Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 277: Wen Yuanzhen gets married

   Chapter 277 Wen Yuanzhen Gets Married

   The couple looked at each other and laughed in unison.

On the day of Wen Yuanzhen's wedding, the servants of the Wen family's old house got up and went to work before dawn. The welcoming team was waiting early in the other courtyard in Qing'an County, and arrived in Fushan Village just before the auspicious time, beating gongs and drums again. The dragon and lion dance team was invited, and the battle was so great that even the villagers in Fushan Village looked sideways and moved their stools to sit in front of their houses to watch the excitement.

When the servants of the Qi family entered the village, they walked all the way to throw copper coins. When the people in the village heard the news, they stopped working in the fields. shocked.

   Zhuo Qianyu exclaimed: "Who the **** came up with this idea, how can you do this to welcome a relative! It's the first time I've grown so big!"

  Wen Yuanliang nodded in agreement and muttered, "Don't talk about you, it's the first time I've seen you!"

   Wen Yuanxing gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, very angry, "It's really cunning! He is buying people's hearts, and if we block people in the village later, they will definitely speak for him! What a Qi Zixi!"

Wen Yuanliang came back to his senses, his face changed, and he said solemnly: "Little brother, what you said is very reasonable, I still have classmate friendship with Qi Zixi, and he was not too busy when I got married. After I'm busy, I'll see you and the second brother in a while!"

   "Big brother! You are not kind!" Wen Yuanhong's voice sounded behind the heads of several people.

   Wen Yuanxing followed suit and said, "That's right! The bad guys let us do it, what else can big brother do?"

  Wen Yuanliang said confidently, "Don't I have to carry a bride!"

  Wen Yuanhong: "."

  Wen Yuanxing: "."

   What's the matter with suddenly not wanting to talk to such a second-hand guy?

   There was a lot of noise outside, and they were all waiting for the welcoming team to come up, while Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya sank their faces again, and were silent for a while in front of the gorgeous golden silk nanmu box in the main room.

Seeing that someone was about to come in, Wen Youshan made a decisive decision, gritted his teeth and moved the things back to the bedroom, Chen Ningya locked the door and gasped: "What's going on? Didn't we already bury the box? Why did it come out again? Are you here? Could it be that there is a conspiracy against our family?"

Wen Youshan sullenly opened the box and was stunned for a moment. The things inside were different from those in the previous time. Although they were also invaluable, they were all high-quality pearl agate, small antiques, and some paintings and calligraphy. It's not as good as the box last time, but it's too precious to say, and there's a letter in it.

  Wen Youshan took it out and took a look. The content was similar to the last letter, but this time it was pointed out that it was for Wen Yuanzhen's dowry, and by the way, he laughed at the two of them, saying that the last box was not hidden enough.

   Seeing this letter, Wen Youshan really wanted to cry but had no tears. He felt like a juggling monkey. After struggling for a long time, it was of no use at all.

   "Miss, what do you say?" Wen Youshan has run out of options.

  Chen Ningya was also speechless, looking into Wen Youshan's eyes earnestly, and asked, "Who did you offend by doing business outside?"

Wen Youshan hurriedly pointed to the sky and swore, "God is a lesson! I have never blushed or had any conflicts with others when I was doing business outside. Besides, I do business without blinking an eye, and our family is not a money maker. Those in the casinos are just ordinary petty transactions. Can they smash so many things against me?

   Besides, the other party also knew about the fact that we hid the box last time. If he really wanted to do something to us, he would have already done it, so why bother reminding us? "

"There's nothing wrong with saying that." Chen Ningya muttered, struggling for a long time, and finally gave up her struggle, "Forget it, let's check it carefully, if these things don't have any special marks, they'll be put in the girl's dowry. Inside, let her melt all the gold and silver, and then make jewelry, pearls, and agate. It's fine, although it's expensive, it's not impossible to buy, just leave it alone, as for the antique calligraphy and painting.

   This is also a no-brainer. The enemy is in the dark and we are in the open. No matter what they do, they can't escape the eyes of others. It is better to follow the other party's wishes. At least it seems that the other party is not hostile to their family.

So, when Wen Yuanzhen was ready, Chen Ningya entered her room again, handed a new dowry list to her, and exhorted, "If you have these dowries to accompany you in the future, my mother will be fine. worried."

  Wen Yuanzhen was in a panic because she was about to leave home. Hearing this, she collapsed instantly. Holding Chen Ningya and crying, she didn't even bother to look at the dowry list, "Mother, I can't bear you!"

Chen Ningya hugged her back lovingly and coaxed softly: "You should go to Qi'an County to see the customs and customs there, and soon you will go to Fucheng with Zixi, and your elder brother will be there at that time. Over there, your father goes there several times a year, and your second brother will join you soon. With so many people around, why is it so sad? As for my mother.

  I've been at home all the time. If I have time, I'll visit you guys. Maybe my mother will move to Fucheng later. "

   "Really?" Wen Yuanzhen raised her head and looked at Chen Ningya eagerly.

  Chen Ningya nodded slowly, Wen Yuanzhen finally burst into laughter and covered her red hijab happily, Chen Ningya laughed dumbly and helped her clean up before going out to greet the guests.

  Wen Yuanhong and Wen Yuanxing, who had been blocking outside, were finally lost, and Qi Zixi broke through strongly. Seeing that Qi Zixi was in a state of destruction, he went straight to Huanglong and entered Wen Yuanzhen's boudoir. Wen Yuanxing, who had been shouting, finally calmed down.

  Wen Yuanliang carried Wen Yuanzhen out of the house and put him on the sedan chair. He watched Qi Zixi proudly jump onto the horse's back in the spring, and he was so angry that he was almost heartbroken. Now he regrets not following one of his two younger brothers to stumbling Qi Zixi.

  The welcoming team left the Fushan Village, and the speed was a lot faster all of a sudden, and the noisy village quickly returned to peace.

   Over there, the welcoming team went out of Yuchang Town and changed into a carriage.

   The huge carriage was covered with a thick red quilt, so even if Wen Yuanzhen lay directly on it to sleep, it would not be too bumpy.

While Hong Sha was delighted, she waited for Wen Yuanzhen to take off her red head cover, presented a plate of cakes, and said in a low voice, "Miss, these are made for you by the madam, the eldest madam, and the second madam. If you are hungry on the road, you can fill your stomach. ."

Wen Yuanzhen happily ate a few, and stopped until she was no longer hungry. When she was bored, she remembered the dowry list that Chen Ningya gave her, so she took it out and looked at it to pass the time, but she almost choked to death on her own saliva. I read the dowry list back and forth several times, and after confirming that it was not my eyes, I immediately exclaimed: "Hongsha! Is my mother crazy? Why did you suddenly add the dowry like this, is your sister-in-law okay?"

   (end of this chapter)

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