Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 143: Everyone's plan

  Chapter 143 Everyone's Plan

Sun Qing shook his head, "I don't know about this. Back then, Uncle Wen asked his father and several uncles in the village to raise silkworms together. He said that he was not sure about the market conditions, so he asked everyone to plant only one acre of mulberry trees, and it took only one season. I didn't ask how."

   Mr. Bai leaned over to Sun Qing and whispered, "Head of the family, why don't we also raise silkworms?"

   "We?" Sun Qing pointed to himself and the Bai family.

   Mr. Bai nodded desperately.

However, Sun Qing refused without thinking, "If you can't raise it, who will you sell it to? Even in our eight townships, Uncle Wen's family has a textile workshop, and they are the only ones who collect silkworm cocoons. Now there are still many people in the village who are friends with Uncle Wen. The good people didn’t raise silkworms, so let’s take the risk of raising them. If they say enough is enough, they don’t need so much, don’t you lose all of them?

  If there is still a need, Uncle Wen will not forget me. Even if Uncle Wen forgets my father, he will remember it, and it will never leave us. Don't worry about it. "

   Bai Shi was speechless by Sun Qing's words, but he really rested his mind.

Most of the other households who made money wanted to buy land or renovate their houses. Tao Deren and Zheng Cui did just that. They were famous poor households in the village before. There were only a few houses, and the three girls could squeeze together quickly. I couldn't live in it. This time, with the money, Tao Deren's first thought was to renovate the house. All the old houses were turned into stone houses. The backyard was large, and it was no problem to build four connected stone houses.

Zheng Cui's mother-in-law, Mrs. Ye, knew that although she was lingering on the bed, she did not hide anything at home from her husband and wife. When the old man heard that he was going to renovate the house, he was so excited that his eyes filled with tears. Naturally, he knew how the money was earned, but She won't think about the Wen family girl anymore.

Because over the past few years, she has also listened to the affairs of the Wen family one after another. Now the Wen family is a golden phoenix flying out of the mountain nest. They are rich and rich, so naturally they will not marry their daughter to a farm family like them to endure hardship, according to Ye's words. It has changed. Every time the Wen family is mentioned, Zheng Cui asks Zheng Cui to make good friends with Chen Ningya, but the others don't mention it.

Zheng Cui didn't have that much pressure in the face of Ye's family, she fed the medicine into her mother-in-law's mouth, and then rambled: "Being at home means to build the four rooms in the backyard first, and then put the front yard in the front yard after the second season of silkworm cocoons are collected. If it is knocked down and rebuilt, it will be four connected stone houses, and two more will be built next to it, one for the stove, and the other for the firewood and utility room.”

  Because Huang Meng set the fire before, now the family can't build the stove together with other houses, because he is afraid that it will accidentally catch fire and nothing will be lost.

When Mr. Ye heard this, his wrinkled face was full of smiles, and panting said, "You can settle this matter, wait for the house to be built, and then buy more land, our family is also up, no matter how hard you work. In a few years, when Lin Zi gets married, I will be happy, and even if I die, I will close my eyes!"

   "Mother, don't say those unlucky words, your good days are still to come!"

   Speaking of the future, Zheng Cui's eyes seemed to light up, and her numb face became a little more smiling. With hope in the future, people's spirits and spirits will naturally be different.

Unlike most people, Huang Ergou and Zhao's family, Huang Ergou has a lot of fields in addition to his work as a mason, and now Zhao's family has made a lot of money from silkworm raising. The family is rich in money and has only one daughter and two sons. , Huang Ergou moved his mind to cultivate his son.

   "Miss, how about we send Zhijie and Zhigang to study?" Huang Ergou touched his chin, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible.

   When Mr. Zhao heard this, his heart was fiery, "Head of the family, what do you think?"

Huang Ergou immediately took out his deposit and whispered with Zhao: "I have saved two hundred and twenty-five taels over the past few years, and our house is newly built, and there are a lot of fields. Sericulture twice a year, at least 20 taels of income, enough for two children to study for a few years. If the children have good fortune, our family can also replace the lintel. If the children are not that kind of future You can also go to the town and county to find a literati job, and no matter how bad it is, you can come back and be a mason with me, which is better than nothing."

The Huang family rebuilt the house in the second year of Wen's backyard. Now Huang Ergou and his eldest brother each have a yard, each with a dozen rooms, and a small door opened in the middle of the yard. Still, although they are separated, they move around frequently, but the two families have been separated, and there is no contradiction.

   Huang Ergou has two sons, one is nine years old and the other is seven years old. It will take several years for them to get married. If the house is too small, it will not be too late to build it.

   Zhao's heart was full of fire, as if seeing her son's success and earning her life, she laughed stupidly.

   The couple slowly calmed down after their longing.

   Zhao asked, "Where can I find this gentleman?"

Huang Ergou was stunned for a moment, then frowned: "I heard that there is a scholar twenty miles away from our village, I'll go there in a while to inquire about the situation, and if possible, send the child over there, the two boys together. Go and have a company."

"Twenty miles! It takes two hours to walk back and forth. We are all mountain roads. It's not easy to walk, and it's not safe." , hesitated for a long time before he said: "Master, if you want to ask the Wen family, everyone said that Yuanliang and his brothers are going to study, even girl Zhen and girl Jing can write and draw, it can be seen that this It's not groundless, if we follow Yuan Liang and the others, we can rest assured, right?"

Huang Ergou shook his head hesitantly, "Brother Shan and sister-in-law haven't revealed the slightest bit of rumors so far, if we ask rashly, I'm afraid they will think too much, hey! Forget it, I'll run it myself. Come on, if Yuanliang and the others really went to study, they would be there, and we don't have half a talented person here!"

   When Mr. Zhao heard this, it was indeed the case, so he stopped talking.

Because the Wen family kept a low profile and kept quiet, Huang Ergou didn't want to make a fuss, so he found a reason to leave the village when he was free. It is really far, especially since there are many forks on the road, and it is not a frequent place. During the period, he also passed through some wild mountains and ridges. Even he himself felt panicked. If he really sent his children to study, he would have to prepare a donkey at home. vehicle.

After thinking about it all the way, and asking while walking, Huang Ergou did not find the Taohua Village where Xiucai was located until noon. Taohua Village, as the name suggests, is a village where many peach trees are planted. This village looks much richer than their Fushan Village. Peach trees were planted in front of and behind every house, and he met a man before he arrived at the entrance of the village. After saying his intentions, the man enthusiastically led him to the scholar's house.

   (end of this chapter)

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