Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 396: Wen Youcheng appeared

   Chapter 396 Wen Youcheng Appears

"Since the matter of going to Mobei cannot be changed, then I will try to ensure that you return safely. The imperial court will prepare guards and accompanying soldiers for you, and you can prepare your own personnel. Besides, it is best to send a team of people in disguise to go first. Explore the way, just in case." Chen Ningya said succinctly.

   looks like he is planning a decisive victory for thousands of miles, and the men present are a little dazed. Is this a village woman?

   Men are like this, let alone women.

   Huang Shi and Zhuo Qianyu stared at Chen Ningya eagerly, waiting for her to make up her mind.

Chen Ningya thought for a while, and continued: "In addition to the first team, we also need to send an ambulance team to accompany the team. It is best not to walk with the team. If something happens, they will be your trump cards. There are also some medicines to eat. These are We have a lot of things in our family, and when the time comes, I will discuss with the head of the family and prepare more for you, especially the things for body protection."

  Wen Youshan patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, ma'am, leave this to me!"

   He is a carpenter himself. He has been specializing in many years, so it is not a problem to get some self-defense weapons.

  Chen Ningya smiled and didn't object, but she was thinking about where to get some people with high martial arts skills and understanding of pharmacology. She was relieved to have a personal doctor following them when she was away from home.

   Zhuo Qianyu was originally opposed to it, but now that her mother-in-law is so calm, compared with Chen Ningya, she seems unreasonable and vexatious, and she suddenly stopped talking.

Wen Yuanliang shook her hand and gave her a calm smile, "Don't worry, I will definitely return safely, if you are bored at home alone, why don't you learn how to do business with your mother, so that we can save some home for our children industry."

Zhuo Qianyu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded solemnly. Before, she had hoped that the child in her belly would be a daughter, but now she hopes that it will be a son. If Wen Yuanliang has an emergency, the two sons can also support the house. stand up.

  Wen Yuanliang didn't know that Zhuo Qianyu thought so far, he was relieved to see that she stopped crying, looked at Feng Hongyu, frowned and asked in disapproval: "Why are you going to Mobei?"

  If it is said that he was put on the shelves by a duck, Feng Hongyu is just looking for trouble. Even if there is Chen's reason, he will not let him make such a risky decision. After all, the Feng family is now counting on him.

Feng Hongyu smiled bitterly, feeling helpless, "You know the situation in the Hanlin Academy, everyone like me is not convinced, instead of staying there and fighting those people openly and secretly, it's better to go out, anyway, I already have Having gained the title of Concubine of the Hanlin Academy, he also has the qualifications to enter the cabinet. It is fast and comfortable to go out for promotion. The only disadvantage is that the road is not smooth, and the environment in Mobei is not as good as that of the capital. Now, following you, how dangerous can it be?"

  Wen Yuanliang and Zhuo Bufan looked at each other with question marks on their faces. Did this person trust them too blindly?

But what Feng Hongyu said is reasonable, and Wen Yuanliang couldn't say anything to refute, "If that's the case, then prepare well. You'll be leaving in two days. Bring some medicine, cold-proof things, and dry food. Although the court will give it, we can't all count on the court."

"Yuanliang said it very well." Zhuo Bufan looked at Feng Hongyu's body and was a little worried, but except for Wen Yuanliang, the other scholars who followed him seemed to have no strength. A word or two for those people.

After everyone discussed and dispersed, Zhuo Mingxuan stopped Feng Hongyu and took him to the corner. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "I know you went to see Mrs. Chen, and I know that you have already talked to her, really. Has it reached the point where it's hard to catch water?"

   Feng Hongyu nodded without hesitation.

Seeing him being so decisive, Zhuo Mingxuan sighed again, "Forget it, I don't blame you for this, I know you are a good boy, and when Yang Qiu comes out, I will persuade him well, if possible, let you and Chen's reconciliation is good for you and her."

  Feng Hongyu was startled, came back to his senses, and bowed heavily to Zhuo Mingxuan, "Thank you uncle for making it happen!"

   Seeing Feng Hongyu being so polite, Zhuo Mingxuan felt a pity for Chen Yangqiu, how could such a good son-in-law be pushed to such a degree!

  After everyone left, Chen Ningya took Wen Youshan back to the room and started to rummage through the boxes and cabinets to find things. Wen Youshan looked at a loss, "Miss, what are you doing?"

  Chen Ningya rolled his eyes at him, "Naturally, I'm looking for golden leaves. I brought a lot more when I came out this time. Now is the time to spend money. You bring golden leaves to ask some experts to protect themselves, otherwise I'm not worried."

  Wen Youshan was about to refuse, but the closed window was suddenly blown open by the wind, and the couple was startled.

  Wen Youshan was about to go over to close the window when a figure suddenly turned in. Just as Wen Youshan was about to take action, the man said, "Don't do it, it's me!"

   "Big Brother/Big Brother!" Wen Youshan and Chen Ningya shouted at the same time.

  Wen Youcheng smiled at them, showing his white teeth.

  Wen Youshan hurriedly closed the window, and went out to the yard to take a look. He was sure that no one had returned. He asked in surprise, "Big brother is also in the capital? How did you find my house?"

Wen Youcheng sat down on the ground, poured a glass of water, and said with a smile: "There is nothing in this capital that I don't know about, today the imperial decree came down, I know Yuanliang is going to Mobei, so I came here specially for a visit. Come on, what do you need my help with?"

Before Wen Youshan could speak, Chen Ningya had already said, "Yes! Uncle's help is needed for many things! For example, Yuanliang's safety, Uncle knows those who are strong in martial arts, good at pharmacology, and those who can survive in the wild. people?"

  Wen Youcheng glanced at Chen Ningya, saw her look of anticipation, and added a few words along the way, "Isn't it better to go to Mobei?"

Chen Ningya nodded in agreement, "If there are such people, it would be great! Uncle, to tell you the truth, Youshan will also follow this time. If the safety of their father and son cannot be guaranteed, I really don't want to. Don't worry!"

   "Is there a mountain to go too?" Wen Youshan raised his eyebrows and looked at Wen Youshan, "What are you going to do?"

Wen Youshan laughed twice, and replied weakly: "Isn't that Yuanliang going out alone, I don't worry! I can still protect him a little bit with me. If I know that eldest brother is in the capital, there are still people who can use it, and I won't open it. This mouth, now that the words are out, I can't go back and regret it."

Wen Youcheng didn't mean to blame him, but touched his chin and thought for a while, and said slowly, "It's not bad for you to go to Mobei, and when you get there, you can go to the military camp to experience it, and it's easy to become a half-officer. "

"Me?" Wen Youshan's eyes widened in shock, and he shook his head again and again, "No need, no need, I have no problem with entering the barracks for training, I'm just an ordinary peasant, and I don't have such big ambitions. Now that the children are promising, I'm already content."

   (end of this chapter)

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