Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 352: Zhuangzi Quotes

   Chapter 352 Zhuangzi's Quotes

   "Hi!" Everyone gasped.

   Qi Zixi asked loudly, "Is this dark camp a known existence?"

Old Zhu nodded slightly, "As long as you become an official, no one will not know about the dark camp, but this organization is mysterious, and everyone can't get in touch, let alone contact it. It's not a joke to provoke the commander of the dark camp. A royal prince who bullied men and bullied women was doing all kinds of evil. Relying on the support of the royal family, he did not even pay attention to the people in the Ministry of Punishment. In the end, the emperor sent the commander of the secret camp to arrest people. The prince resisted and was beheaded by a sword on the spot.

The clan naturally couldn't swallow this breath, knowing that it was the prince who made the mistake, but also relying on the old man to sell the old man to the imperial study to ask the emperor to decide. As a result, all those who came forward were punished, and the commander of the secret camp was unscathed. Avoid if you can. "

   "Can those who entered the dark camp still be able to come out?" Wen Yuanliang frowned so much that he could crush a fly.

Old Zhu Lao Shen shook his head on the ground, "There are nine out of ten people who have entered the dark camp with big problems, at least I haven't seen anyone who has gone in and has to come out. This time it is estimated that there will be no exception. The means, I think that person will not be able to carry it for two days, and now the situation is calm because there is still a palace test after the meeting, and it is estimated that the imperial decree should be issued after the palace test."

  Wen Yuanliang didn't have the panic and anxiety that Lao Zhu expected, but he was relieved and smiled at him, "Don't mention those, let's discuss the business!"

  Old Zhu's eyes lit up, but he felt that Wen Yuanliang was unusual, so he responded: "I don't know what Master Wen wants to ask?"

   "Zhuangzi, shop, location, price." Wen Yuanliang said playfully.

When the business came to the door, Lao Zhu immediately got up and started actively, and quickly got a small box of account books over, gritted his teeth and said: "Everything is here, inside the capital, and the surrounding suburbs, as far as Zhuang Ziquan, which is next to the Shangzhou border. Here, there are more shops, and there is one more box, I will move!"

  Qi Zixi pulled Lao Zhu in horror, "Don't! When we want to see these things, you can just tell us directly, we can buy them if the price is acceptable, and we don't want them if we can't, it's simple!"

   Everyone nodded in agreement.

When Lao Zhu saw it, he sat back again and started talking, "To say that the Zhuangzi around the capital are really young and old, not to mention the outskirts of the capital, there are some Zhuangzi in the city, but those are royal properties, even the noble families. If you can't stand on top, I won't mention it. The Zhuangzi in the suburbs, which is closer to the capital, is more valuable. It's priceless in the market, and people won't sell it unless there are special circumstances, so don't think about it.

The Zhuangzi in my hand is most suitable for you in places twenty or thirty kilometers away from the capital. There are no dignitaries to buy properties in the land, the land is vast and the people are sparse, and the price is cheap. The Zhuangzi of 1,000 acres of high-quality farmland can be bought for about 20,000 taels. Down, there are also smaller ones. Zhuangzi with five hundred acres is 10,000 taels. There are also smaller ones with two or three hundred acres. It can be done within a few thousand miles. There are many choices, and there is no need to worry about buying them.

If the land is poorer, the price will be cheaper, but I don’t recommend it, Lao Zhu. We don’t want to buy Zhuangzi for the prospect of a field. If the land of this Zhuangzi is too poor, it will take a lot of work to raise it, and it will cost a lot of money. , not worth it. "

   Xue Zheng and Qi Zixi nodded in agreement, the Wen brothers looked at each other and asked in unison, "How to sell?"

   Lao Zhu's eyes widened in shock, "You really want to buy this kind of Zhuangzi?"

   Qi Zixi hurriedly advised: "I said you two don't be impulsive, we don't lack such a little money, why bother?"

  Wen Yuanliang shook his head, motioning him not to speak, but to ask Lao Zhu seriously.

Seeing their insistence, Lao Zhu replied carefully: "There is a difference between the poorer Zhuangzi, like the middle-barren Zhuangzi, which is about 12 to 15,000 acres per 1,000 acres, and the more barren ones don't need a single acre. Ten thousand taels, eight or nine thousand taels can be taken down, but it’s useless to buy that kind of Zhuangzi!”

Xue Zheng and Qi Zixi thought so too, while Wen Yuanliang and Wen Yuanhong looked at each other and pondered: "This price is cheap, we can buy a thousand acres of high-quality farmland, and then buy a thousand acres of farmland that is slightly lower, or another thousand acres of farmland. That kind of mix of good and bad is fine, if you keep it slowly, you will always be able to raise it, and if there is a farmland mixed with wasteland, it’s fine.”

  Others looked incomprehensible, but still respect Wen Yuanliang's choice.

   Lao Zhu pondered after hearing this: "In this way, I will take you to see it in two days. As for the shop, do you want to see it together or talk about it later?"

   Everyone exchanged glances, and finally decided to look at Zhuangzi first. The shop is in the city, and you can look at it anytime.

   It was almost dark when we returned from Lao Zhu's side. The group entered Wen's house in Liu'an Lane and immediately went to Feng Hongyu's side to tell him what they had heard.

  Wen Yuanliang said optimistically: "There is a dark camp to investigate. If you think about it, even if you can't catch the culprit behind the scenes, it will be a shock. They should not do anything to you in a short time."

   Feng Hongyu showed a rare smile, "It's hard for you, I heard that you are going to Lao Zhu's place today, but you want to buy Zhuangzi and shops?"

  Wen Yuanliang nodded calmly, this kind of thing has nothing to hide.

Feng Hongyu immediately asked Qingzhu to take his baggage, and took out two jade pendants and two jade bracelets of good condition, as well as some gold ornaments, and an antique, the exact value of which he did not know, "These things belong to me. What my mother gave me is also the treasure she pressed at the bottom of the box, and I brought it out with me. Since you are going to buy Zhuangzi, why don't you help me to see how much these things are worth, and use them all."

   "This." Wen Yuanliang was a little embarrassed. Not to mention that antique, it is estimated that after pawning other things, it will only be two or three thousand taels, and it is really impossible to buy any good Zhuangzi.

  Feng Hongyu knew from his expression that the money was not enough, gritted his teeth, and took out another thousand taels, "These are all the money I have left, just help me buy a few acres of promising farmland."

Wen Yuanliang saw that he was so wrecked, he just hesitated for a moment and put away the things, "I said in advance, I don't know how much these are worth, but I will give you the ticket, and if you regret it later, ask again. See if it can be redeemed or not, as for farmland, high-quality farmland is too expensive, if you buy a lesser one, you can buy more, and if you keep it for a year or two, it can also be turned into high-quality farmland.”

   "Okay!" Feng Hongyu's brows and eyes were smiling, as gentle as the wind.

   Seeing him like this, everyone felt inexplicably panicking in their hearts. He was a good son, and his family was not bad. How could he get such a world.

   After returning, Wen Yuanliang told Zhuo Qianyu about Feng Hongyu's situation, and sighed softly, "Miss, you can ask the third uncle brother to see which pawnshops are more reliable in the capital, and try to help him get more money."

   (end of this chapter)

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