Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 162: Xiao Guang leaves

   Chapter 162 Xiao Guang leaves

   Also, what the **** is this engraving on? Don't make the Xiao character too obvious. How can this thing be owned by ordinary people like them? It's just that Chen Ningya left before she could open her mouth, leaving behind a group of people who were messy in the wind.

  Wen Yuanzhen asked blankly, "Mother, what should I do with this thing?"

   Wen Yuanzhen's eyes suddenly met Xiaoer's, and with a plop, Xiaoer immediately knelt down.

  Chen Ningya was taken aback, "What's going on?"

   "Legs and legs are weak!" Xiao Er cried.

  Chen Ningya: "."

"It looks like a good thing, don't do it for nothing." Wen Yuanjing took the jade pendant and played with it for a while, so frightened Chen Ningya's eyelids jumped, "Little ancestor, take it easy, this thing If you break our house, you will lose your head!"

  Wen Yuanjing: "?????"

Chen Ningya's kung fu jade pendant was already hanging on Wen Yuanjing's wrist, she rubbed her brows with a headache, "Forget it, you have put it away, in case that young master comes to ask for it, you have to return it intact. ."

   "Oh!" Wen Yuanjing responded obediently, feeling the warm, cool and smooth touch in the sleeves, his eyes narrowed into a line.

   Xiao Guang started recruiting troops as soon as he returned to Shen's house, calling his confidant and asking, "How many people do we have?"

"Master, this time we have suffered heavy losses, and only four of the twenty people we brought out were left, one of them was seriously injured, two were slightly injured, and there was a small one. There is no news from Mobei, so we are afraid we can't act rashly, lest we Beat the grass and startle the snake."

"Bah! I've been reduced to such a situation, what should I be afraid of? It's said that Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and now even a woman can look at me! If I don't think of a way, I can't even stay in Qing'an County! "Xiao Guang cursed angrily.

   The confidant looked bewildered, "Master, this is the Shen family, no matter what, you won't be able to stay here!"

   "Bang!" Xiao Guang slapped the table again, gritted his teeth, "Shen Bian bears the brunt! That bastard! If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have to be so embarrassing! Ahhhh. I'm really **** off!"

   After venting a bit, Xiao Guangcai slowly regained his senses, looked at his confidant and asked, "It's okay if no one is there, how much money do we have in our hands?"

   The confidant was stunned for a second, then replied weakly: "Everything has been robbed, and the little one still has five hundred taels of silver, and the other brothers have only two hundred taels in total."

   "If you have money, just give me one hundred taels." Xiao Guang frowned and stretched out his hand to ask for money, but his confidant did not move.

   "What? This prince can't use you anymore?" Xiao Guang narrowed his eyes angrily.

The confidant shook his head hurriedly, "Master, I can listen to you on small things, but this is not the case, we have nothing now, and this money has to be kept for entanglement and consultation, as well as buying horses, I guess it is not enough. , Xiao now even has a headache how to get back to Mobei, if we give you another hundred taels, we really can't go! Unless"

   "Unless what?"

   The confidant glanced at Xiao Guang, lowered his eyes and said, "Unless you ask Lord Shen to borrow money."

   "Crack!" The teacup on the table fell to the ground.

   "To ask me to bow my head to him is a fool's dream!" Xiao Guang bared his teeth and grinned as if he wanted to eat people.

   "The little one can't help it." The confidant said regretfully.

  Xiao Guang was really so angry that he almost went wild. He spent three days in the Shen family, but to no avail. Instead, he received a biography from a flying pigeon from afar, and he had to leave immediately.

   Here, Chen Ningya and the three of them got tired of staying in the county town for a few days. Thinking that there was still a lot of things to do in the village, they went back with Changquan.

As for the jade pendant, Wen Yuanjing put it away after returning to the village. Her mother gave the two sisters a big box and asked them to save things for them. When they got married, it was the dowry. She threw it in that big box, dusty!

This matter was thrown to the back of the head by the mother and daughter in less than two months, because the silkworm cocoons in the second season began to be collected, and people in the village came to ask questions from time to time, and the furniture that the Sun family had sent to Sun He was delivered. , Wen Yuanzhen still has to be busy with painting, there are so many things to do, so naturally she has no time to think about it.

After harvesting the silkworm cocoons, the autumn harvest is here again. The Wen family has no farms, so she pays more attention to the grain. As soon as the autumn harvest arrives, the servants will be asked to collect grain everywhere. That's enough, it's getting cold, and she has to greet her two daughters to make winter clothes for her family.

This year's snow came in a hurry. As the so-called autumn rain and cold, there is no such kind of autumn rain that it snowed before. Many people in the village were caught by surprise, and some elderly people were frozen to death in their sleep. There was sadness inside, and Chen Ningya's mood was also affected. She stood halfway up the mountain and looked into the distance all day long, estimating the time when Wen Youshan came back, and she had to worry about whether the eldest son who was far away in Fucheng could take care of himself. .

   This unease continued until Wen Youshan returned in November.

At this time, it was snowing like goose feathers. The heavy snow blocked the way out of the village, and people from outside the village could not get there. This is the situation in other villages. Only Chen Ningya in Fushan Village saw Tian'er. Organize people and horses to shovel snow, and then reluctantly make two wheels to walk on the trail.

   When Changquan came back from the county seat, he hurried to the main room to report to Chen Ningya: "Madam, the master and the eldest young master are back!"

   "Huh?" Chen Ningya raised her head in surprise, "You're back? Even the eldest young master?"

  Changquan nodded excitedly, "They're all back! There is also a very refined scholar, the eldest young master called him Mr. Ji, and it seemed that he planned to stay with us for the New Year."

   "Mr. Ji is here too!" Chen Ningya was slowly digesting the news.

  Wen Yuanzhen put down her work and said happily, "Mother, since father and brother are back and brought guests, we can make a table and treat them well."

   "But when did you say to enter the village?" Wen Yuanzhen looked at Changquan.

  Changquan replied: "My lord only arrived at the county town at noon today. Now he is resting at the beginning of Wenshi. He said that he will leave early tomorrow morning, and it is estimated that he should arrive at noon tomorrow."

   "Mother! We still have time to prepare." Wen Yuanzhen was gearing up for a big fight.

  Wen Yuanjing was quiet, but her eyes flashed with excitement. When her father and eldest brother came back, she could also help eldest sister.

Chen Ningya looked at her two daughters with a look of emotion, and smiled: "Okay, let's make something delicious, let the servants slaughter a sheep in a while, and eat the pot tomorrow, and the oven at home can also be used. Let's bake a snack or something, and the deer that your Uncle Zhang Yun sent over a while ago, I still have a deer leg, how about this one?"

   (end of this chapter)

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