Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 156: Sun's new residence

   Chapter 156 Sun's New Residence

Wen Youshan smiled and played a riddle, "Yes or no, the main house is next to Lao Jitou, it seems that the house was trapped in the prison by Lao Jitou, the house was empty, Lao Jitou Just let me buy it. I wondered if Yuanliang had to live in Fucheng for so long, or it would be more convenient to have his own house. In addition, I took Fucheng as a middle point. Whether I went or came back, I had to stay in Fucheng for a long time. day.

Every time I used to stay in an inn, I had to keep some people to look at the goods. Everyone was too tired and panicked. It is better to buy a house, and then go directly to the house and leave two or three people guarding the door. . "

"What you said makes sense." Chen Ningya put away the house deed with a smile, counted it carefully, and suddenly laughed, "There are mountains, and now our family has more than 100,000 taels, and the old house and the fields in the village are for the time being. Not to mention, there are ten acres of sloping land nearby, and the workshop covers an area of ​​five acres. There is a house and two shops in the county seat, and there is another house in the city. Do you think we should buy a village?"

   "Pfft!" Wen Youshan sprayed all the tea in his mouth, and muttered in astonishment, "Zhuangzi?"

Chen Ningya nodded affirmatively, "It's Zhuangzi! There are also a few big family Zhuangzi in the outskirts of Qing'an County, but there shouldn't be many. You can take a look and buy one if you have a suitable one. In addition, there are more choices in Fucheng. Buy one over there as well, two Zhuangzi will be worth no more than 30,000 taels, and you can still make money from the output you receive every year.

They have all the properties that their family should have now, but there are not enough fields, but Fushan Village is so big, and there are not many fields that can be bought. Not to mention that no one knows, it is also convenient to manage.

  Wen Youshan began to think about the feasibility of buying Zhuangzi, but Chen Ningya was not in a hurry, he let himself think.

   With his thoughts in his arms, Wen Youshan was a little absent-minded when he went out. He saw the new yard at the foot of the mountain and walked there subconsciously. When he saw that only Sun He was busy, he immediately understood that this was Sun He's new house.

  Sun He naturally also saw Wen Youshan standing outside the yard. He quickly put down the rag in his hand, wiped his hands, and ran out quickly, "Uncle Wen, did you just come back? Come in and sit."

Wen Youshan entered in a gracious manner, looked around, and nodded with satisfaction, "The house looks good, there is one more row of houses than your eldest brother's side, and there are even courtyard walls, but it's not high enough, I'm outside. You can see inside."

Sun He's new house consists of two rows of houses, each row has four connected stone houses, and there are two connected houses on the left side of the yard. It is estimated that it is a stove house and a utility room, and a grass shed was built on the right side. Whether it’s putting firewood or raising livestock, it’s an excellent arrangement. There’s a plot in the backyard, presumably a vegetable plot, and a fence around it. I think it’s used for raising chickens and ducks. The whole new house is good everywhere. It is this courtyard wall that is as high as the adult's chest, so it can't prevent the night.

Sun He scratched his head embarrassedly, and replied naively, "I bought another piece of land with the first money I earned from raising silkworms, and the rest will be used on it. When I collect the second season of cocoons this year, there will be After paying the money, build the courtyard higher and try to make it look like Uncle Wen's house."

  Sun He was a little impulsive and wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words forcibly, glanced bitterly at the high wall halfway up the mountain, and quickly lowered his head.

Wen Youshan didn't realize it at all, and nodded his head in relief, "Yes, you kid has a good idea, the land allocated to you by your parents plus two more acres, and the income from sericulture, you don't have to worry about it in the future. Now, after marrying a wife, you can live a good life, save more money, and maybe you will be able to train a scholar in the future."

   In the past, Wen Youshan would not say such words, but now in the village he can earn more than 20 taels a year as long as he raises silkworms. With the benefits of the fields, it is not difficult to raise a child.

Sun He thought that Wen Youshan knew what he was thinking and came to beat him, his face turned pale, and he nodded in response. After Wen Youshan left, he sat down weakly on the ground, and laughed at himself: "Delusions are delusions after all, that's all. I will never miss you again!"

   Wen Youshan, who left Sun He's side, went to the old house of the Sun family again. Seeing the renovated yard, he was very happy, and hurriedly shouted: "Auntie, I'm here to visit."

   After a while, Mrs. Li trotted over to open the door, and saw Wen Youshan's face wrinkled with laughter, "When did you come back? It's hot today, so hurry in and drink a bowl of sugar water."

  Wen Youshan shook his head while looking at it, "No, no, I just went to Ahe's place for a walk, I don't want to drink water anymore, I'll just sit for a while, Auntie, your yard looks like my house!"

"That's right! I think so too!" Li said with a comfortable smile: "I told you when Laifu said that the house was going to be renovated. According to the construction of your house, maybe we can still get lucky. No, it's all the same as your home, even the courtyard walls are the same."

   "Aga's side is different." Wen Youshan said casually.

Li's smile froze for a moment, and then said as if nothing happened: "There are quite a few people in the village that look like that. It's not that Ah Qing didn't do this kind of repairs at that time, and Ah He is not too good. The second row of houses is still the same. He paid for it himself, and his sister-in-law has nothing to say."

  Wen Youshan nodded slightly and asked, "Where's Laifu?"

   "Go to the river to catch fish, no, my daughter-in-law has another, he is happy!"

Speaking of this unborn grandson, Mrs. Li also burst into laughter. Now the family conditions are good, and the two grandsons have grown up and have their own families. , When people are old, don't they just look forward to the prosperity of the people.

   "This is a big happy event!" Wen Youshan followed with a smile and got up and said, "Okay, I'm going to find Laifu, I haven't been up the mountain and down the river with him for a long time!"

   "Go, go, worry a little bit." Mrs. Li smiled and sent Wen Youshan away, closed the courtyard door and walked to Sun He's house.

  Sun He had already packed up his mood and continued to work, when he saw Mrs. Li shouting in a low voice.

   Mrs. Li sighed in her heart and went over to help, "Uncle Wen went to sit at home for a while and said he just came to your side, didn't you say anything?"

  Sun He shook his head, and Mrs. Li sighed again, "It's fine if you don't say anything, everyone is kind, and your Uncle Wen also said that your yard is well repaired, and you will live a good life in the future."

   "Milk! Did Uncle Wen know what I'm thinking?" Sun He asked, drooping his head sullenly.

   Mr. Li was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, he shook his head firmly and said, "He definitely doesn't know. He was in a good mood when he came here, and he didn't mention it. Don't think about it."

  Sun He heaved a sigh of relief and responded obediently.

   (end of this chapter)

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