower on the head.

  The two of them saw Wen Youshan and ran over immediately, each hugging one arm, "Daddy, do you think my pearl flower is beautiful? Mother said that Daddy bought it for us."

  Wen Youshan had a loving look on his face, gently touched the heads of the two girls, hehe smiled and said, "My girls are the best looking."

   After being praised by Wen Youshan, the two little girls became even more excited and went out of the house chasing and fighting.

  Wen Youshan thought about it for a while, but actually chased his two daughters up, "Dad happened to be sitting at your Uncle Sun and Uncle Huang's house, let's go together."

   "Mmmmmm." The two girls hurriedly responded.

   After walking for a while, Wen Youshan found that Wen Yuanjing's short legs couldn't keep up with his speed. He was amused, and he picked up the person and said with a smile, "Dad hug you and go."

  Wen Yuanjing blushed and hugged Wen Youshan's neck with happiness on her face.

  Wen Yuanzhen was envious, but she was ten years old and could no longer be hugged by her father. Seeing her expression, Wen Youshan directly held her hand and said warmly, "Let's go slowly."

   "Okay!" Wen Yuanzhen smiled brightly. Whenever she met someone on the road, she leaned on her father's side, her face proud and showing off.

   Seeing her like this, Wen Youshan asked subconsciously, "Does the big girl know who in the village speaks ill of your mother?"

Wen Yuanzhen nodded without thinking, and pouted angrily, "Those are not good people, Aunt Sun said that they were jealous of our family's good life, so they came here with empty words and told me to ignore them, but I was careful. , I remember you all, Dad, let me tell you, you have to speak ill for your mother, they are."

   So, when Wen Youshan arrived at Sun's house, he had already grasped the situation of those people.

   When Li saw the father and daughter, he was very pleasantly surprised. He hurriedly invited people into the house and asked Sun He to call Sun Laifu back.

   (end of this chapter)

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