Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 190: Wei Ye

   Chapter 190 Wei Ye

Another Zhuangzi is in the direction from the county town to Fucheng. It is farther away from Fushan Village, but it is much more convenient to go to other places. The most important thing is that Zhuangzi has 600 mu of farmland and two small mountain forests. There is almost no production. Zhuangzi's territory is all wasteland, and the nearest village is five miles away.

   It's decided, that's it!

Wen Youshan immediately paid the deposit, and the next day, a middleman took him to Zhuangzi to take a look. When he got there, he understood why the place was deserted. Except for the 600 acres of farmland on Zhuangzi, the rest of the place was inferior. The land has a lot of stones and little soil, and there is no possibility of even reclaiming wasteland.

There are also many mountains around, perhaps because it is located on the periphery of the mountain range. The mountains here are a bit nondescript. They are called mountains, but more of them are rocks. They seem to have been mined and abandoned. There are no grass on the surrounding mountains. It's full of stones, and this kind of place is probably only interested in masons like Huang Ergou, and others will definitely not take half a step.

  Wen Youshan looked serious, but he was secretly happy. With so many stones, he even saved the materials for the workshop.

The middle man thought he was dissatisfied with this place, for fear that Wen Youshan would be angry and demand a deposit, and the cold sweat on his forehead could not stop coming out. In this June day, others thought he was too sunburned, so they kindly gave him a bottle of water. .

The middle man's complexion changed back and forth like a palette, he thanked dryly, and said hesitantly, "Master Wen, don't think that this place is cleaner and less crowded, but this field is really good! It's on!"

   "How can such a good Tian Fang be willing to sell it? It's clearly a scam!" Jiang Dayi said dissatisfiedly.

"That's not what you said. The owner of this village didn't buy this place for these fields!" The middle man wiped his cold sweat and took a deep breath before calming down, "I was interested in this place back then. The mountains, said to be mining or something, these fields are all self-sufficient from wasteland.

  It took a few years of tossing, not to mention the mine, not even a single egg was dug, and the mountain was almost destroyed.

This place was deserted. Later, the man still did not give up, and he invited a group of people from nowhere. This time, it looked quite like that. Not only did he dig a mountain, but also several surrounding mountains suffered horribly. Poison hand, after five or six years of trouble, the good green mountains and rivers have been turned into barren land, which is what you see now.

Over the years, that person has invited several people to investigate, but still found nothing, and finally died in depression. As soon as he died, his son sold the place at a low price, saying that it was because of this broken place that their family lost. This is a lot of money, sold out of sight. "

  Jiang Dayi listened to the whole story, scratched his ears and muttered: "I'm afraid this is not a lack of heart! How can there be mines in such a place!"

"That's not it!" The middle man continued to wipe his sweat and said, "Everyone said that and persuaded him like that, but that person was like a ghost, he couldn't listen to anything he said, and he went back and forth, and all good family business was defeated. More than half of it, can his son not get angry?"

   "What mine is so valuable? It can still make people fascinated!" Wen Youshan looked around and asked casually.

   The middle man was expressionless, "Silver mine."

"Bang!" Wen Youshan slipped at the foot of the mountain, sat on the stone, and grimaced in pain, "What is it? Silver mines! There are silver mines in places like this where birds don't shit? Who did he listen to? "

  Wen Youshan's eyes almost popped out of his eyes in shock, and he was still dizzy when he was picked up by Jiang Dayi.

The    middle man also looked helpless, and said with a wry smile: "I don't know where the other party heard about it. That's the truth. I also confessed everything here to Master Wen. Do you want it?"

   After speaking, the middle man added, "The field is good, and the other party also said that even if the six hundred mu of farmland is worth less than three thousand taels for such a large Zhuangzi, it's really worth it."

  Wen Youshan nodded slightly, "Tian is ok, it's not an exaggeration to say that this environment is poor. Let the other party be cheaper. If they can accept it, I will buy it."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the middle man, and he asked tentatively, "Master Wen is also a big businessman. In the future, the profit from this village can be gradually recovered."

Wen Youshan said nonchalantly: "Besides, I mainly bought this place to build a workshop. If I really make money by referring to the yield in the fields, I don't like this kind of shabby place! Also, this time I will build a workshop. The workshop is relatively large, and the wasteland outside Zhuangzi has also been bought, and when the time comes, a stockade will be built out, by the way, there will be no water out of the wells here!"

The corner of Zhongren's mouth twitched, and he replied dryly, "How could this be! If this place hadn't been dug for decades, the vegetation would still be prosperous, and a thriving wasteland would be full of stones, it would be troublesome to clean up, and the water would come out. Absolutely no problem!"

   The middle man almost swears to the sky.

  Wen Youshan let him go.

   went back from Zhuangzi, and the middleman immediately went to see the master of Zhuangzi.

The owner of Zhuangzi, Xinwei, is not from Qing'an County. The people from the middle searched for the Wei family's other courtyard in Qing'an County. Red bricks are the walls, carved beams and painted buildings, light gauze curtains, and pots of precious and large flowers are placed at the entrance. The bogu shelves on both sides of the main house are full of porcelain and jade, low-key luxury, absolute wealth.

When the middle man entered the door, he sat in an orderly manner, his **** was only next to the stool, and he didn't dare to breathe. After a while, a man wearing a jade crown and a dark green moiré satin robe hurried in and saw Zhong. The person asked, "Is there any news?"

   "Go back to Master Wei, I put Zhuangzi up for sale according to your instructions. Someone went to see it today and said that if the price was cheaper, I would buy it." The middle man replied respectfully, not daring to hide anything.

  The man known as Lord Wei sat down in deep thought, rolled his eyes, and asked with a frown, "Did the other party say what to buy that Zhuangzi for?"

   "Say it! The other party wants to build a workshop there, and he has to buy all the surrounding wasteland. He said that he can build a stockade. It is estimated that the plan is not small." Zhongren said.

   Lord Wei's brows were almost tied, "Did you tell the other party about this Zhuangzi?"

  The middle man nodded nervously, "The little ones said it, and said that those mountains were originally used for silver mining, but the other party was stupid, and said, and said."

   "What else?" Master Wei's voice suddenly became severe.

   (end of this chapter)

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