Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 22: solution

  Chapter 22 Solutions

Chen Ningya said sincerely: "Everyone is eager to help, my husband and I will naturally not doubt everyone, except for Huang Meng! It will be clear if you just take people to the yamen and have a good trial, and I will not arbitrarily frame good people. , as long as we find out, if we have misunderstood, I will kneel down three times to make amends to Huang Meng, and even pay money is not a problem, but if it is really Huang Meng's doing."

   "What do you think he really did?" the village chief asked.

  Chen Ningya focused, gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "If it really is what he did, I will never die with him!"


   Everyone gasped again, but they were frightened by Chen Ningya's eyes, and even Feng Xinghai frowned, who didn't know what kind of hatred Chen Ningya had with Huang Meng.

  The village chief didn't expect Chen Ningya's reaction to be so big. Seeing her expression, she really hated Huang Meng, this matter is not easy to handle!

Huang Meng didn't expect that Mr. Deng, who was not in his eyes, would be so ruthless, but he really wanted to put him in the cell. He was so frightened that he jumped at the village chief's feet and cried repeatedly, "The village chief save me, I swear, I really don't dare again!"

   Seeing Huang Meng cry so miserably, many people felt sympathy, but did not dare to intercede in front of several yamen.

Although Wen Youshan hated Huang Meng, his idea was to beat people up and intimidate them, and he didn't really plan to bring people into the yamen. In that case, no one in the village would dare to talk to their family. Move around.

Before he could speak, Chen Ningya said first: "Huang Meng is a narrow-minded person, and he will pay for it. What happened yesterday was also provoked by their family. If they don't take care of it on the bright side, they will come to the shadows today. Today is my family. Fortunately, the children are not there. If he was caught by my children when he committed the murder, and there are no adults around, how do you think he would treat my children? Besides, everyone knows the lockpickers, let them be in the village Will everyone be able to live in peace? If you can’t steal today, you can set fire, if you can’t steal tomorrow, will you kill someone?”

   Her words were like a bucket of cold water and woke up the villagers. Everyone usually lowered their heads and did not look up to see that they knew very well what kind of virtue Huang Meng was, let alone, if the Wen family really had a child today, they would be more fortunate than good.

  The village chief was keenly aware of the changes in the villagers' expressions, and his heart sank even more.

"This, this, this Deng family, even if the matter of your family is really what Huang Meng did, you can't speculate like this. After all, it's all things that haven't happened." Looking at the whole yard, only Wen Youshan could restrain Chen Ningya, so he kept giving him a wink, but Wen Youshan was just staring at him in a daze, and he didn't even look at him, so he felt extremely aggrieved.

   Feng Xinghai no longer hesitated after hearing the words, and winked with Wang Er, "Take it away."

   "Village Chief." Huang Meng's family wailed in unison, and the cry spread throughout the village.

   The village chief swayed, but fortunately there was someone behind him so he didn't fall down. Seeing that Huang Meng was about to be dragged out of the yard, the village chief shouted anxiously, "Hold on."

Wang Er stopped and glanced at Feng Xinghai. At this moment, the village chief had come to Chen Ningya. Seeing that he was about to kneel down, Chen Ningya's body flashed, and Wen Yuanliang wisely stepped forward to support the person, "The village Grandpa, Huang Meng is not related to you, so you don't have to do this for him, and we won't be able to live a solid life with him in the future."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Wen Yuanliang like a ghost, as if they didn't expect these words to come out of a child's mouth.

The village elder burst into tears, knocked on his cane a few times, and said angrily: "Even a child understands the truth, but some people are just ignorant, but I am the village head of Fushan Village, if Huang Meng is really arrested into the yamen, our village Our reputation is also ruined, and other villages will look down on us, and everyone can step on us when we go out, even if we marry a girl from a good family, I can’t let Fushan Village be destroyed in my hands!”

   The cry of the village chief made everyone feel uncomfortable. Of course, the Wen family could not be blamed for this, so they turned their anger on Huang Meng, and his eyes became more and more bad.

Huang Meng just wanted to get away now, how could he care about everyone's opinion of him, when he heard what the village chief said, as if he saw hope again, he grabbed the fence and struggled: "Village chief, I swear, I swear, I really don't dare, I can lose money, lose money"

"Ms. Wen, what do you think about this?" Feng Xinghai looked at Chen Ningya inquiringly. In fact, he just wanted to scare Huang Meng, not really want to get people into the county government office. If he did that, the Wen family would definitely If we can get justice, Huang Meng will definitely not be able to get it, but Fushan Village is famous, but it is still notorious. It's nothing in a short time, but after a long time, everyone will inevitably be angry with the Wen family. In Feng Xinghai's opinion, this is the last thing.

Chen Ningya glanced at Feng Xinghai gratefully, followed the ladder he gave, and said solemnly, "Since the village chief has said so, naturally I can't be a wicked person who harms the village. The village cannot stay, if Huang Meng is willing to move his family out of Qing'an County and write a letter of guarantee that he will never enter Qing'an County, this matter can be exposed."

   "What?" Zhou Shi shouted sharply, looking at Chen Ningya as if she was going to cut her into eight pieces, "Why? This is my home, and I won't leave even if I die!"

"I won't repent! If that's the case, I'll ask Feng Zhaotou to do business, and tomorrow the women will go to the county government to identify them." Sex, how can you give up this only chance.

   Sure enough, just after Chen Ningya finished speaking, Huang Meng yelled, "I'll move, I'll move, I promise I'll never set foot in Qing'an County again."

   "Really?" Chen Ningya asked with great interest.

  Huang Meng nodded desperately, "It's real, it's more real than real money!"

"There is no evidence, so I have signed the guarantee now, in quadruplicate, you have one for us, one for the village chief for safekeeping, and one for Feng Zhaotou to bring back to the yamen for the record, in order to avoid unnecessary occurrences in the future. Dispute, of course, since you are willing to leave my family, I will not kill them all, and the compensation will be waived." Chen Ningya looked at the village chief and asked, "Village chief, where is the pen and ink in the village?"

  The village chief came back to his senses, and hurriedly ordered with his son: "Go back and get pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

  While waiting, Chen Ningya looked at Zhou and mocked: "You can go and pack your luggage."

   "You you you" Zhou Shi pointed at Chen Ningya, anxious and angry, rolled his eyes, fainted!

  The villagers were startled and hurriedly called for two women to bring people into the house.

   (end of this chapter)

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