Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 306: mother-in-law

   Chapter 306 Mother-in-law comes to the door

Just thinking too much is useless, there is no regret medicine in this world, and nothing can change the established fact, Huang Shi sighed twice, gradually calmed down, hesitated for a long time, but still gritted his teeth and said decisively: "I'm going to Fucheng! The children are all here! Over there, I'm still thinking about staying at home, so why don't I go see my daughter-in-law, doesn't she say she's sick? I'm just in charge of the overall situation!"

Feng Xinghai didn't object this time. His only impression of Chen Xiaodie, his daughter-in-law, was that of a standard lady, she always obeyed the rules, paid attention to her appearance, and said she would eat and drink until the order was reached. She was also polite and not close to them. , I didn't see how she managed things. To be honest, he felt that Chen Xiaodie's maid was more sensible than her.

It has been almost a year since he got married, and he didn't say anything about his stomach. Now he is still inexplicably ill. With such a body, he has to inherit the family of Feng's family. He feels hanging himself. With a high background, he would never agree to this marriage.

   As a result, the only advantage of being tall is now a big stone on Feng Hongyu's head. He couldn't give him a foot, and he almost crushed him. What's the matter? It's just that everyone has passed the door, and there is really no other way, so I can only let the Huang family go there and see if they can train one or two.

   The two negotiated properly, and the Huang family set off for Fucheng the next day. When she arrived in Fucheng, Feng Hongyu and his party were almost at the provincial capital.

Huang's carriage entered Fucheng, and the first person to go was not Chen Xiaodie's residence, but Feng's other courtyard. Feng Hongzhe fell off the list last time, and he stayed here if he wanted to continue the examination for Xiucai, but he was in Wenshan Academy when Huang arrived. , The small yard seemed to be uninhabited for a long time, and it was covered with dust and dust. She only glanced at it and felt a nameless anger in her heart.

Madam Cui, who was serving her, saw her face sullen, and hurriedly called for someone to clean it, then moved a stool, brushed the dust on it with her sleeve, and said with a smile, "Madam, you will do it right away, and you will be done in a while. All right."

   Huang's heart was unhappy, she gritted her teeth and sneered, and said sarcastically: "It's really a lady, she just knows how to do things! We really don't care about small families like us."

Madam Cui opened her mouth and didn't say anything. In fact, she also felt that the eldest young lady was a little too much. It was obvious that everyone was in the city, so she didn't need to take care of the concubine, serve her in-laws, let alone deal with the concubine's same room, and the eldest young master was still single-minded. Studying, it is impossible to stay with her all the time. Why don't you know Gu Yigu when you are idle all day? Although he doesn't live here, it's the Feng family's property anyway.

  The two master and servant were relatively silent. It was almost dark before the house was cleaned, and the bedding was also dried. Huang was sitting in the bedroom, sulking, wanting to sleep but couldn't sleep, tossing and turning.

  Feng Hongzhe didn't return until late at night, Huang Shi felt shallow, and immediately shouted to the door when he heard the movement: "Mr. Cui, what's the matter?"

   Feng Hongzhe's voice answered her, "Mother, I'm back."

   Huang Shi was overjoyed, got off the bed quickly, put on only a coat and went over to open the door for Feng Hongzhe, "Why are you coming back so late? Hurry in, it's cold outside."

   Feng Hongzhe patted the frost on his body before entering the door, and said apologetically, "I know my mother is here, but the homework at the academy has not been completed, so I can only delay it until now."

  Huang shook his head and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, your reading is more important. Anyway, my mother didn't leave in a day or two. Come back and have a look when you are free."

Feng Hongzhe let out a light smile. At this moment, Mrs. Cui brought a bowl of hot noodles and said with a laugh, "Second Young Master used something, which the servant has just made for you. This time Madam brought few people here, and some of them can't be called. If you have something to do, you can also order your servants."

  Feng Hongzhe still respected the old man beside the Huang family three points. He immediately shook his head and said warmly, "Don't worry about it, mama, go down and rest first. I'll talk to my mother for a while."

   Mrs. Cui left in response and closed the door with her backhand.

  As soon as Mrs. Cui left, Feng Hongzhe's face lightened a bit, "Mother, does sister-in-law know what happened to you?"

Hearing Feng Hongzhe's blunt tone, Mrs Huang was stunned, and shook her head in frustration, "I haven't thought about facing her like this, after all, she is the prefect's young lady, she can't speak, she can't scold, she can't even set the rules, listen. Say she is ill, you say that if I go ahead, if what I say is not pleasing to her, it will be good for her to get angry, will your elder brother be affected? If I don't get angry, I feel so aggrieved Very, your eldest brother didn't do anything to feel sorry for their Chen family, and my father and I didn't even give her the slightest look, and they were always thoughtful.

   What is going on now? How will your big brother live in the future? Woohoo. It's me who killed your elder brother. If I hadn't been obsessed and forced him to marry some noble girl, he wouldn't have had such a hard time! Thinking about it now, this noble girl is only a superficial beauty, and the sadness inside is also known to us! "

  The Huang family has thought a lot about this journey, and now I have really figured it out, but it is too late.

  The Huang family in Feng Hongzhe's memory has always been the kind of person who is always strong at every point, and absolutely refuses to admit defeat.

Just seeing Mrs. Huang like this, he didn't want to add fuel to the fire, so he persuaded a few words, "Mother, no matter what the background of the eldest sister-in-law is, since she entered our Feng family's door, she is a member of the Feng family, and our family did not feel sorry for her. We don't have to worry too much about doing things, just sit upright and if the Chen family goes too far, we don't have to be afraid of them, it's a big deal to make things bigger.

Anyway, Dad works under the magistrate Shen. With the magistrate Shen's temperament, as long as Dad doesn't make mistakes, nothing will happen. We don't need to worry about the prefect's threat. As for the elder brother, the matter this time is serious enough. How can the family deal with the big brother? "

  Huang thought about it carefully and felt that Feng Hongzhe was right, and his tears stopped a little.

   The next day, the Huang family packed up and went down to Chen Xiaodie's house under the leadership of Feng Hongzhe.

   Feng Hongzhe was speechless all the way. When he got outside the house, he politely asked the concierge to go in and report. He had no intention of coming to his eldest brother's house.

  The concierge came out quickly and respectfully invited Huang's group to the main room.

  After a while, Chen Xiaodie entered the door with the help of the maid, and before making a sound, she gave Huang a big gift.

Seeing weak Liu Fufeng's appearance, as if it could be folded when the wind blows, Huang's brows furrowed fiercely, and his voice was a little more unpleasant, "How do the servants around you serve? They took care of you like this. ?"

   (end of this chapter)

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