Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 270: welcome relatives

   Chapter 270 Welcome

  Wen Yuanliang lowered his eyes, was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "I wish you all the gold medals, I will try my best to catch up with you!"

"Then it's settled!" Shen Wei patted Wen Yuanliang on the shoulder, turned and left gracefully, before leaving, he reminded: "Although you and Feng Hongyu have a good relationship, he is now married to the Chen family daughter, Chen The prostitute of the family. It's not that simple. Although Chen Yangqiu has been hiding this matter, paper can't contain the fire. Once the capital finds out about it, it will take action when it comes, and the Feng family will probably be involved. .

  Feng Hongyu has only two choices. One is to obey morality and give up his career completely. "

  Wen Yuanliang's expression changed greatly, and he gritted his teeth and asked: "If that's the case, why does Chen Yangqiu want to harm Hongyu like this? Could it be that he has a grudge against the Feng family?"

Shen Wei stopped, shook his head and said: "There is no hatred, no kindness, I can only say that it has nothing to do, he needs to find a reliable person to entrust Chen Xiaodie, Feng Hongyu is the best candidate in the range he can choose. , that's all, as for what Feng Hongyu will do in the future, Chen Yangqiu himself doesn't know, or he doesn't even know what he will do in the future!"

Wen Yuanliang heard it in a fog, why did he feel like a lot of things had changed since he helped Shen Wei stole Ouyang's letters last time. It's like a tool, just throw it away when you're done.

  Shen Wei knew that he had a lot of doubts, but he didn't plan to solve his doubts, so he left these words and walked away in a dashing manner.

Now that Feng Hongyu and Xue Zheng haven't come back, Shen Wei has left again, and Bailiqing is not there. Qi Zixi is the only one who can talk to him. The two live together again, and they don't even have a courtyard gate. out.

As soon as we entered the twelfth lunar month, people from Qing'an County came. Wen Yuanliang was called back from Wenshan Academy by Jiang Dayi and started to get busy. Qi Zixi, as Wen Yuanliang's future sister-in-law, naturally would not miss it, and participated in the whole process, compared to the prospective groom. Also be positive.

  Because the prefecture is far away from Qing'an County, the wedding ceremony is at the beginning of the month. The groom picks up the bride and arrives in Qing'an County before the twelfth lunar month.

On the day of the wedding, Wen Yuanliang got up early to wash up, Shu Yan waited for him to put on his wedding clothes, and looking at the talented Wen Yuanliang, he couldn't help but praise: "Young master, you really are a dragon and a phoenix among people, look at this dress, you are so small. Going blind."

   Wen Yuanliang was in good spirits at the happy event. Hearing this, he glanced at the inkstone with a funny look, threw the small purse to him, and said with a smile: "Today is a good day for this young master, I will reward you!"

   Shu Yan's smile became brighter, and the nice words kept pouring out as if he didn't want money. When Wen Yuanliang finished packing and went out, he took a peek at his purse and found that there were two taels of silver in it.

  Wen Yuanliang was ready, and went out with a large group of people. The huge Wen house was instantly empty, and only those dazzling words of happiness were left, telling passersby that there was happiness in the house.

The welcoming team arrived at the Zhuo Family Courtyard in a mighty way. Zhuo Qianyu put on a red wedding dress under the service of the servants, and was saying goodbye to Zhuo Mingxuan with tears in his eyes. Hearing the sound of gongs and drums outside, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, nervously and expectantly. Grasp Zhuo Mingxuan's hand.

  Zhuo Mingxuan turned his head and said softly in a soothing voice: "Dad, go to the front yard to have a look, you sit well, Yuanliang will come to pick you up in a while, you can go with him and have a good life!"

   At this moment, Zhuo Qianyu understood the true meaning of parting, his nose was sour, and he burst into tears.

   Zhuo Mingxuan looked here and then looked outside, the sound of gongs and drums had already reached the courtyard gate, and there was no delay, so he had to break free from Zhuo Qianyu and ordered Bailian to take care of him.

Zhuo Qianyu leaned on Bai Lian's body and cried, "I don't want to leave daddy, this married daddy will definitely leave, uncle has already left early, if daddy also follows, I will be left alone here. !"

   This kind of panic has never happened before, she was really scared.

Bai Lian hurriedly coaxed and persuaded: "Miss, you can't think that way, women will always marry when they grow up, no matter how close or far, as long as the marriage is good, and you won't be able to accompany you when the uncle goes to the capital to take the test. Going back? It's been a few years since I separated from the master, and it's over."

   Bai Lian persuaded Zhuo Qianyu for a long time before gradually calming down.

   Zhuo Mingxuan, who hurried to the front yard, had a stern face, and if he looked closely, he could see the bloodshot on his eyes.

After Wen Yuanliang saluted him, he said in a soft and understanding voice: "My son-in-law knows that my father-in-law is reluctant to say a thousand words. Anyway, this time it is a marriage. If the father-in-law is not in a hurry, why don't you come with us? You can come and sit at my house, although our house is in the countryside, the house is not as good as the house in the county town, but the things that should be there are not bad, and you and Qianyu will never be wronged."

Zhuo Mingxuan's mood was originally quite heavy, but after listening to Wen Yuanliang's words, he was relieved a lot, and there was a smile on his face, he agreed after thinking a little, "Okay! You guys are gone, I will return to Beijing when Qianyu gets married."

   Zhuo Mingxuan has no contacts in Fucheng, and only Mr. Xu and Chen Yangqiu came to congratulate them today. Together, they couldn't fit into the same table. Everyone heard that at this time, their eyes on Wen Yuanliang became much gentler.

  Chen Yangqiu rarely praised, "It's as pure as Mr. Xu said!"

   This is a sincere statement, but there is still a bit of disappointment.

   Mr. Xu laughed and said, "Your son-in-law is not bad, he has a bright future!"

  Chen Yangqiu smiled bitterly. These words did not make him happy, but made him feel a little more guilty. After all, he made a mistake with the child, and I don't know if the child would be angry with Xiaodie after knowing these things.

   The more I think about Chen Yangqiu, the more depressed I feel, and I actually drank boring wine.

When Zhuo Mingxuan led Wen Yuanliang over to say hello, he saw Chen Yangqiu walking up to take away the wine glass in dissatisfaction, and said solemnly: "You are also the prefect of Dizhou, take it easy, we are about to set off, let's have a good meal, It's a goodbye, and I won't come back after I go to Qing'an County."

Chen Yangqiu had a sullen face, but he complied obediently. After three rounds of drinking, he suddenly said, "Ming Xuan, if you go to Qing'an County, by the way, help me see Xiaodie, and then write me a letter to make me feel at ease. ."

  Zhuo Mingxuan paused, and finally nodded in agreement, but the expression was not very good.

  After the banquet was over, the auspicious time had arrived, and the welcoming team set off on the road. This time, Wen Youshan specially let Jiang Dayi lead the team. With such a doorman, it can be said that he was invincible, and no one with eyesight dared to stand in the way.

   (end of this chapter)

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