Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 187: classmate

   Chapter 187 Classmates

When Chen Ningya looked at the booklet in confusion, Wen Youshan said proudly, "This is what I initiated the relationship in the city and asked them to help me find out. Nagato Nagahara and the others made a summary. The details of the girl and her character can be clearly inquired, and the lady can slowly ponder."

   "Have you read the content here?" Chen Ningya asked calmly.

Wen Youshan shook his head honestly, "What should I do with this? It's fine for the lady, anyway, I won't come to the door to kiss my son, by the way, the one here is from the Fucheng, and the one from the county town, I will also go ahead. Hello, Changquan will bring you the roster after a while."

Chen Ningya felt tired for him, but it was rare for Wen Youshan to be so concerned about her son's marriage, and she was not good at attacking people, so she didn't say anything, just flipped a page and saw the first article on it that said "Wu's daughter, looks like a fairy, graceful, graceful, proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, both father and brother are in business, family background is well-off, brothers and sisters are respectful, and the family is harmonious."

It was written so perfectly that Chen Ningya thought she was a perfect candidate for a daughter-in-law, but the second item changed: "According to the neighbors' description, Wu's daughter is stingy and easy to take advantage of. When the sisters fought, Mrs. Wu was so biased that she only hurt a pair of little children, and the chickens flew in the house."

  Chen Ningya spit out a sip of water. She doesn't need to read it anymore. She can already describe the appearance of Wu's daughter in her mind. She doesn't even want to touch such a girl.

   Turn to another page "Xu's daughter, fourteen years old, charming and lovely, sweet mouth, very popular with elders"

   Below is "Xu's daughter, with a sweet mouth and a sword, often digging holes for others inexplicably, it is best to sow discord, one set in front of people, one set in back, charming and willful, bullying brother and sister-in-law"

   This is all a mess, Chen Ningya has no interest in reading any more, "Who did you ask?"

  Wen Youshan said honestly: "Some of them asked the matchmaker, some asked the beggars begging in the streets and alleys, and some asked the neighbors."

Now Chen Ningya can be considered to understand the problem. It is estimated that the first entry on each page is from the matchmaker. The matchmaker's mouth can be described as a fairy, and the pockmarked face can be described as fresh and refined. Not a word can be heard.

Chen Ningya rubbed her brows and said feebly, "Okay, I'll take it back and look at it when I have nothing to do. If it's really good, let's ask about it. Anyway, why don't you have a wife, as long as you are good enough, more The only thing is that a girl from a good family is willing to marry, if you don’t have the ability, don’t think too much about marrying a beautiful girl who is both beautiful and talented, you can’t keep it if you get it, let’s think about the return journey instead of worrying about it blindly.”

   Now Wen Youshan has already done everything in the county. They have played what they should, ate what they should eat, and bought what they should buy. Why don't they leave now?

Wen Youshan agreed without thinking, "Then let's go tomorrow, I'll let the servants go to Zhuangzi to talk, and we'll reunite in the city tomorrow morning, but today we need to prepare some more dry food to bring with you, you and your child. If you like dim sum, you can make some, but the weather is getting warmer, so you can’t help but put it away, and a little more.”

Wen Youshan looked a little embarrassed, and said tangled: "We still have to ship the goods on the return trip. It is estimated that it will take more than a month on the way. It will be June when you return to the county seat. If you can't bear it, leave first. Anyway, the goods on the road will be released slowly, and I can send some of them back first."

However, Chen Ningya shook her head and refused, smiling lightly: "It's not a good time to follow you, I and the two girls can also go around, while Zhen girl is not married, let her have fun, after this year she I just don’t agree to go out.”

  Wen Yuanzhen will be fourteen next year, and when she reaches the age of being a pro, she can no longer be so casual.

  Wen Youshan nodded solemnly, thinking that he was not very happy to hear this, Chen Ningya ignored him, turned around and started packing.

When the two girls heard that they were going back, they didn't feel any reluctance at all. They happily went back to the house to pack their luggage. The two of them bought a lot of things one after another in the past few days. Pulled by a carriage.

   Not to mention the two of them, Chen Ningya herself did the same, the three women looked at the three big boxes that had been packed, and fell silent.

   came over for a while, and laughter came from the door to break the awkward atmosphere.

  Chen Ningya raised her head and saw Wen Yuanliang walking with two strange men. The three of them were wearing the same school uniform, and they all looked different.

The man walking on Wen Yuanliang's left is tall and tall, half a head taller than Wen Yuanliang, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a hearty voice when he laughs. The most handsome one can be said to be the best son, and his demeanor reveals a hint of grace and splendor, obviously from a wealthy family.

   Such three people don't know how they got together, it seems that the relationship is not bad.

   Before Chen Ningya could think about it, the three of them had already walked up to them. Because of the presence of outsiders, Wen Yuanzhen and Wen Yuanjing were all standing behind Chen Ningya without saying a word.

   Wen Yuanliang smiled and introduced to the two classmates first: "Brother Shen, Brother Baili, this is my mother, my eldest sister, my little sister."

   "Mother, these two are my classmates, Shen Wei and Bailiqing."

  The two sisters Wen Yuanzhen paid tribute to each other, and the two hurriedly bowed in return, "I have seen Aunt Wen, the two younger sisters."

   "Everyone here is guests, Yuanliang, hurry up and bring a friend into the room to sit and let the servants serve tea." Chen Ningya said and looked at the entourage beside her.

  Bai Liqing waved his hand casually and said, "Auntie don't have to be busy, we and Yuanliang are good brothers, you don't have to be so ostentatious, looking at so much luggage, is Auntie going to go away?"

Bailiqing is the tallest and cheerful young man, Chen Ningya has a good impression of him, and her voice is much gentle and close, "We are planning to pack our bags and go back to our hometown. We originally planned to go to the academy to talk to Yuanliang before we left. Yes, I didn't expect you to come here first, and while we are still here, stay today and have a good meal."

   During the conversation, Chen Ningya took the lead and led them to the main room. Wen Yuanzhen felt that the outsider was a little embarrassed, so she pulled Wen Yuanjing and said to Chen Ningya, "Mother, my sister and I will go to the kitchen to have a look."

  Chen Ningya nodded slightly, sat down, looked at the three and asked, "Are you all students of the dean?"

Bailiqing nodded desperately, "Shen Wei and I have been in the academy for a year, Shen Wei has a cold temper and can't talk to me, every time we walk together, I say it alone, and it's like I It's like talking to himself, now it's different with Yuanliang, we can also talk and talk in the courtyard, and our life is much more interesting."

   (end of this chapter)

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