Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 184: Liu Zhilan

   Chapter 184 Liu Zhilan

  Wen Yuanzhen saw that Chen Ningya was free, and hurriedly said: "Mother, let's go out for a walk."

   "What's better about this village?"

That being said, Chen Ningya still took her two daughters out, and the elder of your family was there to show them the way. The farmhouse they saw before entering Zhuangzi was a tenant farmer's house, and those tenant farmers were left by the previous owner. Yes, Wen Youshan kept them as they were. These people were grateful to the Wen family, so after knowing that it was Mrs. Wen's lady, their eyes were full of gratitude and respect.

  The two sisters of the Wen family felt the difference in their own family for the first time.

   The group turned Zhuangzi around and set off back.

   It didn’t take long to get from Zhuangzi to the city, but Chen Ningya didn’t expect that she would encounter troubles on the road in such a short time.

  The carriage was forced to stop on the way, Chen Ningya frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

The coachman immediately went over to inquire, and soon came back to report: "Madam, the carriage in front was halfway through, and the bridle suddenly broke after a bump. The broken bridle pierced the horse's buttocks, and the horse was frightened and ran all the way to this point. "

  Chen Ningya's face changed suddenly, she raised the curtain and asked, "This is not a trivial matter? Is anyone injured?"

  The driver's face was a little unsightly, and he replied respectfully: "The driver of the car is dead, and it is said that he was dragged to death when he was holding the Crazy Horse."

  The two sisters Wen Yuanzhen were as silent as cicadas, so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Chen Ningya also had a pale face, but she was much calmer than the two of them. Looking at it from a distance, she saw a veiled woman lying in the arms of a servant girl and crying. Shaking from time to time, it can be seen that they are also terrified. Except for the three of them, there is a corpse covered with a woman's dress on the ground, which is probably covered by the little girl.

   "Go and bring some hot tea to that girl." Chen Ningya sighed and ordered.

   When they came out of Zhuangzi, the elders of your family had everything ready. If it wasn't for their capital for a while, I was afraid that the elders of your family would roast another chicken and cook a pot of rice for them to take away.

The coachman came over with tea, and Liu Zhilan, who couldn't cry herself, stopped abruptly. She followed the coachman with her big red eyes and looked at the carriage behind. After realizing it, she helped the maid to stand up, and politely accepted it. Tea, and whispered with the servant and wife, the master and the servant followed the coachman to the carriage of Chen Ningya and the others, and thanked them.

   "Thank you for your kindness, Madam." A voice like a nightingale came into the carriage.

   The curtains of the carriage were opened, and Chen Ningya said warmly, "If you don't mind, come up and rest for a while, there are only female relatives in the car."

   Liu Zhilan and the maid also saw sisters Chen Ningya and Wen Yuanzhen.

  Liu Zhilan hesitated, but the maid thanked Chen Ningya and agreed.

  Liu Zhilan got into Chen Ningya's carriage under the persuasion of the servant girl. As for the servant girl, she stayed outside.

  As soon as Liu Zhilan got into the carriage, the little maid who had just been standing stiffly softened, she fell to the ground with tears on her face, and looked at the servant girl for a long time, the complicated emotions that the driver of the Wen family could not understand.

   Inside the carriage, Liu Zhilan put down her veil and sincerely thanked Chen Ningya again.

   Seeing Liu Zhilan's true appearance, all three of the Wen family were amazed. This is really a new lily on the cheeks, and the nose is greasy and goose fat.

   Not to mention anything else, just this appearance, coupled with that nice voice, and this dignified and generous temperament, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an ordinary big family.

  Chen Ningya couldn't do anything to help her, but she didn't want to cause trouble, so she didn't ask anything, she just asked, "Can something like this be reported to the officer?"

  Liu Zhilan shook her head sadly, she hesitated before speaking, her voice was weak and flies, "The servant has already returned to the house to inform my father, and the people who want to come to the house are coming soon."

  Wen Yuanzhen frowned in confusion, Chen Ningya only glanced at her, then chuckled: "If that's the case, then we'll wait."

   Sure enough, a group of men and horses came in a hurry after a while.

When Liu Zhilan heard the movement, she put on her veil again. She didn't leave until the maid called her. She got out of the car. Liu Zhilan took two steps and went back. Come to the door and thank Mrs. in person."

   "You're welcome, miss, we're just staying here for a while, and we'll be leaving soon. We meet by chance, so don't worry about it, miss." Chen Ningya's tone was polite and distant.

  Liu Zhilan has always been smart and dexterous, so she could hear it naturally, so she stopped being persistent and left with the servant girl.

  The Liu family's servants are quite efficient in their work, but after a while, the wreckage of the carriage and the corpses on the ground have been cleaned up. If the bloodstains were not still there, the driver would have thought that what happened just now was a dream.

Wen Yuanzhen didn't ask Chen Ningya until she returned to Wen's house: "Mother, that Miss Liu was too strange just now, she was killed, and she thought that it was not to report to the official, but to let her go home and inform her parents, I really don't know what she thought. of."

  Chen Ningya's footsteps stopped, and she replied nonchalantly: "Go and observe our carriage carefully, think about it carefully, and we will discuss it later."

  The two sisters peeped at each other and walked towards the courtyard holding hands and feet in tacit understanding.

   Zayuan is a place where horses and carts are kept for raising animals. A small gate is opened here to facilitate the entry and exit of horses and carts.

The coachman was startled when he saw the two young ladies, and when he learned that they were here to observe the carriage, he broke out in a cold sweat, and said with a bitter face: "Two little ancestors, what's so beautiful about this carriage, if you are curious, you can Just look at it from the outside, don't get close, if you hurt Xiao Wan, you will be to blame!"

   He was really frightened by the tragic scene today. When he came back, he had carefully checked the carriage in the house. He was just relieved and began to worry again.

  Wen Yuanzhen waved his hand and said with a good-natured smile, "Don't worry, we won't do anything dangerous. It's just that we didn't quite understand what happened today, but Mother asked us to observe the carriage, so we came."

  The coachman is even more speechless. The relationship is not that the two little ancestors are looking for trouble, but that his wife is not worrying about it. That's all, he will wait on the side carefully.

   As a result, Wen Yuanzhen and Wen Yuanjing watched for a long time and couldn't see why they came, and the two little girls fell silent.

  The coachman advised: "Miss, this is our family's carriage, not the Liu family's carriage. Our carriage is guaranteed to be fine. You can't even see the problem."

  Wen Yuanjing flashed and exclaimed, "Yes! There is a problem with the carriage!"

  The coachman was so frightened that he fell off the fence, landed on his buttocks, and grinned, "Second Miss, this carriage has been checked, and it's guaranteed to be fine."

   "I'm not saying that there is a problem with our family's carriage, but the Liu family's carriage!" Wen Yuanjing said firmly.

   (end of this chapter)

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