Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 292: cause of death

   Chapter 292 Cause of Death

Chen Xiaodie also rushed out and knelt down beside Feng Hongyu in grievance, bursting into tears, "Father, if it wasn't for the godmother's protection today, my daughter might have been arrested, this matter started because of me, don't blame the godmother! "

  Chen Ningya had an innocent face and muttered blankly, "Is he really dead? But it has nothing to do with me!"

  Chen Yangqiu: "."

  Chen Xiaodie "."

   Feng Hongyu "."

   "Why do you see me like this?" Chen Ningya muttered in confusion, "I didn't touch her, I didn't poison her, and I didn't say anything, right?"

   Feng Hongyu is speechless, there is nothing wrong, but people are mad at you! But he didn't dare to say it, and he had to think of a way to help Chen Ningya.

But Chen Ningya curled her lips calmly, raised her eyebrows casually, "I know you want to say that Madam Chen was mad at me, hehe. People who were mad at death wouldn't be so frightened before they died. It looks like, maybe she was scared to death by herself because she did too much of her own deeds?"

  Chen Yangqiu was completely speechless, how did she open her mouth like this?

But Mrs. Wen really did nothing, and he was not that kind of confused official, so she coughed lightly and asked the people around him to carry Ouyang's body back, and said, "How can the cause of Ouyang's death be known until the autopsy is carried out? As Lady Wen said, this matter naturally has nothing to do with Lady Wen."

  Chen Ningya Yingying bowed, "Thank you, Sir, for your scrutiny."

Chen Yangqiu walked away in a hurry, leaving only Feng Hongyu and Chen Xiaodie, who were messed up in the wind. The two were really stunned. Chen Ningya turned around and frowned in disgust when she saw their stupid appearance. " What are you doing here if you don't go in?"

  Chen Xiaodie came back to her senses, and the look in Chen Ningya's eyes suddenly changed, so obedient that even Feng Hongyu looked sideways.

   "Godmother is right, we'll go in right now."

   The group entered Wen's house, and the door slammed shut.

  Hu Yiyun asked worriedly: "Mother, are you not injured?"

   "Injured? Even that **** wants to hurt me? When I practiced kung fu for nothing?" Chen Ningya sneered disdainfully.

  Hu Yiyun was relieved and didn't make a sound.

Feng Hongyu and his wife knelt down to Chen Ningya with a thud, and said sincerely, "Godmother, if it wasn't for you to come forward this time and act like the Ouyang Clan's unstoppable stance, Xiaodie would only be miserable. not enough!"

  Chen Xiaodie nodded again and again, impressed by Chen Ningya's mighty and domineering arrogance.

  Chen Ningya spit and shook her head expressionlessly, "That's not true, Ouyang just wants to use Xiaodie as a bargaining chip, but if Xiaodie falls into her hands, she will suffer some hardships, that woman."

  I didn't grow up in my last life, but this life is still the same. In my last life, Ouyang lived for a long time, and it was not until her scandal was exposed that it seriously affected the reputation of the Chen family. At that time, things were very troublesome.

   Although Chen Ningya was hiding in Tibet, she heard a lot of secrets, including that adulterer, she was just testing one or two today, Ouyang was scared to death, tsk tsk

   In the mortuary of the government office.

  Chen Yangqiu placed Ouyang's body in the corner and ordered someone to call for him.

Zuzuo is a middle-aged man of about forty years old. He has a scholarly temperament and is unsmiling. It is common for Zuzuo to bend his waist a little in front of Shangfeng, but he is always upright and even salutes a little casually, "Where can you still be alarmed by this case? The prefect enters this unlucky place."

  Chen Yangqiu ignored his vicious tongue at all, pointed at the corpse in the corner and said, "Richemon, look at how people die."

Richemont pouted and put his suitcase next to the corpse. When he started to work, he seemed to be a different person, but when he lifted the white cloth, he was still taken aback and turned his head in astonishment, "Why is she her? Are you sure you want an autopsy?"

   "Check!" Chen Yangqiu said firmly.

Richemont was helpless and could only continue, looked at Ouyang's face, and said without emotion: "The deceased Ouyang Jia, a female, died in a ferocious form, with a distorted face and dilated pupils, and the preliminary judgment was that the cause of death was sudden unexpected stimulation and excessive fright. The real cause of death needs to be further determined.”

  Chen Yangqiu stood at the door of the morgue, the surroundings were quiet and silent, only Richemont's voice was chanting from time to time, which seemed a bit strange.

   Soon, the sound of a knife cutting through the skin came from inside, and Richemont didn't make a sound. Chen Yangqiu simply sat in the yard and closed his eyes, thinking about everything that happened today.

   A few days ago, someone suddenly came from the capital. It was the old man next to his father who indicated that he wanted to see Ouyang. Chen Yangqiu had no reason to keep her imprisoned.

Today, because the tax was just collected, he had to go out to the warehouse to stare, and Feng Hongyu was called by him to help him. By the way, he taught him something, and Ouyang took advantage of the fact that they were not there. Chen Xiaodie, he was negligent and underestimated the madness of Ouyang's woman, almost, almost, his precious daughter was about to suffer.

   Fortunately, the woman from the Wen family was able to stop the Ouyang family, but the lady Wen.

   Chen Yangqiu frowned slowly, why does this person always give him a similar feeling? Appearance is irrelevant.

   Before he could come up with a reason, Richemont had already left the morgue, sat down beside Chen Yangqiu slowly, and drank a cup of tea following his example.

   "How?" Chen Yangqiu looked at him.

   Richemont shook his head, as if feeling emotional and speechless, "Do you believe me when I said she was scared to death?"

   "I was really scared to death!" Chen Yangqiu murmured, becoming more and more curious about what Madam Wen said to Ouyang's, and why Ouyang's fearless people could be scared to death.

"You know?" Richemont was interested, and said a little excitedly: "I haven't seen people who were scared to death for a long time. Usually people are scared when they encounter an accident, but they don't wait for them to be scared to death. Being killed directly, Ouyang Jia did not have any fatal trauma on her body, and the stab wound on her chest was just a wound to the flesh. Although the bleeding did not reach her heart, there were many blood spots in her heart, which was obviously caused by excessive bleeding. Are you saying it's weird?"

  Chen Yangqiu lowered his eyes, drank the glass of water unhurriedly, got up and said, "Write down the autopsy results in detail and give it to me."

   "Oh" Richemont was quite bored, and after inquiring for a long time, he didn't find anything, but Chen Yangqiu didn't say that he could also check it himself, this is Ouyang Jia! A real noble girl, just died like this? If this matter spreads to the capital, I am afraid it will be another **** storm.

  Chen Yangqiu naturally knew the impact of this incident, so he concealed the real cause of Ouyang's death, and only said that Mrs. Chen died suddenly of a serious illness, and the Chen residence hung up a white silk.

   There is no one in Dizhou who doubts it at all, then Ouyang's "disease" has long been unable to see people, and it is excusable to delay until now.

   (end of this chapter)

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