Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 393: husband and wife meet

   Chapter 393 The couple finally meet

  Chen Ningya subconsciously wanted to object, she looked up at Wen Youshan's firm eyes, and swallowed the words again.

   "If you really think about it, I have no objection. It's just that your father and son are going to go out, so I have to make all the preparations here." Chen Ningya began to go through the people who could help.

  The couple was locked in the room for a long time because of this.

  Wen Yuanliang saw the tendency of them not to come out, so he confessed to Zhuo Qianyu, went out on horseback, and went straight to Feng's house. When he arrived, Feng's family happened to be at home.

   Feng Xinghai and his wife were overjoyed to see him, and kept asking questions.

It was not easy for Wen Yuanhao to get rid of them and ran to Feng Hongyu's study. After entering, he closed the door immediately, sat down on the chair, patted his chest in fear, and slapped a piece of paper on the desk, "Don't say that brother is not loyal, I've already found out the place for you, you can figure it out for yourself."

   Feng Hongyu spread out the paper, raised his eyebrows and said, "Where does Mrs. Chen live?"

Wen Yuanliang nodded slightly, "My father-in-law prepared it for her, saying that the Chen family didn't care about her, and the Ouyang family wanted to kill her, she begged my father-in-law, but my father-in-law couldn't bear it, so he helped One, Chen's situation should not be very good now, you should discuss with your uncle and aunt if you want to go to the door."

   "Thanks!" Feng Hongyu put away the note and smiled sincerely. The whole person looked very free and easy, completely different from the previous state.

  Wen Yuanqiang probed his head curiously, "What? Figured it out?"

Feng Hongyu curled the corners of his mouth and nodded slightly, "Almost! My parents are in a much better mood when I came to the capital, and I have been thinking about how to discuss business with my godparents for the past two days! Seeing them like this makes me feel at ease. , those bad things don't really matter."

  Wen Yuanliang clapped his hands in agreement, "It's not bad, I'll be more open-minded, and my life will be easier. Well, I won't keep things when I bring them, and I'll go to the Hanlin Academy to sell them later!"

   Feng Hongyu hurriedly said: "Together, I haven't gone to sell the leave yet."

   The two agreed to go out, but they bumped into Qi Zixi who was chasing after them halfway, looking a little embarrassed.

   "When did you come back?" Wen Yuanliang asked with raised eyebrows.

Qi Zixi gasped and said, "Arrived last night! Zhen'er wanted to go to your house yesterday, so she put up with it in order to pick us up. I didn't think that you went out as soon as we arrived. I guess, you are going to sell fakes. , don't catch up!"

   Wen Yuanliang squinted when he heard the word "we" and asked, "Who else did you bring to the capital?"

"My father, mother and son." Qi Zixi replied without hesitation, seeing Wen Yuanliang still staring at him, he explained, "I have already bought a big house here, so naturally I have to bring my father and mother over to live for a while, and let him They felt what it was like to be the old lady of the official family.

   But my father said, they just don't care about the child, come and have a look, when Zhener gives birth to a child, it's safe here, they still have to go back. "

  Wen Yuanliang sneered and said, "That's not what I said, it's your brother and sister-in-law who didn't come with you?"

Qi Zixi was stunned and shook his head, "The business in my hometown also needs to be handled by others. My eldest brother said that they will stay in the hometown and watch, and come back when there is a chance, but I also said that when my nephew grows up When the time comes, I will be accepted to study in the capital, my brother and sister-in-law will be very happy."

  Wen Yuanliang gave him a thumbs up, and even Feng Hongyu admired him. Starting with the child, no matter what his elder brother and sister-in-law thought, he would be grateful to this younger brother and uncle.

   The three of them went to the Hanlin Academy with a lot of talk and laughter, sold their leave, met with the bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, and left after listening to some teachings.

   After Feng Hongyu returned home, he immediately told Feng Xinghai and the Huang family about Chen Xiaodie's situation, and said, "Yuanliang gave me the address. Whether or not to go and what attitude to go with depends entirely on the wishes of the parents."

   In this marriage between him and Chen Xiaodie, Feng Xinghai and Huang's both suffered a lot of grievances, so he must respect the opinions of his parents and act.

Huang Shi and Feng Xinghai looked at each other, and said expressionlessly: "Speaking from the heart, your father and I are afraid of this daughter-in-law, but we also understand that the Chen family is powerful, even if the Chen family is not treated by the Chen family. See, it's not something we can handle casually, you can do it yourself, and mother has no opinion on how to treat her."

   Feng Xinghai was silent, apparently tacitly acquiescing to what Huang said.

  Feng Hongyu lowered his eyes, "My son understands."

Before it was dark, Feng Hongyu took Qingzhu out of the house and searched according to the address on the note. Only then did he find that the house Chen Xiaodie lived in was the same as the one he lived in now. It is older than the one he bought, and it is estimated that it is some years old.

   At this moment, the alley was silent. Qingzhu stopped the carriage and asked in a low voice, "Eldest young master, do you want to knock on the door?"

   Feng Hongyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, "Go."

   Qingzhu stepped forward and knocked several times before there was a hoarse and vigilant voice, "Who is it?"

   Qingzhu was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to speak, turned his head to look at Feng Hongyu, and said hesitantly, "Little Qingzhu is a servant of the Feng family."

  There was no sound inside the door, and after a while there was a rush of footsteps, the courtyard door opened in response, and Tao'er shouted excitedly: "Qingzhu, it's really you! Where's Uncle?"

   Tao'er's gaze went beyond Qingzhu and fell on Feng Hongyu who was standing not far behind him. She hurriedly came out to salute, "This servant has seen Uncle."

   "No ceremony." Feng Hongyu's voice could not hear the emotion.

   Tao'er was uneasy, got up and respectfully invited them in.

  Feng Hongyu followed Tao'er into the main room, but did not see Chen Xiaodie, "Where's your lady?"

   Feng Hongyu asked lightly.

Hearing this tone of voice, Tao'er couldn't help her nose sour, her eyes reddened and reported: "Returning to Uncle, the young lady fell ill on the way. During this period of time, because of the matter of the master, she has been suffocating in her heart, and her illness has gotten worse. I can't even get out of bed now, no matter how wrong the lady has done, she will always be your hair-bearing wife, please take this into consideration and don't irritate her any more."

   Feng Hongyu laughed at himself, "Stimulate her? Tao'er, do you think too highly of me!"

   Tao'er was stunned, a little overwhelmed.

  Feng Hongyu lowered his eyes, "Take me to see her."

   Tao'er couldn't, so she could only lead the way. When she got to Chen Xiaodie's door, Feng Hongyu didn't go in right away, and let Tao'er go in first to report.

   After Tao'er came out to invite him, he stepped into the room with steady steps.

   As soon as he entered the door, a strong and pungent medicinal smell rushed to his face, Feng Hongyu paused, and then continued inside.

   On the innermost bed, a skeleton-like woman was lying half-lying, her desolate eyes facing him, and Feng Hongyu stopped five steps away from the bed.

   (end of this chapter)

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