Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 263: come again

   Chapter 263 Come to the door again

   Wu Qiaoqiao, the third daughter of Wu's third child, looked shy, and her face changed suddenly when she heard this, and her veil fell to the ground.

  Wu's third wife, Mrs. Wang, was agitated and asked in a sharp voice, "Dad, have you been deceived? How could there be such a coincidence? We just mentioned it, and their family is engaged!"

  The village chief's wife said unhappily, "Does their family despise our family Qiaoqiao?"

"Mother! What happened to our Qiaoqiao? She grew up in the palm of our hands and grew up in the town. She also recognized a lot of words with her two brothers. Is there any other girl in Fushan Village who can follow us Qiaoqiao? Are they on a par?" Wang snorted angrily and automatically ignored the two girls from the Wen family.

  The village chief looked at the noisy family, his face sinking like water.

  Only after Wang's confrontation did he realize that the father-in-law's expression was wrong, and he shut his mouth, but his heart was very unconvinced.

   Third Wu asked, "Dad, what did the Wen family say?"

  The village chief raised his eyelids, leaning on crutches and said expressionlessly, "I'm engaged to the niece of the dean of Fucheng Wenshan College, a high-stakes family, what should our family compare to others?"

   When he said this, the village chief felt a sense of loss and daze. He has always been the head of Fushan Village. No matter how well the Wen family lived, why don't you want to find him as the village chief? Being respected and respected for a lifetime, suddenly realizing that there are people outside people, there are heavens outside, this feeling is really powerless.

   Wu Laosan stood up in shock, "The ladies of Fucheng? Why!"

   Wu Laosan subconsciously thought that Wen Youshan was fooling his father, and that the ladies in the city and the good people in the county might not be able to get married, so why would he have the Wen family?

   Of course, there is another point, he will never admit that he is jealous.

The village chief laughed and said, "Why? Just because people have the ability to send their children to study next to the dean of Wenshan Academy, and the dean's appreciation, our family doesn't have this ability, I haven't mentioned the matter of marriage, they just Tell me the news of the engagement, this time they are going to go to Fucheng to hire, the date is set, and Yuanliang didn't come back, so let's show Qiaoqiao another good family!"

   "I don't want it!" Wu Qiaoqiao slapped the table angrily, covering her face and running away.

  Wang was stunned for a moment, and quickly chased after him.

  The village chief's wife couldn't help scolding Wu Laosan, "Look at the good daughter you raised, she is ignorant and unruly, her heart is higher than the sky! I don't want to see if she has that fate!"

   "Mother!" Wu Laosan raised his voice a few degrees, followed impatiently, and said, "Can't you say a few words less? If the child's mother heard that, she would have to quarrel with you again."

   "You're not a filial son!" The village head mother-in-law scolded angrily and left in a fit of anger, clearly not wanting to take care of this mess.

The village chief entered the room after a while, and when he saw that the old wife had already undressed and was about to lie down, he sighed a few times and frowned, "You said that this is a trouble, tomorrow you ask the eldest and second-in-law to persuade the old man. Three families, if the third daughter-in-law is unwilling to choose a family for Qiaoqiao near us, then let them go back to town."

   "I'm not going!" The village chief mother-in-law said solemnly, she wasn't happy! I didn't see those white-eyed wolves coming over to coax her, and she wanted her to be in love and stick to her cold ass. She wasn't being cheap.

The village chief's expression changed, and he was extremely helpless, "You said that you are also getting old, why are you more willful! I know you don't like Qiaoqiao's temperament, but no matter what, she is our granddaughter, if Qiaoqiao gets married Well, there's light on your face, isn't it?"

If the village chief had told her these words before, she would have listened, but now she lives comfortably and has the face she deserves. Look, I can't expect to be exposed! It's good that they don't block me in the future! As for the marriage, I'm not talking about you, the eyes of the mother and daughter are not generally high, and I really let the eldest and the second daughter-in-law persuade me, maybe they will If you are complained, you should stop looking for trouble for the eldest and the second family, and I will rely on them to support them in the future!"

The village chief's wife could see clearly that although the youngest son is the most respectable, the three sons are not as good as the eldest and the second in terms of earning money. The two of them have earned a lot from mulberry and silkworm farming over the years. The cultivation is big and bright, and she also bought a lot of land in the next village. She lives well, and more importantly, she is filial to her, which is many times better than the disobedient third child!

   Seeing that his wife couldn't make sense, the village chief sighed again, but he couldn't wait for his wife to compromise, but he heard his wife's snoring and was speechless.

  The room of Mr. Wu and his wife.

   Wang entered the door with a stern face. He was out of breath and made a lot of noise.

   Wu Laosan was drinking a small wine with peanuts. He was so disturbed by Wang's movement that his face turned black. He threw a peanut heavily and scolded: "Do you need to clean up? Give me some peace!"

Seeing Wu Laosan like this, Wang knew that he was drunk again. If it was normal, she would not be afraid, but the drunk Wu Laosan couldn't make sense. If he messed with him, he could beat people to death desperately. , she has been repaired a lot before.

  For the sake of his own life, Mrs. Wang instantly restrained herself and shrank to the side, planning to wait until Mr. Wu wakes up tomorrow before talking to him.

   The next day.

Fushan Village was still shrouded in the dim morning light, and the fog filled the air. Looking at the weather, it seemed that the weather was not good. Wen Youshan got up early in the morning. For fear that the weather in late autumn would change, he quickly called Wen Yuanhong up, and the father and son summed it up. , called a few guards into the carriage and drove all the way to Zhangjiagou.

From Fushan Village to Zhangjiagou, it takes a horse-drawn carriage to drive the road from the dawn of the day and it takes dark to arrive. Fortunately, the villagers in Zhangjiagou have had a lot better these years, and they also know how to repair the road in and out of the village, otherwise it is uncertain. Can't come in a day.

  Just after noon, the village chief came to the door again, this time it was not only him but also Wu Laosan, Wang Shi and Wu Qiaoqiao.

  Wu Qiaoqiao was the first time to enter Wen's house. Although Wen's house was average, it was huge inside, and there was a front and rear yard. At first glance, he was satisfied.

  The housekeeper brought the group into the main room and offered tea cups: "Several, please take your time, our wife will be here in a while."

  The village chief raised his eyes and asked slowly, "Where's your master?"

  The housekeeper replied politely: "Our master took the second young master out as soon as the day dawned, as if he was going to catch the geese."

   "Catch geese?" The village chief was a little puzzled.

   The housekeeper laughed and said, "Yes, it is said that the second young master will be hired. Because the first young master uses a bunch of geese when he is hired, the second young master should also follow this rule."

The village chief's expression changed greatly, and he suddenly held the butler's hand, which startled the butler, but he ignored him and only asked: "You mean Yuan Hong is going to be hired? Isn't he still young? How could he be? Getting married so early?"

   He didn't get the slightest bit of wind on this matter.

   (end of this chapter)

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