Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 340: framed

   Chapter 340 Framed

   I have to tell the truth about Wen Yuanliang, but this is not the time to think about these things.

   When it was their turn to wait in line for inspection, Zheng Ying's eyes fell on Wen Yuanliang, his brows slightly raised, and then he strode towards him with a frown, Wen Yuanliang was stunned, is it possible that Zheng Ying wants to catch up with him at this time?

   Just when Wen Yuanliang was brainstorming, Zheng Ying suddenly grabbed a strange face behind Feng Hongyu and asked sharply, "What are you doing?"

   The people next to him all retreated.

  The man shivered in panic, his eyes flickered, and he stammered: "Sir, why did you say this?"

   Zheng Ying pointed at Feng Hongyu's test basket, "You put something in it, I saw it, you can't deny it!"

  Feng Hongyu was startled, he hurriedly opened the lid of his own, and found that there was a small bamboo tube that did not belong to him. He immediately took it out and knelt down in horror, "My lord, this thing is not my property, I beg your lord to find out."

   Zheng Ying took it without hesitation, opened it and looked at the man with a guilty conscience, "The densely packed little notes, this is what you stuffed?"

   "Sir, the student has been wronged! It's clear that he cheated, and it has nothing to do with me!"

   Zheng Ying gave him a deep look, and said lightly, "Then you said you stuffed something into his basket just now?"

   "I didn't." The man was still arguing.

   Zheng Ying ignited an unnamed anger, "My lord's eyes are very good, and I can't bear to deny you!"

  Wen Yuanliang stepped forward and bowed, and said very seriously: "Sir, can you pass the note to the students for review?"

Zheng Ying just hesitated for a moment and gave it to Wen Yuanliang. After he looked carefully, the whole person relaxed, "Sir, this is not Hong Yu's handwriting, the thing is not his, the students guessed that this matter is not that simple, it should be good Trial is what it is."

   Zheng Ying took a deep look at Wen Yuanliang, retrieved the note, and sneered, "It's up to you!"

   Wen Yuanliang stepped back awkwardly and gave Feng Hongyu a reassuring look.

Zheng Ying immediately had the man escorted away, and shouted loudly: "Now I'll give you a chance to check your belongings carefully, if you find that they don't belong to you, throw them away, protect the test basket, and if there is a problem, take care of yourself! "

   At the moment, everyone is vigilantly looking at the people in front of and behind them, consciously separating them from a certain distance, and checking the test baskets one after another. There are really a few who will remove the prohibited items even if they find a problem.

In the invigilation room, the whole room of examiners naturally knew what was happening outside, and Liang Chun, the attendant of the Hanlin Academy, stood up immediately and said in a bow, "Sir Dai, the subordinate thinks that Duwei Zheng's handling of this matter is too hasty, and he should All the candidates are taken away for investigation, how can one be left alone?"

Han Changqing, the attendant of the Hanlin Academy, retorted without a smile: "Lord Liang's words are not good, Commander Zheng has sharp eyes, and he has nothing to do with those candidates. He said that he saw it with his own eyes. Is it possible that Mr. Liang is Do you suspect that Commander Zheng is favoritism?"

   "This" Liang Chun retorted with a straight face: "Master Han, this is a rhetoric."

"Okay! Since Duwei Zheng is in charge of the search and inspection, Duwei Zheng said that the candidate was framed and we will wait for the result of the investigation. We can't ruin a candidate's future just because of suspicion. When the time comes, will his grades be bad? There is no need to argue about this kind of thing, we are all doing things in one place, knowing that you are all thinking about sharing your worries for the king, the emperor will be happy when he finds out." Dai Yuyang took it easy. Knock two sentences.

   Liang Chun has to be considerate of others no matter how much he opposes it, so he can only endure it.

   Outside Gongyuan.

Wen Yuanliang gave Feng Hongyu a worried look, and seeing that everyone was busy with his own affairs, he stepped forward cautiously and whispered with Zheng Gongjing: "Sir, you don't know, a few students came from Dizhou, and they were there in Qiuwei. I've been targeted once, and I don't know which immortal I offended, and the students and others in the Gongyuan don't know what will happen, so please give me some advice."

Zheng Ying narrowed her eyes dangerously, pursed her lips, and the corners of her mouth rose evilly for a moment, and said with a contemptuous smile, "If someone dares to cause trouble under the eyes of Captain Ben, I will let him live and die! In front of the emperor, I will tear him off a layer of skin!"

  Wen Yuanliang looked up and saw Zheng Ying's sharp teeth seemed to flash a cold light, looking really infiltrating.

  The people present were so excited that they didn't dare to catch their breath when they heard this.

   Zheng Ying saw that the threat was almost over, she raised her arm and waved it twice, and the process continued.

   Wen Yuanliang breathed a sigh of relief, stepped back, smiled at Feng Hongyu, and soon looked away again.

   Those who were really prepared to make small moves were also frightened by Zheng Ying's words, and did not dare to act rashly.

After the    search and inspection, everyone entered their own room according to the arrangement of the examination room.

Wen Yuanliang found that there was a soldier guarding outside each numbered room. They seemed to be Zheng Ying's subordinates. The location of his numbered room was not bad or not. , to be on the safe side, he still has to be a little bit alert.

   After checking the situation in the numbered room, he was just about to sit down when he heard Zheng Ying's vigorous shouting from outside, "All officers and soldiers obey orders, starting now, rearrange their positions and randomly select them."

  The candidates were all stunned, what was this singing?

   But this kind of thing has nothing to do with them, everyone left their doubts behind and sat down and waited for the exam.

   In the invigilator room, Liang Chun was really so angry that he vomited blood. Everything had been arranged well, but I didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to kill him halfway through. What happened to this Zheng Ying? Three times and four times, it's bad for them! It was a pity that he couldn't pass the news out during the trial, and he didn't know if Chen Ge had arranged for him to follow up.

   When Liang Chun was uneasy, the exam started.

   When the paper was handed out, Wen Yuanliang turned to the end and looked at the so-called new question type first, and found that there was only one law, and the title was to fill in the regulations in the "Da Xun".

The "Great Instruction" is a law promulgated by the current emperor when he was young. All the officials in Daqi had to read it silently in their hearts. I don't know when it started. Even the emperor himself didn't mention the "Great Instruction" very much. The emperor did not ask , the people below will inevitably slack off after a long time, and I have rarely heard people mention "Da Xun" in recent years.

   However, almost all the officials of this book are handed a copy, and there are also many bookstores. The scholars who are selected will also buy a copy consciously, and it is not a partial book.

   The law book that Wen Yuanliang read before was "The Great Instruction", and this is the one he made up for in the past two days. He still has an impression of those laws, and if he remembers them well, he should not lose points.

   (end of this chapter)

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