Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 232: Do bad things with good intentions

   Chapter 232 Good intentions to do bad things

  Huang was stunned for a moment, and then looked like a matter of course, "The county magistrate can't be seen by everyone, let alone our magistrates are upright, but they are not willing to help with anything."

   Feng Xinghai laughed angrily, "I'm too lazy to talk to you! Brother Wen is here to remind us, let's be polite to Mr. Hu's family, Hongzhe is still in the school!"

"What do you mean?" Speaking of the child, the Huang family immediately changed her face, pondering Feng Xinghai's words carefully, angered from the heart, and shouted loudly: "Could it be that the Hu family is dissatisfied with our family and will miss Zhe'er's future? No! I have to find Shen's theory."

   "What is the theory!" Feng Xinghai roared in a bad tone: "Are you looking for something? To be honest, did you say or do something in front of Mrs. Hu? Otherwise, why would Brother Wen come to remind you in the middle of the night?"

Huang's eyes flickered, and he stubbornly said, "I didn't do anything, I didn't say anything! Humph! Now, no matter what happens, as long as it's bad, I'm doing it, I'm in your eyes. Is it so unbearable?"

Feng Xinghai didn't feel guilty or blamed himself for Huang's questioning, he stared at her with burning eyes, his eyes didn't blink, he suppressed Huang's arrogance, and said calmly, "You'd better I didn't do anything, let me remind you that Hongzhe's future is still in the hands of others. This time Hongyu has won the show. It is reasonable to say that we should come to the house to thank you as soon as possible, and then tell the Hu family about the meaning of marriage and attitude. Lower it, the rules are done.

   But we haven't been to Hu's house yet, and we haven't said anything. It is rumored that we have crossed the river and demolished the bridge. I came back from the Yamen this morning, and you are ready to come with me to the Hu's house. "

  The Huang family was reluctant from the bottom of her heart, but she also knew that she had two sons and that she would have to establish a foothold in the county town in the future.

  Feng Xinghai got angry when she saw her like this, snorted, and left without looking back.

Huang thought it was over, and he was relieved, but she didn't know that Feng Xinghai turned her head and called her close wife to ask her. The angry thing was said, but Feng Xinghai was angry.

   Angrily scolded the Huang family at home, and went to Hu's house with a heavy gift.

Here, Chen Ningya's family had already set off before dawn. Wen Youshan didn't sleep all night. He got into the carriage and lay on Chen Ningya's lap. After a while, he let out an even breathing sound. The couple rode in a carriage. , The son and daughter each ride in a carriage, but it is very quiet. He slept soundly this night, and he didn't wake up until noon.

  Chen Ningya leaned against the soft pillow to read a book. Seeing that he was awake, the corners of her mouth rose slightly. When she put the book into the dark compartment on the side, she said softly, "Awake? May I have some snacks."

  Wen Youshan's consciousness gradually became awake, and found that he was resting on Chen Ningya's leg, got busy, massaged her subconsciously, and asked with a sullen face, "What time is it?"

   "You're going to sleep until it's dark!" Chen Ningya was angry and funny, handed him a bamboo tube, and pondered, "I'll arrive at the town in a while, you sleep like this, what will you do at night?"

Wen Youshan shook his head indifferently, took two sips of water, calmed down, and said, "I used to be like this when I was running outside, we would give the carriages and horses a short rest, often rushing around day and night, and everyone took turns. Come, rest when you have time, get used to it.”

  Chen Ningya listened to her heartache and gave him a strange look, "Our life is not bad now, and you don't have to work so hard."

  Wen Youshan nodded solemnly and smiled with satisfaction, "Now the business outside is almost stable. If you don't continue to develop business, you can really take a break."

   "That's right! You stayed at home for a few years, and just happened to arrange the children's marriage." Chen Ningya said.

Wen Youshan took the man into his arms, stroked Chen Ningya's face, and sighed, "Miss, you said that the three boys in our family are all going to work, so who should inherit this business in the future? Otherwise, we will Another one?"

  Chen Ningya glared at him suddenly, and snuggled into his arms, resentful and resentful, "I'm so old! I'm so old that I don't want to hold my grandson or my son! It doesn't matter to me, I can't afford to lose this person!"

  Although there are many people who give birth to children at an advanced age, it is always easy for others to talk about it after a meal, especially now that their family is up, and when there is trouble, the people in the village can talk about it for three days and three nights.

"Just kidding! If you don't have a son to inherit it, it's a big deal to choose one from your grandchildren, you can't all be Wenqu stars!" Wen Youshan is just joking, even if Chen Ningya has this heart, he will not agree, son daughter There are five people, and they are all outstanding. How can he think about how much he let her suffer that crime.

  Chen Ningya immediately became happy when she heard the words, "What if they are all Wenqu stars?"

  Wen Youshan grinned and became arrogant, "That's the smoke from our family's ancestral grave, and I'm happy if no one takes the order!"

  Chen Ningya laughed so hard that she was amused with Wen Youshan for a while before she began to cross-examine: "Where did you go at midnight last night?"

  Wen Youshan rubbed her face with stubble from time to time, and whispered, "Going to Feng's house, and reminded Brother Feng to wake up."

Chen Ningya was shocked, she patted his restless chin, and said, "Youshan, I didn't expect you to be a bad person, and this kind of **** is also rushed to catch up. Brother Feng is fine, I'm afraid the Huang family knows. It's your fault."

"Isn't it!" Wen Youshan's eyes were confused and puzzled. In his impression, although Huang's family was not very knowledgeable, he always held it, but he should not be so ignorant. Besides, he was also for the sake of For the sake of Huang's son, why do you blame him?

Seeing him speechless, Chen Ningya shook her head, straightened her clothes and sat up gracefully, "You still don't understand women, but that's not bad, without those sloppy guts, let's get down to business, I probably know Huang's temperament, although he's not a bad person. , but there are quite a few faults in his body, which is described as an old saying that his heart is higher than the sky.

It's not a bad thing to be high-spirited, but unfortunately her mother's family is not strong, so she always feels that she can't raise her head at her husband's house, and when she goes out, others will point at her behind her back because of her mother's family. As for the children, all she thought about her son's success was to give her a chance. Now that Feng Hongyu is promising, she wouldn't be her if she didn't show off her prestige.

   If you say those words when she is excited, it is like pouring cold water on her. It is no wonder she is happy! If she is scolded by Big Brother Feng later, she will definitely take anger on you. "

   (end of this chapter)

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