Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 303: Unreasonable request

  Chapter 303 Unreasonable Request

Zhuo Qianyu thought about it carefully, just now Wen Yuanliang didn't really think much about Liu Zhilan, so his reaction was a little big at the beginning, so he let him go and mumbled doubtfully, "Then Xue Zheng is not from Qing'an County like you are. Is that right? Zhilan is the daughter of Liu's family, and I heard that she was struggling to survive under her stepmother's hands before, so she will never go back to her parents' house like Chen Xiaodie during the Chinese New Year!"

Wen Yuanliang breathed a sigh of relief, returned to his calm and composed look, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and said calmly, "What's so strange about this? Xue Zheng's parents died, and he has been living in Fucheng since he got married. Going back, plus I have to participate in the autumn festival, how can it be possible to toss back and forth?"

   Zhuo Qianyu was silent, and after solving the knot in her heart, she also became a little interested in befriending Liu Zhilan.

  The first month was out, Wen Yuanliang and the others all returned to the academy. This time, they really had to go all out. Zhuo Qianyu and a few others were not ignorant of things. Unless something really happened, they would not disturb them easily.

In the blink of an eye, spring went to autumn. Seeing that the autumn season was approaching, Zhuo Qianyu began to pack Wen Yuanliang's luggage. Hu Yiyun was also busy making arrangements for Wen Yuanhong. There was Liu Zhilan on Xue Zheng's side, so there was no need for Xue Zheng to worry about it. Only Feng Hongyu's side was there. At this critical time, Chen Xiaodie actually fell ill. As the day of Feng Hongyu's departure drew nearer, her body became worse, and even Chen Yangqiu was alarmed.

Seeing his precious daughter become so ill, Chen Yangqiu was heartbroken. Although it was difficult to speak, he still called Feng Hongyu to him, gritted his teeth and said what he had been thinking about for a long time, "Hongyu, I know this is a little embarrassing for you. , but I'm really worried about Xiaodie now, can you slow down?"

   As clever as Feng Hongyu, after hearing this, he knew what Chen Yangqiu meant. He was a little shocked and a little disbelieving, biting his lips and being speechless for a while.

  Chen Yangqiu sighed in his heart, but still persuaded: "I'm left with Xiaodie. She can't be in trouble. With your talent, it won't be a problem even if you delay the exam for three years."

   Feng Hongyu didn't even know how he got out of the Chen Mansion. He walked down the street in despair, and was almost hit by a carriage. He was scolded in vain.

Wen Youshan was coming out of the restaurant, and when he witnessed this scene, he immediately stepped forward to hold him and reprimanded him with a stern face: "You child doesn't even look at the road when he walks? What if he gets hit? But where is the injury? already?"

  Feng Hongyu saw Wen Youshan's worried face, and couldn't help crying, which shocked Wen Youshan.

Looking at the passing cars and horses, Wen Youshan took them to the tea shop box and asked solemnly, "It's said that men don't cry easily, but they haven't reached the sad part. Now it's just the two of us here. If you Really put my godfather in your heart and tell me honestly, what happened?"

   Feng Hongyu bit his lip, his face was pale, and he smiled sadly, "Godfather, my father-in-law said that Xiaodie is ill, let me slow down and take the test next time."

  Wen Youshan was furious just after hearing such a sentence, slapped the table and scolded: "How unreasonable, what does Chen Zhifu mean? Are you bullying others? I'm going to have a theory with him!"

Feng Hongyu stopped the person and said sadly: "Godfather, don't interfere in this matter, Xiaodie is my father-in-law's life. She is seriously ill now, and my father-in-law will never let me leave. If you are angry with your father-in-law, the Feng family will suffer!"

  Wen Youshan didn't care and took Feng Hongyu home forcibly.

  Chen Ningya was talking to Zhuo Qianyu Hu Yiyun and the others. Seeing that Wen Youshan brought Feng Hongyu back in a rage, she hurriedly asked the two to go back first, and asked worriedly, "What happened? It's so hot!"

   "It's not that Chen Yangqiu! It's abominable! Abomination!" Wen Youshan was ruthless and kicked over a stool.

   There was a lot of movement. Zhuo Qianyu and Hu Yiyun, who had not gone far, looked at each other worriedly and turned back secretly.

  Chen Ningya was taken aback. After being married for so many years, she had never seen Wen Youshan so angry, so she subconsciously looked at the pale Feng Hongyu.

   Feng Hongyu repeated the matter in a low voice.

Chen Ningya also changed her face and was silent for a while. She exchanged glances with Wen Youshan and looked at Feng Hongyu gently, "Go to the guest room to wash up, have a good rest, calm down and think about it, the godmother knows this is You can't joke about your future, don't worry, Chen Zhifu will change his mind."

Feng Hongyu was puzzled, but Chen Ningya didn't say much. After letting Feng Hongyu be taken down, her face completely sank, "Youshan, you send someone to the academy to call Yuanliang, the others and Qingzhu back, I'll be at Hongyu later. You should take him to the provincial capital, and then go to Chen's house to talk to Chen Yangqiu. In addition, Feng's family should also send a letter to explain the whole thing clearly, so that they will not be kept in the dark. , when something happens, it will be our fault! Now I'll go see Xiaodie first."

   Chen Ningya found out that Zhuo Qianyu and Hu Yiyun were eavesdropping after she left the main room.

  The two were caught, and they were immediately embarrassed. They were hesitating about how to explain, when Chen Ningya said, "Since you all heard it, then come to Feng's house with me, and persuade Xiaodie by the way."

   This time, Zhuo Qianyu was very cooperative and nodded without thinking. Chen Ningya was amused, but she didn't show it.

   The group entered Feng's house only to find that the huge house was quiet and deserted, and there was no popularity.

  The housekeeper took them to Chen Xiaodie's bedroom. As soon as they walked outside the door, they heard Chen Xiaodie's heart-rending coughing, mixed with Tao'er's worried persuasion.

  Chen Ningya entered the door.

   Tao'er got up and saluted.

  Chen Xiaodie smiled weakly, "Godmother, it's rare for you to come here, but I can't entertain you like this, I'm really sorry."

  Chen Ningya shook her head and tucked the quilt for her, "I'm here to see you, not to torment you. I don't need you to entertain me. By the way, what did the doctor say?"

  Chen Ningya looked at Tao'er.

   Tao'er replied respectfully: "The doctor said that my young lady is overthinking, plus she has a poor foundation, and it's just like this. She needs to be calm and raised, and it's not appropriate to think too much."

   These words made Tao'er feel guilty. If Chen Xiaodie hadn't been so serious, she wouldn't have gotten sick like this. This is simply an unbreakable knot.

  Chen Ningya was puzzled, "Your young lady has a doting father and a single-minded husband. She doesn't need to serve her parents-in-law and has no troublesome sister-in-law when she lives in the city. What's there to worry about?"

  "This" Tao'er looked at Chen Xiaodie, she agreed with Chen Ningya from the bottom of her heart, but her own lady was at the top of her head, and no matter how much she persuaded her, it would be of no avail.

  Chen Xiaodie smiled and shook his head, "I'm not worried about anything, it's just that the doctor has to say something, and I can't help it."

   (end of this chapter)

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