Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 349: wide awake

   Chapter 349 Sober

   Qingzhu looked frightened, and asked with a sob voice, "Master Wen, is this really okay?"

  Wen Yuanliang himself was not sure, but he couldn't show his timidity, "It should be fine, we didn't let him eat it, just wiped his forehead, armpits and a few joints."

   "Oh" Qingzhu no longer questioned, and honestly followed Wen Yuanliang's instructions.

   After an hour, Feng Hongyu's forehead was finally not so hot. Qingzhu was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down to Wen Yuanliang, "Master Wen, it's really thanks to your method this time, little one."

Wen Yuanliang stopped his babble and waved his hands wearily, "Your young master is fine for now, take good care of him, watch more, if it burns again, just give him medicine and wipe his body like I just did, and wait until the imperial doctor comes to the door. , I'm tired too, go back and rest for a while."

   Qingzhu nodded desperately, looking more energetic.

   Wen Yuanliang found out that Qi Zixi and Wen Yuanhong were still there after they went out. After they were sure that Feng Hongyu was temporarily stable, they also went back to rest.

I don't know if I don't lie down, but when I lie down, Wen Yuanliang realizes what it means to be comfortable, a spacious and clean bedroom, fresh and tidy curtains, and a quilt warmed by the sun, exuding an intoxicating fragrance, and his consciousness soon became blurred. , and soon fell unconscious.

   By the time he woke up again, it was already three poles the next day.

   Shu Yan hurriedly opened the door and went in to take a look when he heard the movement in the house. Seeing Wen Yuanliang descending to the ground, he immediately went to serve and asked happily, "Master, how are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"

Wen Yuanliang rolled his eyes at him, "I've never felt uncomfortable, but I really slept soundly this time, how can the cold bench that is ventilated and can't keep out the cold is comparable to our high bed soft sleeper! I think it's all made up, right? Where's the young lady?"

Shu Yan replied with a hilarious smile: "The young lady is busy greeting guests outside! You don't know, after you and a few young masters fell asleep yesterday, Mrs. Zhuo brought the imperial physician to the door, and many other members of the Zhuo family were there. Come together, when the imperial doctor gave you a pulse diagnosis, your snoring was so loud that even the little one was speechless. Although the second young master and the eldest uncle also slept soundly, the imperial doctor used to be able to sleep soundly when everyone was awake. Save personnel, the little one called you twice and didn't answer."

   A trace of embarrassment flashed across Wen Yuanliang's face, and he tapped Shu Yan's head, "Then what?"

   Shu Yan covered his head and complained silently, "Then the imperial doctor said that you are in good health, there is no problem, and the medicine will not be prescribed, Mr. Zhuo will not let you rest, and the young ones have been waiting outside.

  The second young master and the eldest uncle are fine, they are just some decoctions for qi and soothe the nerves. Xue Gongzi prescribed another medicine, saying that he is very weak now and needs to take good care of him and prevent him from catching a cold.

As for Mr. Feng, the imperial doctor said that the situation was more serious, but fortunately, the servants took care of him. After the imperial doctor came over, Mr. Feng's high fever subsided, but it did not fully recover. After the fever was completely relieved, Qingzhu said that Feng Gongzi slept fairly well at the moment, and if there were no accidents, there should be no major problems. "

  Wen Yuanliang was really relieved.

   Feng Hongyu woke up in the evening, Qingzhu went to report it immediately, so all the men came over and sat around Feng Hongyu's bed.

Feng Hongyu, who has used the medicine, seems to be in a lot better condition, and can even joke with them, "This time I really walked in the gate of hell, Qingzhu said that you helped me cool down by using earthen methods, so I owe you a debt. Life."

  Feng Hongyu stared at Wen Yuanliang and said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

Wen Yuanliang rolled his eyes angrily, "That's okay, I'll take your life, but you're too reckless, you're still holding on with your own body like that, if something happens, you can let Uncle Feng What do they do?"

  Feng Hongyu lowered his eyes and said lightly: "There will be no such accidents again, this time I will definitely stand out!"

   said, his fists clenched tightly, and the madness and hatred in his eyes flashed.

   Seeing that everyone like him was silent, only Wen Yuanliang asked without changing his face: "Is the accident in the first exam related to you?"

   Feng Hongyu raised his eyes in surprise, "You already know?"

   "I guess." Wen Yuanliang said very calmly.

Feng Hongyu laughed, his expression became more bitter, and slowly closed his eyes, "First it was the small movements outside the Gongyuan, and then it was the release of poisonous insects, this time, if Duwei Zheng hadn't been alert, the positions of all the soldiers were disrupted before the exam, only I'm afraid I'm already dead."

   "What happened?" Wen Yuanliang's face was very serious.

Feng Hongyu did not hide it, and told everything that happened that day, Qingzhu was terrified after hearing it, and wailed: "Eldest young master, I have never had a grudge against anyone in the past, and I have never blocked the way of others, and even more so when I arrived in the capital. Who is so vicious, who is so vicious, and wants to kill you!"

  Xue Zheng said hesitantly: "I think that what that person wants is not your son's life, but to cut off his career. It's just that he can't do anything, so he can only ruin the boat and kill him."

  Xue Zheng looked at Feng Hongyu with a rare serious expression, "Brother Hongyu, think about it, who has a deep hatred with you."

   "Why don't you ask! If you can do it in the Gongyuan, how can you do it without a background!" Qi Zixi sneered mockingly.

  Wen Yuanliang frowned and shook his head, "It's not enough to have some background. My Yue family has a solid foundation in the capital. They can't do this kind of thing."

   After hearing this, everyone looked at Feng Hongyu.

   Feng Hongyu had an answer in his heart, and smiled bitterly, "I can't do anything at this point, I can only hope for a smoother future."

   This time, he should have been implicated by the Chen family and his daughter, but he couldn't do anything. He thought he could get rid of their shackles when he got to the capital. Now it seems that the capital is more dangerous than Dizhou.

Wen Yuanliang patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, and persuaded: "Let's open up a little, this matter must be reported to the emperor by Lord Dai and Duwei Zheng, no matter how arrogant those people are, they can't cover the sky with one hand, I believe they will soon be able to. Find out who's behind the scenes."

   Feng Hongyu was a little desperate, "What if we find out? We still can't help them!"

  Wen Yuanliang couldn't see his dejected appearance, and said loudly: "Who said there is nothing to do? As long as you don't die, those people will die in the future! Besides, if you know yourself and know your enemy, you will not be in danger in a hundred battles, do you understand!"

  Everyone was amused by Wen Yuanliang's bitter-hearted mother, and even the heavy-hearted Feng Hongyu's expression relaxed a little, and there was a hint of smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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