Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 411: make fun of the chaos

   Chapter 411 Take advantage of the chaos

Qiongzhu angrily pointed in the direction of the entrance and exit of the tent, "This county lord kindly came to deliver medicine, but some people didn't know the good or bad. They stopped this county lord outside the tent. They really thought they were rare! Who will take a second look at yourself, with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and thief eyebrows and mouse eyes!"

   If it wasn't for the sake of blocking Yoyo's public voice and continuing to stay in the team, she wouldn't use this superficial effort to deal with this kind of villain.

   "You, you. You are just a shrew in the market!" Jiang Chengxuan's angry roar came from the tent.

  Wen Yuanliang frowned, and shouted: "Master Jiang is careful, the county master is a royal family member, golden branches and jade leaves, not me who can judge."

Qiongzhu glared, glanced at the crowd watching outside the tent, and said solemnly: "If you are not deaf, you must have heard what Master Jiang said, and when the county master returns to the capital, he will discuss it with the emperor. endowed."

  The people around were silent, their eyes floating, and they didn't dare to look at Qiongzhu at all.

Jiang Chengxuan, who had been holding it all the time, limped out with the help of his servants, staring at Qiongzhu County Master with a blank face, and bowed his head in humiliation, "Thank you for your kindness, the next Officials don't know how to lift up, and they offend many people, so I ask the county master to raise your hand and forgive one or two."

   Qiongzhu County Master just kept silent, her stern face still had the majesty of a Royal County Master, and all those who were clamoring to bring Jiang Chengxuan to justice were silent.

  Wen Yuanliang looked around, but no one thought of him. When he looked again, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and even a little movement would not be detected, so he flicked two small stones at the two servants who were supporting Jiang Chengxuan.

   Hearing the sound of "Ouch", the two servants brought Jiang Chengxuan to the ground and fell down together. They even touched Jiang Chengxuan's injured thigh.

  Wen Yuanliang shouted loudly while everyone didn't react, "Don't go up and help people up."

   "Yes, yes" and a group of people swarmed up.

In the chaos, I don't know who tripped who, and I fell several times in a row. The saddened Jiang Chengxuan failed to get up, but instead served as a backer for everyone. The mourning sound resounded throughout the wilderness, and it sounded really good in this night when I couldn't see my fingers. Terrified.

Wen Youshan gnawed on half of the wild boar's leg and replenished the physical strength that was consumed during the day. Hearing the movement, he threw the bones, got up and strode over, and kept saying, "You can't stop at night. Stop it, everyone will be in a hurry tomorrow."

   When he approached, he saw this hill-like crowd of people, and he blinked for a moment, "What's the situation?"

  Wen Yuanliang and Wen Youshan frowned and said anxiously, "Father, you came just in time, hurry up and help."

   Onyou Mountain is approaching consciously.

  Wen Yuanliang whispered in his ear, Wen Youshan widened his eyes in astonishment, the situation in front of him didn't give him time to think carefully, because it was his son's request, he could only do it.

  So, with the help of Wen Youshan's "clumsy", the shrill shouting continued, and when everyone was pulled up, everyone found that Jiang Chengxuan was lying on the ground motionless.

   "This" Wen Youshan's heart was half cold, didn't he just step on the other's leg? Why is there no movement?

   The people who just stood firm, look at me, I look at you, all pale, not knowing how to speak.

Qiongzhu County Master is a rogue, and he directly and confidently said with his arms on his hips: "This incident has nothing to do with me, maybe he is unlucky, and he can be thrown by the servants around him, tsk tsk tsk. I don't know him. Where did this servant of servants come from, it’s too pitiful!”

   When everyone heard the words, they all agreed, no matter whether what Qiongzhu County said was right or not, it was more important to clear the relationship first.

  Wen Yuanliang watched a good show, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, he stepped forward to check, and heaved a sigh of relief, "It's okay, I'm still angry, come here, send Mr. Jiang back to the tent to rest."

  Wen Yuanliang left with those words.

   The remaining people peeped at each other, and followed them secretly.

  Wen Youshan looked over here, then looked at Wen Yuanliang who was far away, hurriedly chased after him, lowered his voice and asked, "Son, are you venting your anger on Hongyu's behalf or does that person have a grudge against you?"

   It stands to reason that Wen Yuanliang is not the kind of temperament that pays for money, so he will not cheat the same thing twice.

   "Have a grudge!" Wen Yuanliang didn't know how to explain it to Wen Youshan, so he could only answer like this, thinking of what Jiang Chengxuan had targeted at him at the Qionglin Banquet, saying that there was nothing wrong with the two of them having grudges.

Wen Youshan nodded thoughtfully, patted Wen Yuanliang on the shoulder, hehe smiled, "Father just avenged you, I didn't hesitate to step on that foot, and I stepped on it, his thigh was injured and his calf was fractured, it is estimated that he would be in the desert. Beidu can't move, I'm afraid I'll have to lie down for ten days and a half months."

  Wen Yuanliang grinned and gave Wen Youshan a thumbs up.

   Father and son are tacit.

In the second half of the night, everyone slept soundly. Except for the wounded guards in all the tents, Jiang Chengxuan was the only one who kept moaning and didn't sleep for the whole night. Due to the limited conditions in the team, he couldn't treat him well. When the time comes, they will leave the camp and continue on their way. Only when they arrive at the town or post station can they ask the doctor to give them medicine.

   Maybe it is getting closer and closer to Mobei, or maybe the autumn is getting stronger, the wind blowing is getting colder every day, and everyone's heart is getting tighter every day.

  Wen House in Liu'an Lane.

  Chen Ningya and Zhuo Qianyu are sitting in the main room listening to the steward on Zhuangzi report on this year's harvest.

"Old madam, madam, this year is a good year. The two village leaders have planted a total of 1,000 mu of grain, of various types. The total amount is 34,600 catties. Do you want to keep all of these grains or sell some of them? ?" The steward looked at Zhuo Qianyu and cautiously at Chen Ningya, both of them were the mistresses of the house, and he didn't know who should call the shots.

Chen Ningya's eyelids did not blink, and Tong Zhuo Qianyu said slowly: "I think it's something, call me over in a hurry, those Zhuangzi shops are all bought by you and Yuanliang, since you are already in charge of the family, go to After that, you will decide for yourself.”

Only now did Zhuo Qianyu believe that Chen Ningya really didn't intend to interfere in these matters, got up and saluted her respectfully, and then said with the steward: "All the food is kept for emergencies, and the rest can't be saved. The things I live in will be sold first, and they can be put in the shop and pulled over. If the shop can’t sell, they will be sent to my parents’ house. My third brother is in charge of the family’s business, and he can eat those things.”

   "Yes!" The steward stepped back respectfully.

   Zhuo Qianyu just breathed a sigh of relief, when another servant hurried in and reported: "Lao Madam, Madam, someone from the Xue family has come, saying that Madam Xue started this morning."

   (end of this chapter)

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