Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 239: white face makeup

   Chapter 239 White Face Makeup

  Chen Ningya looked at them amusingly, and exchanged glances with Wen Youshan. The couple kept silent and hung them.

Wen Yuanhong knew from his parents' attitude that they would not let them out easily, so he could only helplessly smile and reminded: "Don't keep thinking about us, no matter how much money you earn, keep some more companions for yourself, we can rely on our own abilities in the future. live."

Chen Ningya gave him a thumbs up, "This is a lavish statement! Mother loves to hear it, and in the future, my mother will be waiting for you to honor your ancestors and make your mother happy! As for me and your father's money, that's ours, and we will give it to you. These, even if you want to think about others, there is no way!"

   Hearing the words, the five children were relieved and all laughed, and Wen Yuanliang no longer bothered about those dowry gifts.

  The couple went back to the room, Wen Youshan saw Chen Ningya's tired expression, asked the servant to bring hot water, wiped it for her in person, and then rubbed her shoulders along the way.

  Chen Ningya enjoyed it comfortably, closed her eyes, and hummed in a soft and boneless voice: "Youshan, what do you think of the marriage of the boss?"

Wen Youshan snorted displeasedly and said, "I have no problem with my future daughter-in-law, she looks like a lady, our son is high, and I am not very satisfied with the future daughter-in-law and her father, I always feel that he is not holding back. Good fart, I have been thinking about my lady who is like a flower and a jade."

   "Pfft!" Chen Ningya burst out laughing, slowly opening her eyes and teasingly said, "Then what should we do?"

  Wen Youshan pulled the man into his arms and hugged him tightly. To be honest, he was really frightened when he saw the painting today, for fear that his wife would be taken away.

Chen Ningya seemed to feel his fear, so she patted the back of his hand soothingly, and said softly, "Don't worry, I am the wife of Wen's family. Let me go, not to mention that we have five outstanding children, you can put your heart in your stomach."

  Wen Youshan was told what was on his mind, and his grievances rushed out, "Miss, the portrait I saw today is you, isn't it?"

Chen Ningya fell into deep thought, and after a long while she slowly explained: "If I remember correctly, that is what I looked like when I was thirteen years old, that is, I painted it a few months before the accident, but who painted it and how did they see me? But I don't know."

  Wen Youshan was stunned, "Then why does Master Zhuo say that the painting is of the imperial concubine of the dynasty? Judging from his expression at the time, it didn't look like a fake, could it be that someone pretended to be you to enter the palace?"

   This is the conclusion Wen Youshan came to after pondering for a day, but he felt that it was absurd and unrealistic. If entering the palace was so easy, wouldn’t the palace be in chaos.

The corner of Chen Ningya's mouth raised a sarcastic arc, and said, "You know what? After Daqi established the country, Princess Mingyang, who was very much loved by the emperor at that time, often acted like a moth, making a noise about going out of the palace, and the emperor had a headache, so someone Give him some advice, saying that the noble women in Silla go out with white noodles.

Therefore, a kind of white face makeup became popular in Beijing, one to cover the face, the second to cover the shame, and the third to beautify. The base of the white face makeup is ground with pearl powder and several precious medicinal materials, and it is made into a cake shape. This makeup cream is also a symbol of wealth. Women who have not left the cabinet only need to wear white makeup and do not need to cover a veil, so I have to put a thick cream on my face when I am sensible, except when I sleep. Seriously, look It looks like a ghost, not to mention whether it is beautiful or not, and can't even see the true face.

It is also ironic, my parents and brothers are afraid that I can't even remember my real appearance, only my pale and ghost-like appearance, and then I went to work with my parents, and then I got rid of that **** face. But at that time, my father didn't allow me to go out of the boudoir because I was getting older. My mother was tired of dealing with those concubines, and didn't take a good look at me. Later, my father said that we will be back soon. Beijing.

Before I go back, I want to take me to Zhuangzi to relax for a few days. You don’t know, I was very happy at that time. It was the first time I went out without those heavy makeup, and even the air became much fresher. His smile was also brighter, but such good days were always short-lived.

   One day, my father sent someone to inform me that I was going back to Beijing. I was disappointed and hopeful. I packed up and left Zhuangzi, but I lost consciousness on the carriage and woke up again, as if I had passed away.

I once thought silently, how could everything be so good, like a well-crafted net, since I was born in that net, step by step, it took me to hell, and then I thought, no matter what my father called What kind of abacus, and why do you treat me like this? In those years, I was pampered, but I couldn't do it. In these years, I can think of it, and I don't have to worry about it anymore.

   As for the concubine Ling who entered the palace in my name"

Chen Ningya's voice paused, she turned over, rubbed against Wen Youshan's arms, and said from the bottom of her heart, "I'm still very grateful that she entered the abyss of doom for me. Judging from the current situation, What my father did was definitely a bad thing, and his plans were huge.

   How many people have been able to do the most treacherous things since ancient times? No matter who she is or what her identity is, since she is me, I am no longer me. In the future, the honor and disgrace of the Chen family has nothing to do with me. We should just live our own little life well. If someone brings this up again in the future , you can just say that I was born in the south of the Yangtze River, with an ordinary background. If the other party refuses to forgive me, you can say that my parents' family has suffered a great change, so don't expose my scars. In the past few years in Jiangnan, there have been many winds and rains, natural and man-made disasters have continued, and it is such a long-term event that others can't find it if they want to check it. "

Wen Youshan nodded silently, holding Chen Ningya's hand tighter and tighter, feeling distressed for her experience in those years, silently vowing in his heart that for the rest of his life he will protect the person in his arms from the wind and rain, let her laugh freely, and then No worries.

  The night was as cool as water, and in the other courtyard, in addition to the lights in the room of Wen Youshan and his wife, there was also a faint light flashing.

Wen Yuanliang pondered for a long time in front of the Xiaoxuan window, thinking about the various things of the Zhuo family today, the unbelievable trance of the father-in-law, the anxiety of the father, and the calmness of the mother-in-law, the three of them saw the surging undercurrent. Can't speak, let alone speak, especially the person on the picture, is the imperial concubine of the court? How could that woman be so shamed and hated as a mother!

  The shadows of the trees outside the window are faint, making people look more gloomy, and how should they talk about the thoughts that have been turned around a thousand times.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the path in the dark. The sound was from far to near. After a while, a young man wearing a long robe came pacing. Wen Yuanliang's thoughts gradually pulled away after hearing the sound, and it happened to meet Wen Yuanhong's shallow eyes. , the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he opened the door to let him in, "You are in good spirits in the middle of the night, aren't you afraid that I'm going to bed now?"

   (end of this chapter)

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