Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 318: dislike

  Chapter 318

   "How?" Feng Hongyu's voice was tense that he didn't even notice.

Looking at her son's eyes, Huang's eyes were a bit complicated, and after a long while he said quietly: "Your lady starts to come over every day to say goodbye, I don't want to see her, but your father doesn't want to talk to her, every time she comes, she behaves well. Di greeted me at the door, and then went to salute your father. No matter what our attitude was, we took the people away when the ceremony arrived.

snort! She is just doing this for others to see. I really can't think of anything other than scolding us. The eldest lady of the prefect's family condescended to marry into our family. If I never give her a good face, It's been a long time, but my mother-in-law doesn't know what to do. We have also figured it out. We will wait for you to come back in Qiu Wei, and go back after seeing you.

   As for your lady, we don't want to see her anymore. If you want to go back in the future, you can go back by yourself. Anyway, don't bring her into our house! "

   Huang's words were a bit irritating, if Feng Xinghai would have reprimanded her a few words at ordinary times, but this time he was silent, and he seemed to support Huang's.

   The anger in Feng Hongyu's heart burned inexplicably, and he gradually came to a decision.

After a while, Feng Hongzhe also came back. The two brothers talked enthusiastically for a while before Feng Hongyu asked about Chen Xiaodie. The answer he got was more serious than he thought. Feng Hongzhe's attitude towards Chen Xiaodie was no longer the same. The disgust can be described, almost to the point of being intolerant of two tigers. Since his family has this attitude, he also knows what to do.

On the first day back, he took the whole family to Wen's house after a rest, and sat at Wen's house for a long time. The next morning, he led his parents out early in the morning, and went around Fucheng to accompany them to buy some things. It was not bright for three days, so Feng Hongyu sent Feng Xinghai and the Huang family away, and went directly back to Wenshan Academy to study behind closed doors.

Chen Xiaodie received the news as early as when Feng Hongyu came back, just because he went to Wen's house first, and then went directly back to Feng's other courtyard, she hesitated, for fear of going there in front of her in-laws. Feng Hongyu blamed her face to face, she didn't know how to face Feng Hongyu, so she dragged it, thinking that she would come back after Feng Hongyu was busy with the things over there, and then she would explain it a little better and apologize for him. Apologize, this matter can be revealed at this point, I didn't expect Feng Hongyu to go back to the academy so simply.

Upon receiving this news, Chen Xiaodie was about to collapse, grabbed Tao'er's hand in disbelief, her nails were about to dig into her flesh, and asked in a panic, "Why? Why didn't he come back? Why didn't he listen to me? Explanation? My dignified daughter of the prefect married him, but I never pressured him with my status. I was also considerate and considerate to him. Isn't that enough?

   His mother's business is not my intention, and my father is too anxious to do that, I can explain all these, why he didn't give me a chance, why."

Tao'er murmured twice, but she didn't know how to explain it herself. The young lady lost her mother since she was a child, and she has always been cared for by the master. She is a little pure and natural. Her gentle appearance hides it.

In addition, the previous lady used to find faults, and the young lady was used to hiding when the elders were angry and avoiding their edge. During this time, going to the Feng Family Courtyard every day to ask for safety was the limit for the young lady, and she could not say too much. , in case the young lady was stimulated and became seriously ill, she would not be able to explain it to the master.

   It’s just that the uncle doesn’t come back. The young lady is only afraid that the situation will get worse, but now she is also struggling to tell the master about the situation. If the master is angry and the uncle refuses to give in, what will the young lady do? Rather than getting worse, it is better to maintain the current situation.

   At least the uncle and the young lady haven't torn apart their faces, and there is a possibility of reunion.

   Tao'er was distracted, but Chen Xiaodie was already struggling to get to the ground, "I'm going to find him and ask him clearly."

Tao'er was so frightened that she hurriedly held down the person, "Miss, don't be impulsive, there are men in Wenshan Academy, you are a woman, and it is not suitable to go there, why don't you send someone to invite your uncle to come back? , you can wait with peace of mind, is it possible?"

   "Then go quickly!" Chen Xiaodie urged eagerly.

  Tao’er couldn’t get off the tiger, gritted her teeth, and walked out.

The two servants who were sent to Wenshan Academy soon came back, entered the door and met Tao'er quietly, and replied in a low voice, "Miss Tao'er, we went to the academy, but we didn't see Uncle's face, it seemed that it was Uncle. I was doing studies with a few gentlemen, along with Young Master Wen, Young Master Qi, and several other scholars who were rushing for the exam, Qingzhu said that he would bring the conversation to the uncle and let us come back first."

Tao'er was inexplicably relieved when she heard the news, and went into the bedroom with a smile. Seeing that Chen Xiaodie was in a hurry, she immediately said: "Miss, it turns out that my uncle is in a hurry to go back to the academy for serious business, I heard that they came back in a hurry for the exam. My students are all on my husband's side now, it is estimated that they are talking about Qiu Wei, the servant has already brought the message to Qingzhu, and Qingzhu will tell it when the uncle comes out."

  Chen Xiaodie was silent, and her uneasy expression eased a lot, but this silence did not last long. In the evening, Feng Hongyu hadn't come back, and she was in a hurry again. Tao'er had no choice but to send someone to Wenshan Academy to speak.

   This time, only the servants came back by themselves. Tao'er, who received the news, was in a bad mood. She looked at Chen Xiaodie's room and hesitated what to say when she entered.

  The candlelight has been lit, and as the door was lightly opened, a gust of cold wind brought in, bright or dark, so that the faces of the people looked a little unreal.

  The woman sitting in front of the candle looked peaceful, staring at the candlelight without blinking and whispering softly, "Is he coming back?"

   Tao'er bit her lip, shook her head with difficulty, and said uneasily: "Miss, it's better for this servant to report this to the master. If the master comes forward, the uncle will come back if he is not sure."

Chen Xiaodie showed a mournful smile, "Then what? If I was forced to come back, I would speak coldly to me again, or just ignore me, right? His heart is gone, even if he is forced to come back, it will be a different matter to me. What's the point? Besides, before my father didn't let him go, I'm afraid he already has an idea in his heart, and now let my father come forward, I'm afraid he will hate my father!"

   This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, Tao'er is going crazy, "Miss, what do you think we should do?"

  Chen Xiaodie didn't say anything, and was silent for a long time, until the voice of the watch came in, and then slowly said: "Wait! When he wants to understand, he will come back naturally!"

  Chen Xiaodie is very determined.

   Tao'er was full of question marks. Chen Xiaodie was so anxious before, but now she is calmer than anyone else? What's going on here? Amuse her?

   I don't know how Chen Xiaodie figured it out, but as long as the lady doesn't keep urging her, she can breathe a sigh of relief temporarily.

   (end of this chapter)

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