Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 258: act recklessly

   Chapter 258

   "Oh?" Old Jitou rubbed his chin and pondered. Could it be that the concubine did something shocking before she got married? I can't! Before, he had checked the background of Concubine Ling to make it clear that she was a very ordinary girl, who didn't even have a good name, a good name, a sage, and it was not until she entered the palace that she became a blockbuster.

Seeing Lao Jitou's suspicious eyes, Ouyang looked stimulated and gritted his teeth excitedly: "That woman. As soon as that woman came back to the capital, she came to me, she didn't say anything to me, her mouth was full. It was also very sweet, and she said that she was not familiar with the capital, and she came to me every day to take my words. At that time, Chen Yangqiu had a cold relationship with me, and he was so focused on preparing for the imperial examination that he never met his sister.

It's ridiculous that I didn't think much about it at that time. I've heard that Miss Chen Er and Er Gongzi Chen are a compatriot. They are similar in age and have a very deep relationship. Why does my sister, who I haven't seen in a few years, avoid having a very good relationship with her every time she visits. Brother, do you know why? "

  Old Jitou's face gradually became serious, and countless possibilities flashed in his heart, but they were all denied by him.

Ouyang didn't continue to sell off, she gritted her teeth with all her strength and said, "That's because she has a ghost in her heart! So she doesn't have a clue about everything in the capital, and she doesn't dare to face the second brother who used to know her well! That **** is more for the sake of Divert Chen Yangqiu's attention and secretly arrange for Chen Yangqiu to meet Xi Wanyu, so that Chen Yangqiu will not focus on her sister, what a vicious woman, don't you think?"

Old Jitou didn't say a word, and Ouyang didn't need his response, and continued: "The Chen family performed this drama of stealing the pillars very well, from the master to the slaves, no one showed any strangeness, and soon, Miss Chen Entering the palace, it was smooth sailing, first a beauty, then a concubine, then a concubine, and now the noble concubine is invincible, even the queen has to avoid her edge and shrink the temple. But she never thought that one person would take her bottom Got it!"

   "Who?" Lao Jitou asked subconsciously, realizing that he was being manipulated by Ouyang, and couldn't help but feel annoyed.

After so many years of holding back, Ouyang was the first to speak to someone. She was so excited that she didn't even notice what was wrong with Old Jitou. It was also changed to Chen Lingya because she told the emperor that it would be better to order, so the emperor ordered my father-in-law to change the genealogy, but these are all things in the early years. Little things are probably forgotten by everyone.

Chen Ningrong got married before my parents-in-law returned to Beijing. Few people want to come to the capital to know her or have seen her, but this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although she is a concubine, she is the eldest daughter. Another favored person, Chen Ningya is a direct descendant, and it stands to reason that the treatment of the two sisters at home should be about the same.

But the Chen family can't follow common sense. Chen Ningya's position in the family is that my mother-in-law has to be at the back. Any good things my father-in-law gets will only be delivered to her as soon as possible, living in the best yard and enjoying the best scenery. , Wearing the most expensive clothes and tasting the most exquisite desserts, Chen Ningrong saw it in her eyes and hated her in her heart. In the past, people stared at Chen Ningya and tried every means to compare her.

   So the person who knows a person best in this world is usually only her enemy! "

  Ouyang's sentence Old Jitou agrees.

Seeing the old Jitou nodded, Ouyang said more and more vigorously, "It's a pity that Chen Ningrong didn't have a good background, but my father-in-law is still good to her, the eldest daughter of a concubine. She got married and gave a large dowry, enough for her to live comfortably at her husband's house for a lifetime.

Originally, Chen Ningrong was quite satisfied with her marriage, and she could be considered a good friend with her husband. Unfortunately, her husband was a short-lived ghost. The marriage was gone in six or seven years, and she only left her three children. Chen Ningrong couldn't, and could only delay I went back to Beijing with my family to join my family. I met her at that time. She knew my background and wanted to flatter me.

   After we went back and forth, we started chatting. I remember when talking about Chen Ningya, Chen Ningrong was so jealous that she casually muttered, 'If I have a scar on my body, I can still enter the palace. If I hadn't gotten married, what would have happened to her! ’ At that time, I was very concerned, and after asking a few more questions, I realized that my father-in-law and the servants around Chen Ningya have been carefully serving, raising her skin and tender meat, and never letting her shed a drop of blood.

Later, the two got into an argument. Chen Ningrong made hands and feet in her nails and scratched her arm intentionally, leaving a long and thin scar. Although the back was healed, she still left a finger-long scar. , right next to a small mole, you can see it at a glance. At that time, the servant who served by Chen Ningya's side was fined for this matter, and the father-in-law even got the best scar removal ointment in the palace. But it cannot be completely eliminated, at most it can only be covered up.

Before Chen Ningrong got married, the scar was still there. Later, I accompanied the imperial concubine Ling to go to the hot spring in Beigong, and I paid special attention to it. The two arms of the imperial concubine were smooth and fair, not to mention the scar, there was not even a mole on it. !

Of course, at that time, I was only a little suspicious. Later, after inquiring about a lot of things with Chen Ningrong, I became more and more certain. For example, Chen Ningya grew up in the capital and could eat anything, but the imperial concubine in the palace was like prawns. Food allergies, eating more will cause rashes all over the body and shortness of breath, which has never happened before.

   Also, Chen Ningya likes light and elegant colors, but the imperial concubine prefers red. Chen Ningya is gentle and pleasant, making the imperial concubine public and enthusiastic. The two are completely different in terms of character and preference.

   So I'm sure that Concubine Ling in the palace is not my father-in-law's biological daughter at all, it's a fake! I guess it must be that something happened to Chen Ningya, so my father-in-law had to find such a fake to enter the palace. You said that if this matter is revealed, what will happen to the concubine Ling? I have this handle, she has to protect me! "

  Speaking of the end, Ouyang actually became proud.

Old Jitou was stunned. Before, he thought Ouyang was smart and appreciated her a little more, but now he has completely overturned his perception of her, and couldn't help but complain: "You should be grateful that your mouth is still strict, If you let Concubine Ling know about this, I'm afraid that you may not be able to see the sun tomorrow, even if it is in my hands, it will not be able to prevent the other party from penetrating the needle, secretly making a black hand, and the Ouyang family behind you."

   (end of this chapter)

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