Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 152: Not a friendly meeting

   Chapter 152 Not a friendly meeting

Li Shi was stunned by his attitude. She didn't know how to preach. She sighed and persuaded: "Grandma knows your thoughts, but our family is not so capable! I know you are not angry, are you thinking about Momo? Bullying the poor?"

Judging from Sun He's expression, he really thought so, Li Shi sneered, "How long do you think you will be able to develop? When will you be able to live the life of a maid? You don't know yourself, right? In this case, you've been working hard for more than ten years and that's all.

  Let's not talk about what happened more than ten years later. If you marry a girl from the Wen family, do you want her to endure hardship with you for several years? You are willing, but have you asked girl Zhen if she is willing? Are you, Uncle Wen, Aunt Wen willing? How many of Yuanliang and his brothers will answer?

   Now Yuanliang and his three brothers are studying in the county town. They have a promising future and the Wen family is rich. What are they doing to marry your daughter and endure hardship with you? Don't say anything about your wholeheartedness towards Zhenyatou. With the girl's appearance and ability, some men with good conditions are wholehearted towards her. Your words have no effect at all, do you understand? "

  Sun He was said to be pale, but stubbornly unwilling to give in.

Li Shi sighed again, "I don't want to talk about the big truth, I just want to tell you that our family has a good life now because of the Wen family, don't do something out of proportion and ruin our relationship. At that time, it also affected the reputation of Zhen girl, I'm afraid that our two families are going to have bad relations, I think you don't want to see that kind of thing happen, right?"

Sun He's heart was desolate, and he resisted the tears from falling. After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, grandma, no, I won't mention this again, and I won't let the Wen family know my thoughts. "

   "Then you promise me that this matter has never happened, and will never be mentioned to anyone in the future." Li Shi's expression suddenly became very serious.

  Sun He smiled sadly, closed his eyes and nodded, his voice hoarse, "I promise"

   He didn't know how he got back from Li's side. He only knew that the moment the door was closed, his whole body seemed to lose his strength, and hot tears streamed down his face, and he couldn't wipe them away.

The Wen family was completely unaware of these things. After 30 Chinese machines and other weaving tools were released, Wen Youshan took a group of people on the road again. Wen Yuanliang also took the first step towards the distance with anxiety and longing for the future. step.

The motorcade went out of the county town in a mighty manner. Wen Yuanliang followed Wen Youshan. For the first time, he felt that his father was so tall, especially at the first stop point. Wen Yuanliang followed Wen Youshan directly to talk about business. He looked honest at home. The simple and honest father has transformed into a shrewd and capable businessman, and the gap in his heart is really not that big.

In addition, the biggest feeling is the changeable weather when I go out. Sometimes when I walk, the clear sky suddenly turns into a dark cloud cover. In the wilderness, no one panicked. Slowly, he learned how to survive in the wild, how to calmly face emergencies, and even how to talk to people and talk to ghosts.

   Even before he got to Fucheng, those close to Wen Yuanliang clearly noticed his change.

  Jiang Dayi patted Wen Yuanliang on the chest, and said with a gruff smile: "Little guy, you're doing well! I'll practice kung fu with me in the future, even if you go out alone, your parents don't have to worry about it."

   He is a rude man and can't say beautiful words, but such simple words are the greatest affirmation of Wen Yuanliang.

  Wen Youshan was on the side with Yourongyan, but said humbly, "He's still a long way off!"

  Wen Yuanhao was like being splashed with cold water. He wasn't convinced, but he didn't argue with Wen Youshan. He read and learned more carefully.

After arriving in Fucheng, Wen Youshan led Wen Yuanliang to live in a familiar inn. First, he showed him the prosperity of Fucheng, and then he took him to deliver the goods. After five or six days, the affairs of Fucheng were finished. Only then did he bring Wen Yuanliang to Lao Jitou's house.

Don't look at Lao Jitou's sloppy and sloppy appearance, but his house looks really good. You can feel the tranquility inside from the outside of the yard. The rising bamboo sticks out of the wall, rustling in the wind. The restlessness in my heart has gone a bit.

The father and son looked at each other, Wen Youshan knocked on the door with something in his hand, knocked a few times, but no one answered, and knocked a few more times, but the courtyard door next door creaked open, "Don't knock, no one is here. of."

I didn't see him, I heard his voice first, and the two of them looked over at the same time, only to see a man in a white robe, with messy clothes and loose hair walking out next to the door frame, holding a wine jar in his hand. , when he went out, he almost tripped over the threshold, so frightened that Wen Yuanliang and his son raised their hearts.

   After seeing the person coming, Wen Youshan was shocked, "Old Jitou!"

"Old Jitou~ You've lost one of your shoes." A delicate female voice came from the yard, and I saw a woman in a bun with a general appearance, holding a shoe, and saw Wen Wen Youshan's father and son showed a wicked smile, as if they were going to step forward to help Lao Jitou, but Lao Jitou swayed and rushed directly to Wen Youshan.

   The scene was so embarrassing that it was suffocating for a time. Wen Yuanliang was stunned, but Wen Youshan grinned and shouted, "Get him up quickly!"

  Wen Yuanliang came back to his senses and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

  The woman pursed her lips when she saw this, and went back to the yard in despair, closing the yard door.

Wen Youshan, who was struggling from the ground, glared at the old Jitou angrily and scolded: "You said that you are also a master, how can you do such a thing of wearing broken shoes? This widow has a lot of right and wrong, and you can't even think of a woman. Go and provoke the widow!"

   That woman dared to flirt with Lao Jitou so blatantly, which shows that there is no man in the family.

  Wen Youshan thought that the analysis was very reasonable, but he didn't want to be directly sprayed by Lao Jitou, "Bah! You only want a woman, you wear ragged shoes, and I don't even want that woman to give me away."

  Wen Youshan looks like I understand you, "Don't explain it, I have seen it with my own eyes."

   "What did I explain? You saw it with your own eyes? Don't sully my reputation!" Lao Ji was so angry that he almost didn't reason with Wen Youshan on the spot.

  Wen Youshan didn't listen and coaxed: "You open the door first and let us go in and have a rest. I don't know if my waist was crushed by you."

  Old Jitou immediately took two steps back vigilantly, "I tell you, don't lie to me! My old Jitou is not scared! Besides, it's useless for you to lie to me, I have no money, hehe"

   (end of this chapter)

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