Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 154: Back to Fucheng

   Chapter 154

  Wen Youshan shook his head, "You really are an alcoholic! Don't ruin my son!"

  Old Jitou ignored him and drank to himself.

  Wen Youshan was helpless, glanced at his son, and asked, "Is this going to stay?"

   Wen Yuanliang didn't answer, but looked at Lao Jitou, "Sir? When will the students come?"

   "You're more polite than your father! Come here whenever you want! Bedding and everything are ready-made." Old Jitou said casually.

Wen Youshan took a look and nodded with Wen Yuanliang when he came back, "Everything is complete, nothing is missing, I'll leave you some money, you can look after it yourself, the city is mixed with dragons and snakes, try not to run around, just stay home if you have nothing to do. Zi Li will stay and read a book and practice calligraphy."

  Wen Yuanliang complied.

   In the end, Wen Youshan muttered, "Should I buy a house in Fucheng? It's not a problem to always live in someone else's house."

   These words happened to be heard by the ear-tip old Jitou. He put down the jug and looked at Wen Youshan, "Want to buy a house?"

  Wen Youshan nodded hesitantly, "It's more convenient to have a house. Anyway, I have to stay in Fucheng for a long time every time I go out, and since the children are here, it is necessary to have a house."

   The more I think about Wen Youshan, the more I think this house has to be bought.

"That's not easy! You still have to come to Fucheng in a month or two, don't you? Get the money ready at that time, and the yard next door will be yours. Remember, that yard is eight hundred taels, and it won't be worth a penny! " Old Jitou said casually.

  Wen Yuanliang was stunned, he knew that what happened just now was not what he saw on the surface, and now it seems that he really guessed it right.

   On the contrary, Wen Youshan didn't think about it so much. He thought that Lao Jitou had a very good relationship with the next door. He knew that they were going to move, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but he had no position to talk about them.

"Eight hundred taels is eight hundred taels, but I need the capital now. I'll talk about it when I come back next time." Wen Youshan looked at Wen Yuanliang and said, and explained to him two more words, leaving fifty taels for Lao Jitou before leaving. , said: "This is my son's repair and room and board, I will make it up for you later."

  Old Jitou didn't even look at the silver, and waved his hand impatiently, "Hurry up and get out of here! Grinding, like a bitch."

  Wen Youshan felt a stumbling block in his heart, paused, turned his head and walked away without a word, he was afraid that he would be really **** off if he stayed any longer.

Since then, Wen Yuanliang has stabilized in Fucheng. Wen Youshan continued on the road with a group of people and several trucks. When he returned to Fucheng with some bird's nest supplements, it was already late spring and early summer. Everyone was still wearing when he came. The thick spring shirts are now all replaced by thin summer long shirts. Because of his own workshop, Wen Youshan will always pay attention to the clothes of the crowd subconsciously.

   Jiang Dayi looked at him in a daze and asked, "Go to the delivery first? Or go to see the eldest young master first?"

  Wen Youshan didn't even want to think about it and said directly: "Let's deal with the goods first. I still have something to do later. I may have to stay in the county for two more days. Then you can take turns to see the goods, and others can go out for a walk."

   Everyone listened and swept away the tiredness.

Wen Youshan sold more than half of the goods, and then went to Ji's house with a gift. It was Wen Yuanliang who opened the door. He had not seen it for dozens of days. The little boy seemed to have grown a little taller. "Dad, you're back!"

  Wen Youshan's cold and hard face softened a lot, showing a gratifying smile, "Well! After a few days, are you still used to living here?"

"Get used to it!" Wen Yuanliang replied without hesitation, "Sir, every day when I get up, he will give me homework for the school exam, and then teach me new things. The rest of the time is all arranged by me, free and uncontrolled, which is very good. of."

   After saying that, the father and son entered the main room, Wen Youshan looked around and asked, "Where's Lao Jitou?"

  Wen Yuanliang replied as he poured water: "Sir went out. It is estimated that he will not be back for dinner until noon. Dad will sit for a while, or go to my room to rest, and I will cook."

  Wen Youshan stopped Wen Yuanliang, "Don't be busy, I'll just go, just brought some food."

With the lessons learned, he prepared very well this time, so when Lao Jitou came back, he found that five dishes and one soup had been placed on the table, including dried roast goose, steamed fish, braised pork, steamed eggs, Stir-fried vegetables, a pot of chicken soup.

  Old Jitou laughed immediately, "Yo! Is this the Chinese New Year? This table has been fixed!"

   said, the old Jitou sat down unceremoniously.

  Wen Youshan just came over with rice, followed by Wen Yuanliang, who was holding bowls and chopsticks.

   "Oh! It's really time for you to come back! I'll leave you with leftovers later!" Wen Youshan teased.

  Old Jitou pouted, "I knew that your son would not be so kind to make such a table for me! The feeling is that you are back!"

  Wen Yuanliang looked wronged, "Sir, I want to do it for you too, but I am powerless!"

   He would simply stir-fry a dish, stew a soup, etc. Too many complicated things really can’t be done, and even if they are done, they won’t taste good. Goodbye, good things are wasted.

  Old Jitou didn't say anything to eat, and he felt comfortable, so he said to Wen Youshan, "Is the silver ready?"

  Wen Youshan was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Eight hundred and two cents is not bad, but did they really move?"

The old Jitou smiled at Wen Youshan inexplicably, and Wen Yuanliang explained weakly on the side: "Father, the family next door went to prison not long after you left the city, and even the servants were not spared. The house was confiscated, and the house was taken over by the yamen, and the husband went to say hello, so the house is still reserved, as long as you pay the money, it will be ours."

Speaking of this, Wen Yuanliang's little heart was still thumping, seeing the situation that day with his own eyes, it was really exciting, and he was almost regarded as an accomplice. He saved it, and now he feels more and more that the old Jitou is not easy, but if the old Jitou doesn't say it, he doesn't know it.

  Wen Youshan widened his eyes in surprise, "What's going on? Who's next door? What happened? Is it okay to buy this house?"

  Wen Youshan frowned, he was used to being cautious, but he didn't dare to respond directly at this moment.

The old Jitou sneered, "Look at your success! It's just a house that was taken over by the yamen, you don't care what happened to the people you lived in before, you bought it from the yamen anyway, and the accident is also the yamen's business. , what does it have to do with you?"

  Wen Youshan thought about it, nodded slowly, and gritted his teeth: "That makes sense, it's done! I'll go to the yamen to pay the money in a while, and the house will be named Wen from tomorrow."

   "That's right!" Old Jitou grinned with satisfaction, his eyes fell on Wen Yuanliang, and threatened, "Even if the next door is yours, you have to come and cook for me every day, you know?"

   (end of this chapter)

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