Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 402: Feng's way of making money

   Chapter 402 Feng Family's Way to Make Money

   The more Huang said, the lower his voice.

  Chen Ningya understood and interrupted: "If that's the case, then we can only open source. Although everything in the capital is expensive, there are many opportunities here, and there are many ways to make money. What do you think you can do?"

Seeing the hopeful look on Chen Ningya's face, Mrs. Huang could only rack her brains and think hard, but she still had no clue, and was so depressed, "My parents' family owned an oil mill, and my parents prioritized sons over daughters. Since I was a child, I have been helping in the workshop, not to mention female red, even the cooking skills are ordinary, if I ask me to embroider, I can't do embroidery, weaving cloth is not good, and I can't make food or anything."

  Especially after she married into the Feng family, she never touched those things again. After so many years, she had long forgotten about the back of her head. The cooking and cleaning at home were all done by the mamma who served her.

  Chen Ningya listened, and felt that Huang's situation was a little embarrassing, so she could only tentatively ask: "Since your family owned an oil mill, you should be able to squeeze some oil!"

   Huang Shi nodded slightly, "That's true, don't you mean to let me squeeze oil?"

   Huang's eyes widened and he pointed at himself incredulously, as if he had hallucinated.

Chen Ningya nodded heavily and explained: "I think so, your mother's family opened an oil workshop, you should know better than others how to operate here and how to sell it. It can be used as an oil mill. Half of the 500 acres of land can be used to grow peanuts and sesame seeds, and as much oil can be produced, and send it to my grocery store for sale or let Brother Feng go to the surrounding towns for sale, except for myself For oil extraction, you can also take over the processing work, just charge the processing fee, you may not earn much in the front, and when you get started, you will have more connections, and the business will naturally improve slowly.

Oil is an indispensable part of people's lives. No matter what, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it. You know how much profit there is. Besides, the cost is within the range you can afford. I think this is the best way. It suits you now. "

Huang Shi originally thought that Chen Ningya was a fantasy, but after she mentioned something like this, she suddenly realized and clapped her hands: "If you don't say it, I will forget it. A few days ago, I heard people muttering that things in the capital are expensive, and one or two ordinary muddy oil is enough. It takes ten pennies, and if you have clear oil, you can buy it for twenty pennies.”

  The so-called muddy oil refers to soybean oil or sesame oil with obvious impurities, and the clear oil is the oil that has been filtered extremely cleanly, and it has to go through many more processes. Ordinary people can only eat muddy oil, and only people with wealthy families eat clear oil.

"Yes! I also think that there is nothing in this capital that does not cost money. If your family opens an oil mill, my family's farm will grow peanuts, sesame seeds and beans. When the time comes, I will let you collect the oil and squeeze the oil. My family eats the oil too. Buy it from you, plus the Qi family and the Xue family, let’s talk about it, isn’t this business there?”

Mrs Huang couldn't sit still after being told by Chen Ningya, got up and said hurriedly: "Good sister, I will go back and discuss with the boss now. If the boss agrees, we must hurry up to plant sesame peanuts and beans before the New Year. Take a wave, just sell it and see, if possible, there will be more varieties next year."

  Chen Ningya laughed and sent the person out the door, and only after she came back did she pick up the deed of separation and take a closer look.

   Zhuo Qianyu entered the door with her stomach stretched out, and asked curiously, "Mother, I heard that Mrs. Feng is here, why did you leave after sitting for a while?"

Chen Ningya sighed softly and handed the deed of reconciliation to Zhuo Qianyu, "Mrs. Feng is here to entrust me with something, Chen Yangqiu agrees to reconcile Chen Xiaodie and Hongyu, and the Feng family will leave without a word. The deed is done, because I'm afraid of long nights and dreams! I'll go to your house in a while and give this thing to your father."

When Zhuo Qianyu heard the words, he immediately smiled and said, "This is a good thing! I used to think that Feng Gongzi was too wronged to marry Chen Xiaodie, but fortunately he was not dragged down further. When he returns from Mobei, the Feng family will give it to him. Zhang Luo has a good family, and it's not bad to think about it."

  Chen Ningya thought so too, but Chen Yangqiu was the second brother who loved her so much after all. His daughter was in such a situation, which made people sigh.

  When Chen Ningya went out with the copy of the deed and the deed, it was placed on the table in Chen Yangqiu's study that day, Zhuo Mingxuan's voice could not hear any emotion, "What's your plan next?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, there was an intermittent light cough from the backyard, which was exceptionally clear in this small house.

Chen Yangqiu glanced in the direction of the backyard, and laughed at himself: "Plan? I'm just a Bai Ding now, and the Chen family and Ouyang's family are watching, what do you think I can do? It's just relying on these family resources and Xiaodie to make a living. That's it."

   "You never thought about leaving the capital?" Zhuo Mingxuan frowned and asked softly.

Chen Yangqiu shook his head, "I never thought about it, Xiaodie's body can't stand the toss, and besides, almost all the good doctors in the world are in the capital. If Xiaodie has an emergency, how can I explain to her mother under Jiuquan? ?"

   These words blocked Zhuo Mingxuan's prepared words for persuasion. Zhuo Mingxuan held back for a long time before he said depressedly: "In this case, I won't persuade him. Let's talk about it when Xiaodie recovers."

   As soon as Zhuo Mingxuan left, Chen Yangqiu immediately put the book and the deed book into the random questions, out of sight and out of mind.

The next day someone came from outside the house again. Chen Yangqiu was angry because of Chen Xiaodie and Li. He heard the continuous slamming of the door and shouted angrily. He told the doorman to go away and opened the door himself. I came to persuade, but I didn't expect that there was a strange face standing outside the door.

"Who?" Chen Yangqiu looked at the person outside the door vigilantly. Seeing that he was dressed in fine brocade and had a mask on his face, he didn't dare to show his true face. He couldn't help but tighten his hand on the door frame. .

   Young Master Yunrong exchanged glances with the servants beside him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you Chen Yangqiu? Xi Wanyu's husband?"

  Chen Yangqiu never dreamed that he would hear this name from a man he didn't know before, his pupils vibrated violently, his lips trembled twice, "Who are you?"

   Young Master Yunrong knew that he was right when he saw his appearance, so he directly let the servants open the door and walked in swaggeringly.

   "Who are you? I can report to the officials for trespassing on the house!" Chen Yangqiu chased and shouted behind Young Master Yunrong, looking very excited.

Young Master Yunrong paused and turned around slowly, his cold eyes fell on Chen Yangqiu, like being picky and disdainful, "Reporting officer. I want to see which officer dares to control me! Just like you, I don't know the second aunt. What do you think of you, it's just useless!"

   (end of this chapter)

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