Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 252: The Great Change of Chen's House

   Chapter 252 The Great Change in the Chen House

Seeing that Chen Xiaodie was really worried, Tao'er was afraid that she would always be worried, so she simply walked to the gate of the yard, and the two guards who were guarding outside the gate asked in a good voice, "Two big brothers, can I trouble you to ask someone alone? What happened in the main courtyard? Don't worry, Miss said, your benefits are indispensable."

   said, Tao'er threw a small purse over.

  The person outside the door immediately replied: "Don't worry, Miss Tao'er, you can ask the young lady to wait a moment, and I will go and find out."

   Tao'er came back satisfied, and said to Chen Xiaodie, "Miss, the slaves have been settled, and news will come in a while. In any case, the master will protect us, and you can rest in peace."

Chen Xiaodie showed her face, and was about to speak, when Chen Xiaofei's mad scolding suddenly came from outside the yard, "Bitch, shameless sweeping goods! Broom star! Let you bully my mother, let you bully my mother, I will kill you , kill you! Hahaha kill! Kill!"

  Chen Xiaodie's face changed greatly with fright, she subconsciously took two steps back, and looked in horror at the direction of the courtyard gate.

   After a while, the voice of the guard came over, "Miss San, are you ill? The little one will send you back and ask a doctor for you."

   "Go away! What are you? You dare to stop me! I'll kill you!" Chen Xiaofei's sharp and vicious words came in.

   Chen Xiaodie's master and servant hugged each other, for fear that the guards would not be able to stop the crazy woman Chen Xiaofei from breaking in.

   "Tao Tao'er, what should we do?" Chen Xiaodie was about to cry, panicking.

   Tao'er was afraid, but she still stood in front of Chen Xiaodie, and said with a white face and trembling: "Little Miss entered the room, locked the door, and the servants stopped her."

   Said, Tao'er immediately took out the bamboo root used to pick the curtain, and looked like she was going to die.

  Chen Xiaodie had tears in her eyes, bit her lip, and shook her head vigorously.

  Fortunately, Chen Xiaofei was kidnapped by the housekeeper not long after the trouble. The outside stopped in an instant.

  I don't know how long it took. After a long wait, there was a hurried voice from the guard outside the yard, "Miss Tao'er, are you still there?"

   Tao'er came back to her senses, pulled Chen Xiaodie slowly towards the door, and replied tremblingly, "I'm here!"

The person outside the door breathed a sigh of relief, and his voice was a little solemn, "I just went to inquire, the mansion is in chaos now, saying that the lady lost an important thing and lost her temper, and she has not privately mobilized the yacha to search the city without the master's permission, the master. Angry, let's get started with Mrs."

   "Hi!" Tao'er and Chen Xiaodie looked at each other in shock, unable to turn their heads.

   "Then what?" Tao'er asked, swallowing hard.

  The voice outside the door paused and said anxiously: "The madam scratched the face of the master. The wound is very deep, and it is estimated that it will be scarred."

   "Why is this? You open the door, I'm going to see Daddy." Chen Xiaodie was about to rush out in panic.

   The guard hurriedly reassured: "Miss, don't be impatient. The housekeeper has already sent someone to invite the doctor. Now the house is very chaotic, it's better that you don't go out."

   "My father is like this, how can I stay here with peace of mind!" Chen Xiaodie was a little anxious, and her voice was a little harsh.

The    guard said: "Miss, now not only the master is injured, but the wife is also injured, the second lady is dizzy, and the third lady seems to be stimulated and a little crazy. If you go out, I am afraid you will be angry."

  Chen Xiaodie staggered back two steps, lost her voice, and was stunned for a while before asking weakly, "What's wrong with mother?"

   The guard paused and said in a lower voice, "The madam was disfigured by the master."

  Chen Xiaodie was so frightened that she fell to the ground, as if she was stupid, and murmured, "How could Dad ruin that woman's face. How could it be."

   Tao'er was also so frightened that she lost her mind. She held onto Chen Xiaodie's arm tightly. The two master and servant hugged together in the late autumn night, their thin body shivering in the wind.

   The matter in the Chen Mansion was so big, it was natural that it could not be hidden from the eyes of the conscientious people.

   Zhuo Mingxuan came to the door overnight. He was a frequent visitor to the Chen residence and had a very good relationship with Chen Yangqiu. The housekeeper did not stop him and led him directly into Chen Yangqiu's bedroom.

At this time, Chen Yangqiu was sitting in front of the book desk, his face was so wrapped that he couldn't see his true face, Zhuo Mingxuan was frightened, his footsteps stopped, and his face was sinking and asked: "What's going on? Where did the assassin come from? Arrogant, not to mention breaking into the prefect's mansion at night, and hurting you like this?"

   Zhuo Mingxuan clenched his fists, as angry as a lion running away.

   Chen Yangqiu, who was in a daze, finally reacted, looked at Zhuo Mingxuan faintly, and said, "Send a message to Hongyu for me, and let him come to marry Xiaodie in three days."

   Zhuo Mingxuan was shocked, "What's going on? It's fine."

Chen Yangqiu interrupted him and frowned: "It's nothing, it's just an eventful autumn, and Ouyang sees Xiaodie as unpleasant, so it's better to get married sooner rather than stay by her side, anyway, I've prepared her dowry, and the servants who accompany her dowry are also Once the arrangements are made, it will be the same when you get married."

   "Aragonite, are you hiding something from me?" Zhuo Mingxuan's expression was no longer ugly.

However, Chen Yangqiu was completely closed and never said a word. The two fought silently for a long time before Chen Yangqiu sighed slowly: "My face was not injured by an assassin, but by Ouyang's, but Ouyang's did not get any better, she was injured first. I took the opportunity to ruin her appearance, and it was considered to be able to recover some interest for Wan'er.

Now that Ouyang has lost something terrible and her face is ruined, Xiaofei seems to be a little crazy. She can't take care of herself. When she comes back to her senses, she will definitely take Xiaodie out. Although I am in the house, there are always times when I can't take care of it. , If you let her get married, Tong Hongyu leaves Dizhou, so that Ouyang's can't do anything about her. "

Zhuo Mingxuan's eyelids jumped when he heard the words, his eyes widened, and he cursed: "Confused! You are always prudent, why are you so impulsive this time? You have endured it for more than ten years, why can't you bear it now? Ouyang You might as well just kill her as she looks like this now, otherwise this crazy woman will definitely retaliate by any means, and Xiaodie will only be more dangerous."

  Chen Yangqiu evoked a cruel sneer, "Don't worry, Xiaofei is still in my hands, she doesn't dare to do anything."

"Are you crazy? Can't you break the net with the Ouyang clan?" Zhuo Mingxuan only felt that he almost didn't know each other this day. A good-looking person was obviously polite and polite in the blink of an eye. How is it like a demon crawling out of hell.

Chen Yangqiu said what was in his heart, but instead he leaned back on the chair with ease, closed his eyes slowly, and laughed sarcastically: "Those two children have nothing to do with me, after so many years of acting, I am also tired, just How about this."

   (end of this chapter)

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