Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 254: Ouyang's

   Chapter 254 The Ouyang Clan

  Wen Youshan frowned and said uncertainly: "Maybe"

Why does this wedding feel so sloppy and absurd, this is the prefect of the prefect marrying a daughter, even if the marriage is only a concubine, it should not be so casual, what makes Chen Ningya incomprehensible is that there is no opinion from the Chen residence, what is this? ? If she hadn't known that Chen Xiaodie was quite favored, she would have thought that Chen Yangqiu didn't like seeing this daughter.

   But no matter what she thought, the wedding was over, Chen Xiaodie was already Feng's wife, and the couple were only ordered in danger, and now they can retire.

  The two returned to Wen's house, and first went to Mr. Hu's yard. Hu Junyi was reading a book when he saw someone coming, got up and greeted him, "Mr. Wen, Mrs. Wen."

  Wen Youshan glanced at the back room and asked in a low voice, "Sir is still sleeping?"

  Hu Junyi nodded slightly and said with a wry smile: "My dad has been in a bad mood these few days, he is unhappy, the environment in the inn is noisy, and he can't recuperate well. Thanks to Yuanliang looking for him, otherwise I don't know what to do!"

  Wen Youshan did not wrinkle, but hesitated to speak. In the end, he did not ask the confusion in his heart, but said, "Did you say when you will go back, sir?"

Seeing that Hu Junyi was a little stunned, Wen Youshan hurriedly explained: "I mean we are about to leave for Yuanliang's marriage, but our family Yuanliang is still staying in Fucheng, and there are servants watching at home, how long do you want to stay? No problem, if you want to go back, you can go with us, and there will be more people on the way to take care of you."

   Seeing how embarrassed the father and son were when they came out, I really don't feel relieved to let the two of them go back to Wen Youshan by themselves.

  Hu Junyi fell into contemplation, but Hu Wenzhi's weak voice came from the room, "Trouble Master Wen, we will go home with you."

Wen Youshan immediately replied: "There's no need for trouble, since Mr. has already decided, we will leave early tomorrow morning. For the sake of Mr.'s health, we should ask a doctor to take a look and prescribe some medicine, otherwise we will find it on the road. I'm afraid the doctor's words are not so convenient."

   "Thank you, Mr. Wen, for reminding me, boss, you'll invite the doctor to come over later."

   "Yes!" Hu Junyi responded, there was no sound in the room, and Wen Youshan took Chen Ningya back.

   The first thing the couple did when they entered the house was to change out of their festive clothes.

Wen Youshan sat down on the bed, threw his body back, and heaved a long sigh of relief, "My mother! It's over, don't be too awkward when the two children worship me today, we will do it tomorrow. Leave before dawn, otherwise Hong Yu will bring his wife over to serve us tea, it will be troublesome."

   They don’t drink this tea, and they don’t drink it. They are in a dilemma. It’s better to leave as soon as possible.

"Isn't it!" Chen Ningya lay wearily on the edge of Wen Youshan, unable to speak, "Today, you also watched the battle of sending relatives, the bride doesn't even have any relatives, the Chen residence Marrying a daughter and marrying such a low-key, it is estimated that a great event has happened."

  Wen Youshan thought of the yacha he encountered that day, frowned slowly, and pondered: "Those things have nothing to do with us, it's better to leave as soon as possible."

At the same time, in the backyard of the Chen residence, there was another burst of smashing cups. Ouyang, who was wrapped in gauze on his head, vented angrily, pulling on the clothes of pearls and shoving: "Take Madam Ben's dagger to Feng's house, If you can't do it, don't come back!"

Pearl was so frightened that she fell to her knees with a thud, begging for mercy, her pretty face crying, "Madam, it's not that the servants can't go, it's that the lord has sealed the yard, and as soon as the eldest miss goes out, the lord will order someone to shut him down. After entering the gate of the mansion, even a fly can't get out now, even if the slaves have thousands of methods, they can't come out! Madam, spare your life!"

  Ouyang was stunned for a moment, then slapped Pearl with his backhand and cursed fiercely: "Bitch! Why don't you say something so important? Why don't you say it! I want to see if Chen Yangqiu dares to stop me!"

   Mrs Ouyang rushed out angrily, walked out of the house and walked around the small courtyard, and came to the second entrance to the courtyard, only to find that the courtyard door was already closed, and the outside was locked.

At this time, the Ouyang Clan was already mad, and he shouted hoarsely: "Chen Yangqiu! You ruthless man, hypocrite! What are you, why are you imprisoning me! If you have a seed, you will imprison me for the rest of your life, otherwise, in the future When I leave this yard, Chen Xiaodie will die! Hahaha, I want to let the whole world know how you spoiled your concubine and destroyed your wife, and let the whole world see how you ruined my appearance, how Abuse of daughter-in-law!

   Chen Yangqiu! You have to die! not to die"

   Ouyang slapped the courtyard door like crazy, yelling back and forth with the same words, if he was tired, he would take a break, and after the break, he continued, making noise from day to night.

   As night came, Ouyang's scolding became clearer and clearer. At this time, she didn't know that half a person had disappeared outside Erjin's yard, and even if she shouted dryly, no one would hear her.

After Chen Yangqiu sent the person who was watching over to report the situation to him, he just waved his hand, wrote two pieces of paper with a sullen face, handed it to the person, and ordered: "Give this to Madam, and let her live in peace. , pay homage to the Buddha, cultivate one's self-cultivation, if she is still so irritable."

  Chen Yangqiu looked at the medicinal soup on the table and fell silent.

   Ouyang's commotion has not subsided for a day, all the pearls shrank, and dared not show their heads. I thought that Ouyang's commotion would last until the second half of the night, but suddenly there was no sound outside.

Several maids looked at each other, but in the end they couldn't help but quietly ran out together to find out what happened. I saw Ouyang standing in the moonlit courtyard, holding two pieces of paper with trembling hands, and a pair of eyes staring at the boss, as if Dead restless.

   Pearl saw that she was motionless, so frightened that her heart almost jumped to her throat, she mustered up the courage to step forward, and asked cautiously, "Madam?"

  Ouyang Shi remained motionless, Pearl got closer again and patted her lightly.

  Ouyang Shi suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell straight down.

   "Ah!" A sharp shout cut through the night sky, and the main courtyard was in chaos, but no one cared about it.

   The next day, the Chen House let out rumors that the prefect's wife was ill.

   Upon receiving the news, Mrs Peng came to the door immediately, but was stopped outside the house by the housekeeper.

   Mrs Peng bit her lip tightly, her long and narrow almond eyes, revealing her three-point mean and seven-point hypocritical worry, "Housekeeper, I'm just worried about my cousin, whether I can be accommodating or not, I'll take a look at her, and I won't stay long."

   The butler said with a straight face and expressionless face: "Mrs. Liu, don't be embarrassed. This is the order of the prefect. Before the madam's body is healed, no one will be seen. Please forgive me."

   (end of this chapter)

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