Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 298: upsurge

   Chapter 298 The Storm Rising

   Referring to Wen Yuanliang, Bai Lian was really at a loss for words, and said helplessly: "The eldest young master and the master are so happy that they drank too much all of a sudden, and said that they would wait for the eldest young lady to wake up and be driven back by the lady to rest."

   Zhuo Qianyu remembered how Wen Yuanliang rushed in during the day, regardless of how he rushed in, his heart was sweet, his mouth pouted, his eyes crooked with laughter, and he had no intention of being angry at all.

  Bai Lian saw that she was in a good mood, and hurriedly said: "Mrs. Young Master, should we send a letter to the capital, the old man and the madam have been looking forward to it!"

   Zhuo Qianyu suddenly said, "Yes, look at my brain, I didn't think of it right away, but I'd better let my husband wake up and do it."

   She now has children and daughters, and she has nothing to worry about.

   Bai Lian saw that she was still the same temperament as when she was still unmarried, she was both happy and had a headache, she served Zhuo Qianyu and lay down and then retired.

   The next day, Wen Yuanliang came over early and entered the delivery room without hesitation.

   At this time, the room has been cleaned and the incense is used, but there is no **** smell at all, but a faint fragrance.

   Zhuo Qianyu was sleeping soundly, but Wen Yuanliang didn't wake her up, he put his hand on her forehead and stopped for a while before withdrawing it.

   Zhuo Qianyu woke up leisurely, and saw the person who came and said: "But sober?"

  Wen Yuanliang nodded with a smile, "I didn't intend to wake you up, how is it? Are you okay?"

Zhuo Qianyu nodded obediently, "It's no big deal, by the way, have you seen the two children? Yesterday, those two little guys started crying pitifully in the middle of the night. The nurse can take care of one but not the other. In the end, it's me. Helped feed one."

Seeing her performance, Wen Yuanliang burst into laughter, pinched Zhuo Qianyu's face, and said, "It's hard work, I'll go see the children in a while, and stay with you at home for two days. I discussed it with my father yesterday. They won't go back to Qing'an County during the Chinese New Year, they will directly spend the New Year in Fucheng, and the younger brothers and sisters will take over after a while."

   Zhuo Qianyu was overjoyed, "But really?"

  Wen Yuanliang nodded affirmatively.

   Zhuo Qianyu narrowed his eyes happily, "This way our whole family can celebrate the New Year together without having to worry about it. By the way, Yuan Zhen's birth is almost at the end of the year, and when her parents are there, she will definitely be more at ease."

The biggest regret of Zhuo Qianyu's birth this time is that there is no one of her parents' family around. It's not that the Zhuo family doesn't pay attention to her. On the contrary, the Zhuo family hold her in their hands and dote on her, but now the situation in the capital is tense, and her parents The brothers didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble, so they could only wrong her.

  Wen Yuanliang knew what she was thinking when he saw her expression, and said softly, "I'll write a letter to my father-in-law and mother-in-law in a while to report safety. If you have anything to explain, please tell me, and I will write it together."

Zhuo Qianyu raised the corners of his mouth happily, and really thought about it, "Let the parents take care of themselves, and also, let the brothers not forget to give the gifts to our children, they should be double, it can't be too casual, but also Also, I worked hard this time, they have to compensate me, and besides."

  Wen Yuanliang was amused and laughed, "I really can't help you!"

   Although he said so, he was not ambiguous when he wrote the letter.

When things at home were over, Wen Yuanliang hurried back to Wenshan Academy, and everyone who met him along the way congratulated him, leaving Wen Yuanliang confused, until he entered his yard and caught Qi Zixi before asking: "What's the matter? Everyone in the academy knows that my wife gave birth to a twin."

   Qi Zixi was sour with envy, "Don't you know? Shu Yan came to ask for leave for you that day, and said it in front of everyone. Mr. Xu even complimented you!"

   "What are you praising me for?" Wen Yuanliang was a little confused.

   "Say you are amazing!" Qi Zixi was indignant, he was also very powerful, but unfortunately he probably couldn't give birth to twins, hey! This time, it really can't compare, it's really depressing!

  Wen Yuanliang was stunned for a moment before he could react. He burst out laughing and was in a good mood. He was walking with wind.

However, this festive atmosphere did not last long. In mid-November, Zhuo Qianyu received a congratulatory letter from the capital, and two letters, one for her and one for her. It is for Wen Yuanliang.

   Wen Yuanliang made a special trip home after receiving the news. After reading the letter, he felt a little heavy.

In the main room, several boxes sent by the Zhuo family are on display. One box designated for Zhuo Qianyu has been sent to their yard. The other boxes are for children and others in the Wen family, all of which have been opened. .

  Chen Ningya looked at the two boxes of gold, silver and jade ornaments and was amazed, "My father-in-law and mother-in-law are so generous!"

   is really generous, those gold ornaments are solid and not light in weight, and those silver locks are bigger than a child's face, how to wear this thing? As for those jade ornaments, it is even more exaggerated. There are all kinds of them, but there are still no tassels. The whole box seems to make up for the birthday gifts of the two children for more than ten years.

Zhuo Qianyu was also very happy, but said stubbornly: "This is what it should be, in addition to my father and mother, there are several brothers and sisters in our family, and my uncle also has several cousins. It is the same as a gift. "

   The appearance of this money fan is really funny.

  Chen Ningya said with a smile: "Put away the things first, and then pick two things that children can wear and put them on."

  Zhuo Qianyu responded obediently, looked back at Wen Yuanliang, and then asked, "What did your father and mother say in the letter, how do you think you are worried?"

  Wen Yuanliang hesitated, finally sighed softly, and said truthfully: "Father-in-law said in the letter that Chen Ge's old faction and the emperor were advising the abolition of the imperial examinations and appointing officials only on the basis of merit."

   "What?" Hu Yiyun widened his eyes in astonishment.

  Others are also confused.

  Chen Ningya calmed down after being shocked and carefully recalled the various events in her previous life. Unfortunately, she was far away from the capital at this point in her previous life, and she did not know what was going on, but she did not hear that the imperial examination was abolished until her death.

   "What are you panicking about! This won't happen, just study with peace of mind, don't get involved."

   Zhuo Qianyu saw that Chen Ningya was so calm, it was no longer admirable to describe, she was simply adored, "Mother, how do you know this is not possible?"

Chen Ningya glanced at her and said dryly: "Do you need to say it? The imperial examinations have been popular for more than a hundred years, and the purpose is to prevent the elites from cultivating power and threatening the imperial power. Although the emperor is a little unclear about women, he is the founder of the country after all. If you can't even see this clearly, you might as well abdicate as soon as possible!"

"Hey!" Everyone was taken aback by these rebellious remarks, and they had to admit that she was right. Besides, not to mention that the emperor did not agree with this kind of thing, the officials born in the poor family of the court were the first to stand up against it. There are also more than half of the scholars in the world. If these people really make trouble, they will not be able to withstand Chen Gelao, nor do they know what those people are thinking, they would come up with such a bad idea.

   (end of this chapter)

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