Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 342: rush to the right

  Chapter 342

  As soon as the emperor went out, the concubine immediately changed her face, called to Ye Ma, and instructed gloomily: "Send someone to find out if there is something wrong at the Gongyuan, this palace wants to know the details."

   Nightmare withdrew in response.

  In the imperial study.

Seeing the emperor, Dai Yuyang immediately knelt down with a plop, and said with sincerity: "Your Majesty, a poisonous centipede was found in the Gongyuan, and Duwei Zheng caught it himself. How to do it, please order the emperor."

Hearing this, the emperor's anger dissipated when he was awakened, and he replaced it with a bigger fire. He waved his sleeves in dissatisfaction, and scolded: "Isn't it possible that people have already checked the situation of the Gongyuan before, and the anti-worm medicine has also been sprinkled. , how come there are poisonous centipedes!"

Dai Yuyang was drenched in cold sweat, and after pondering for a while, he guessed: "Your Majesty, the lower official suspects that someone did it on purpose. This poisonous centipede has long disappeared in the capital, and even in the wild, it is not something that can be encountered casually. Only use it a few times a year? The door is locked when not in use, and the poisonous centipede can't be raised so beautifully in it."

   Said, Dai Yuyang presented the bamboo tube that Zheng Ying gave him.

The eldest duke took it and put it on a snow-white porcelain plate. Under the candlelight, two dead centipedes were lying on it. Their skins were dark and shiny, and their bodies were heavy. If such a centipede appeared in a place like Gongyuan, fools would be fooled. Can see the problem.

The    emperor narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said slowly, "Someone is doing small things under my eyelids."

   This is an affirmative sentence. Dai Yuyang did not refute it, and he also thought so.

The imperial study room was silent for a while, Dai Yuyang waited anxiously, after a while, the emperor let out a sigh of relief and said, "I have passed my will and ordered Zheng Ying to carefully check the people who have been in the Gongyuan in the past two days. , to be handed over to the dark camp for interrogation. In order not to delay the exam, from today onwards in the Gongyuan, the deworming incense will be lit, the candidates can apply the deworming medicine, and two imperial physicians will be arranged to wait there. The first exam will be like this, the second one These things are prepared by the candidates themselves.

  Also, after the first exam is over, check the Gongyuan carefully again, it's a mess! There is nothing to worry about! "

  Dai Yuyang lowered his head even lower, scolding the perpetrator in his heart.

After leaving the palace, Dai Yuyang rushed to the Gongyuan before he could catch his breath. After passing on the emperor's will, the entire Gongyuan was stunned. The candidates were absent-minded when they were doing the questions, and they were always suspicious. Feng Hongyu directly wrapped the cloth around his head. Avoid dreaming too much at night, just keep doing the questions.

   Zheng Ying also brought people to the trial one by one, and it was almost dawn when he arrived at Feng Hongyu's side.

  Feng Hongyu couldn't keep his eyelids open, and when he saw the person who came, he reluctantly cheered up, "Sir."

   Zheng Ying was official and asked with a blank face: "The poisonous centipede was found here on your side. Up to now, no third one has been found. Think about it, what will happen after entering the numbered room?"

In Zheng Ying's opinion, it is unlikely that the poisonous centipede was brought in by the examinees. This kind of poisonous centipede should be packed in a container, and it is obviously unrealistic to put it close to the body. How can they be entrained in this situation?

  If it was not brought in by the examinee, it was someone else, the examiner might, and there was

Without waiting for Zheng Ying to think deeply, Feng Hongyu had already gone through yesterday's events carefully and said, "The students checked it when they entered the numbered room. At that time, the numbered room was clean and there was nothing. Everything was normal. Take half a step out of the numbered room until."

   "Until what?" Zheng Ying had a hunch that the key point came.

Feng Hongyu swallowed his saliva and said hesitantly, "Until a soldier stayed outside for a while, it seemed that the shoelaces were loose, and the student just wanted to go to the toilet, so he got up and lit a candle, and saw two long black shadows. Crawled over quickly from the ground and got into the clothes."

  The clothes were drilled by centipedes, and Feng Hongyu had a shadow. He didn't wear it at all, so he kept warm by charcoal fire.

   Zheng Ying sneered, playing with his taste: "It's really strange, is it possible that this centipede is also afraid of the cold and needs clothes to keep out the cold?"

   Having said that, the clothes were taken away by Zheng Ying, euphemistically called an investigation, in order to prevent Feng Hongyu from freezing, he asked for two more clothes for Feng Hongyu.

   In the partial room of the proctoring room.

Zheng Ying and Dai Yuyang sat opposite each other, and after a while, a junior general entered the door and reported: "Qiyu Commander, the person you want to check has already been checked. This person was originally arranged in Room 273, because of your sudden order. Switched to another room, before the incident, he was the only one who went to the latrine and passed room 273, and his subordinates also found a diabolo tube from him, but it was impossible to determine whether it was a poisonous centipede."

   Zheng Ying said solemnly: "Take good care of people and send them to the dark camp. Remember, you can't lose a single hair, and don't lose those two clothes."

   "Subordinates understand."

After the people retreated, Zheng Ying ruffian said: "Sir Dai, this spring is really not peaceful, first you were assassinated, and then you were framed, and now you have even used this kind of life-threatening trick, it's just over. The other party can't sit still for one day, and there are still eight days to come, how can I endure it?"

Dai Yuyang held a face all the time, and was not in the mood to joke with Zheng Ying. After a while, he gritted his teeth and patted the table: "This official will give the emperor some memorials, but I want to see what other tricks they have! It's just, I'm going to wrong Captain Zheng!"

   A look of confusion flashed across Zheng Ying's face.

   It wasn't until the next hour that he understood what Dai Yuyang meant, and he laughed immediately, causing an uproar among the candidates.

  Wen Yuanliang murmured in the numbered room: "Don't let me go back, don't let me go back"

   Stayed in Gongyuan for nine days and nine nights! This is life-threatening!

Seeing that the candidates' minds were floating, Dai Yuyang stood up in person and said loudly: "I know everyone's worries, but this move is also to prevent some insidious and cunning people from emerging in an endless stream. It is to protect you, and now it is used again in Gongyuan. After taking the medicine and repelling the insects, I checked it inside and out to make sure that those snakes, worms, rats and ants will not be used again.

If you leave and come in again, I can't guarantee that there will be another incident. For the sake of everyone's safety, I have to make this decision. Of course, don't worry, the rest of the food will be provided by the government, and I want rice water to cook by myself. , or dry food is no problem, and more charcoal will be given to ensure that you can spend these eight days smoothly! "

   Wen Yuanliang only knew what happened last night after hearing these words, poison centipede? How could this kind of thing appear in the Gongyuan? It's not how clean the Gongyuan is, but the poisonous centipede has a relatively high requirement for the living environment, and the food is not a casual little reptile. How can it be in a place like Gongyuan? possible to survive? Unless someone raises it specially.

   (end of this chapter)

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