Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 407: Celebrate

   Chapter 407 Celebrate

   Could it be that there are some great secrets hidden here?

As soon as the two left, Chen Ningya regained the appearance of the old god, and took the two maids back to her yard. Now the house is big, and her yard not only has many rooms, but also has a small garden. When people came to the door, this yard was where she stayed for a long time.

As soon as the    person left, two figures flashed in the shadow of the corner.

After returning to the other courtyard, Young Master Yunrong took off his mask and threw it on the table. His wandering eyes finally settled on Bai Liqing, and he said with a half-smile, "That's what you said about being clueless, if it wasn't for today's Young Master Xing Zhizhi followed for a while, but I didn't know that Chen Yangqiu had such a deep relationship with Mrs. Wen. Ouyang's death was a secret. What secret? What did Mrs. Wen know? Also, Mrs. Wen's appearance, I don't believe her The Xi family doesn't matter! I'll give you another three months, and I want the result!"

   Bailiqing shivered a bit, really wanted to cry, but looking at Young Master Yunrong's reaction, he knew that it was useless to plead for mercy, so he could only bow his head in response.

   Young Master Yunrong nodded in satisfaction, put his hands on his lap, and said in a deep voice, "I'll leave the matter here to you. I'll go back to Lingnan first, and I will contact you if there is anything."

  Bai Liqing pointed at himself with a confused expression, "What about me? How long do you want to stay in the capital?"

"Aren't you going to represent the Baili family in this year's palace banquet? If it wasn't for your fame as a jinshi, this kind of 'good thing' wouldn't be your turn. It's a rare trip to the palace, don't waste such a good thing Opportunity, it's not too late to go back after the Chinese New Year." Young Master Yunrong said a word, got up and retreated.

  Bai Liqing broke his fingers and figured it out, thinking that it would be almost the deadline given by the son, if he didn't find out, he wouldn't have the face to go back to his life, what should he do? Do it like this!

  The turmoil in the capital has nothing to do with Wen Yuanliang and the others.

I thought that with the addition of a precious Qiongzhu County Master, the speed of the team would be slower. How could Zhuo Bufan not be slow but fast? After leaving Pinzhou, the speed can no longer be described as fast. If you can eat, drink, and salvage, it will be done on the carriage, and it will take less than half an hour to stop a day.

Everyone has also seen the determination of Qiongzhu County Master. Feng Hongyu's civil servants who are helpless are already overwhelmed. She can still ride on a horse. went to the front.

When the carriage did not know how many times it stopped for repair, Feng Hongyu sat wearily on the big rock in the wilderness, took a sip of water, and looked at Qiongzhu County Master, who was walking towards him on a horse, with admiration. Five bodies fell to the ground, and after the person approached, Feng Hongyu struggled to get up and salute.

   Qiongzhu County Lord frowned and waved his hand, "You don't have to be so polite outside, um, this is a letter just sent from the capital, and everyone else's has been sent, and yours will be given to you."

  She had nothing to do in the team, Zhuo Bufan saw her energetic, so she simply let her do errands, she didn't dislike it, and she enjoyed it.

Feng Hongyu was stunned for a moment, then bowed his thanks, took the letter, and Qiongzhu County simply turned over and dismounted, sat beside him, and asked boredly, "Why don't you read what's in the letter? If you want to reply quickly, Otherwise, we will set off for a while, but we will go further and further, and we still don’t know when we will wait for the next station.”

  Feng Hongyu thought to himself, it was true, he opened the envelope in front of Qiongzhu County Master, thinking that it was sent by his family to greet him, but he didn't expect it to mention the divorce between him and Chen Xiaodie.

   County Master Qiongzhu was startled when Feng Hongyu reacted so strongly. He threw the weeds in his hand and jumped off the stone, "What's the matter? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

   Feng Hongyu suppressed his joy, squinted his eyes and smiled: "There is indeed something, but it is a good thing for me!"

   "What's the matter? What's the matter? Tell me about it, and it makes me happy." Qiongzhu County Lord chatted around Feng Hongyu like a sparrow.

   Feng Hongyu was stunned, with a strange expression, but he politely replied: "But the elders in the family took care of the divorce for me, and it has nothing to do with the county master."

   Qiongzhu County's eyes widened in shock, as if he was hallucinating, and asked again, "What did you say? Are you leaving?"

It's hard to explain this kind of thing in detail to outsiders, but he didn't want others to misunderstand, so he explained: "The letter said that Chen Yangqiu proposed it, and he also wrote Helishu. My parents didn't ask for anything. After leaving the book, I went to Yingtianfu to handle the matter, and now I have no relationship with the Chen family, and we will marry each other in the future without affecting each other."

"Clap!" With a sound, Qiongzhu County Master clapped his hands, squinted his eyes and smiled: "This is a great deed! I have heard Qianyu talk about you a long time ago, and I thought your Chen family would look like a leech after high school. They are attracted to you the same way, but I didn’t expect them to be quite self-aware, but I misunderstood them.”

Feng Hongyu hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "When I left the capital, Lord Zhuo once told me that he would persuade the father and daughter of the Chen family to reconcile. I must thank Mr. Zhuo very well."

   Qiongzhu nodded again and again, "Of course it is necessary. In order to celebrate your escape from the bitter sea, how about I give you a small jar of wine?"

  Feng Hongyu's face changed immediately, his head shook like a rattle, "No, no, we are on our way now, how can we drink? Drinking is easy to miss, or forget it, besides, I have to reply to my family!"

   "What are you afraid of! I'm not in a hurry to answer the letter if something goes wrong." Qiongzhu County patted his chest and embraced it, and Feng Hongyu couldn't bear that posture at all.

   So, the two climbed onto a carriage full of dry food. At the moment, everyone was resting, either eating or making up for sleep, and no one noticed where the two were going.

  Wen Yuanliang wrote his reply and went to look for the princess of Qiongzhu County, only to find that he was missing, and asked around, even Zhuo Bufan was alarmed.

   "Sir, this county owner is too self-contained. If he doesn't pay attention, he doesn't know where he slipped." Wen Yuanliang frowned, still searching around.

Zhuo Bufan followed and looked around, pondering: "Maybe she went to the toilet, there are big men in the team, it is understandable for her to walk a little farther, after a while, if she doesn't find anyone, she will send someone out to see. Look, it's almost time for us to go."

   "Yes!" Wen Yuanliang got the order to leave, waited left and right, but before Qiongzhu came back, there were soldiers over there to report that Feng Hongyu was missing, which was a great event.

  Wen Yuanliang immediately recruited a group of soldiers to go out to find people, and sent a few others to search in another direction.

   (end of this chapter)

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