Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 139: Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles

   Chapter 139 Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles

  Chen Ningya did not avoid the villagers when she went out this time. She was generous and generous. Except for the driver of the donkey cart, there was a man, and the others were all women.

   I don't know what those people who are whispering about the Wen family will say this time.

The donkey cart arrived at the county town without hindrance. It was already dark at this time. There were two red lanterns hanging outside the door of Wen Shi Chu Yuan. Shu Yan's expression froze, he hurriedly opened the courtyard door, and quickly ran into the courtyard.

   When Chen Ningya walked to the second yard, Wen Yuanliang and the others heard the sound, "Why did you come here so late? Did the road go smoothly?"

  Wen Yuanliang looked at Chen Ningya carefully, seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, but she was a little tired on the way, so she was relieved and hurriedly put Shumo on tea.

  Chen Ningya was surrounded by her three sons and entered the main room. At this time, the candles were all lit, the lights were bright, and she could see her three sons clearly.

Without waiting for her to speak, the younger son Wen Yuanxing came over, and because he was young, he sat on Chen Ningya's lap regardless of his age, and put his arms around her neck, as if he had sworn an oath of sovereignty. Liang and Wen Yuanhong wanted to hit someone.

The appearance of the two sons' eyes almost popping out is really funny, Chen Ningya covered her mouth and chuckled, patted the younger son's back caressingly, and said warmly, "I came here on a temporary basis, your father wants to buy another one. Shop, there is a workshop in the village, and some people need to be sold, I will do it together this time, and by the way, I will go to Feng Zhaotou to find Mrs. Feng and sit down."

   Their family is now standing in the county seat. Feng Zhaotou still has to move around. Women are always more delicate than men, and the relationship can be closer in the future.

When it comes to business, the brothers Wen Yuanliang quickly put away their childish dispositions and nodded calmly, Wen Yuanliang said in deep thought, "Mother, the Feng family's eldest brother Hongyu is really powerful, the master said that in two years, he will be able to end the game and try. , he's only a few months older than me."

   "What about you?" Chen Ningya looked at her eldest son with a smile.

  Wen Yuanliang lowered his head in shame, "Sir said that I'm not hot enough, and I'll have to take a look at it in at least three or four years."

In three or four years, he will be fifteen or sixteen years old, and it is time to start a family. It is precisely because of this that he is so interested in the family business. If the road to the imperial examination is not far behind, he can also turn his head to take care of the family business. , so as not to let the mother and father draw water in the bamboo basket.

Chen Ningya nodded slightly, her smile remained the same, and comforted: "Don't worry, Feng Hongyu was enlightened at the age of five or six, and you didn't enlighten until you were eight or nine years old, which was already three or four years behind him, and the Feng family's conditions were good. , There are many ways to go. If you keep comparing with him, your vision will become narrow. They say that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. When your father comes back, let him take you out to see the world, go out, maybe Your thoughts will be different."

  Wen Yuanliang's eyes lit up and bowed to Chen Ningya, "Thank you, mother!"

   Wen Yuanhong's eyes were red with envy, and he said aggrievedly, "Mother, can I go together?"

"Do you want to go too?" Chen Ningya raised her eyebrows. From her point of view, her second son didn't seem to be interested in doing business. He is currently the best student of the three children. She thought this kid would be bored in the school all the time. .

   "I want to go!" Wen Yuanhong gritted his teeth and nodded firmly, as his mother said, reading ten thousand volumes of books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles.

"Me too." Wen Yuanxing jumped restlessly in Chen Ningya's arms, and was pressed down by Chen Ningya's slap, "Be honest! You are so young, why are you joining in the fun! Just stay and study in the school for me, Also, I have to go to the shop every day to let Chang Xin watch you for exercise, and dare to be lazy for a day to see how I punish you!"

   In Chen Ningya's opinion, the younger son is smart, but he is too detached and energetic, and it is too wasteful to not make good use of it.

  Wen Yuanxing froze suddenly, drooping his head and burying his head in Chen Ningya's arms.

   Seeing him like this, Wen Yuanliang and Wen Yuanhong looked at each other, tacitly ignoring them, the younger brother should really press down, otherwise he will become more and more lawless.

   During the conversation, the long-term family served the food, all according to Chen Ningya's taste, it was obvious that he was attentive.

  Chen Ningya took two bites and nodded with satisfaction: "You have worked hard too, take Hong Sha to go back and have a good talk. Hong Sha doesn't have to come to serve these days. When you go back, go with Mrs. Ben."

  The great joy of the long-term family, I hurriedly kowtowed to Chen Ningya to thank her.

Chen Ningya ate and took a bath, and then she lay down comfortably. I have to say that the environment in the county town is better than that in the village. There are few mosquitoes, and the surrounding area is still clean. It's called disturbing dreams. Chen Ningya slept very well this night. When she woke up, she took Mrs. Ding to the dry goods store.

   When she came over, Chang Xin and Shu Yan were already busy with their work. Seeing her coming, Chang Xin handed over the work to Shu Yan and hurriedly led Chen Ningya to the shop.

This shop is only a few steps away from their dry goods shop, but the area is much larger, and even the backyard is very spacious. Seriously, this kind of shop is really not expensive for three hundred and fifty taels, Chen Ningya After turning around, after reading it carefully, I made an immediate decision. After handing over the money to Chang Xin, I asked him to pass the deed.

   There was Feng Zhaotou at the yamen, and the process went very smoothly, and it was finished on the same day.

   Feng Xinghai returned home in the evening, took a few breaths and sighed with his wife Huang: "The Wen family is really getting up. It's only been a year, and they bought another shop. These days are so prosperous that even I envy!"

Mrs Huang paused and looked slightly surprised, "Have you bought another shop? I remember that Wen's dry goods shop belonged to them, and they still sell bird's nest, wolfberry, scallops, etc. There are a lot of expensive things, this shop I've already made enough money, what business are you going to do this time?"

  Feng Xinghai shook his head, "I don't know, but the steward of the Wen family came to do it today. He only said that Brother Wen wants to buy it. I don't know anything else. I think that Brother Wen is getting more and more amazing now. As expected, he has to go out!"

   Mrs Huang sat down beside him, was silent for a moment, and said, "Could it be that you have also moved your mind?"

Feng Xinghai glanced at him, and his voice became longer, "It's a lie to say that I'm not interested, but I also know what I am! Besides, our county magistrate can't tolerate sand. , Now I’m doing the same business, what will happen to the county magistrate? Maybe I think I’m using my power to bully people and compete for profits with the people, and then the gains will outweigh the losses!”

  Huang Shi smiled, "You're still awake, you're not dazed! Just to remind you, Yu'er is now at a critical time, and it's fine for us to maintain the status quo."

   (end of this chapter)

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