Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 433: Ask the night mama

   Chapter 433 Interrogating Ye Ma

After leaving the Wen's house, he immediately rushed back to the city and ordered his confidants to go out to investigate. He paced back and forth in the study excitedly, thinking that Chen Ningya's details would soon be found out, his chest was inexplicably surging, and he couldn't find it for a long time. Calmly, he always felt that Young Master Yunrong's guess was probably true.

   The servants quickly reported the whereabouts of the three people.

When Bailiqing heard this, he was instantly happy. He originally thought that he could only start from Chen Kun's side. After all, it was difficult to get in or out of the palace. Stay in the Chen Mansion.

   When it got dark the next day, Bailiqing went to Chen's house with two dark guards.

  The Chen family had just been assassinated, and the guards were extremely strict. It was impossible to get in through the wall, and it was even more unrealistic to walk through the gate. Bailiqing wandered around twice outside, thinking about it.

  The dark guard looked at his clothes, his brows were almost tied, "Master, why don't we think of another way, you don't need to be so wronged."

   A muffled voice came out, "What nonsense! Hurry in!"

  The two secret guards looked at each other helplessly, and pushed Yexiang's car slowly towards the back door of Chen's house. They were stopped just after entering the alley. Fortunately, they had arranged for them in advance and said their intentions in a hurry.

Under the guard's locked eyes, he calmly approached the back of the Chen residence, knocked a few times, and an old woman came over to open the door. She smelled the smell and knew what the other party was doing. She covered her nose and took two steps back in disgust." Hurry in and get it, everything is in this toilet room, and you are not allowed to go to the next place."

   "Yes yes yes" The two of them carried a large wooden barrel in, followed the direction that the old mother said, and entered the house as soon as possible to clear them out.

   Bailiqing left the bucket and almost didn't cry out. He lowered his voice and commanded, "When it's almost dawn, come in with the food delivery guy and get me out."

   "Yes!" The two dark guards had already lost their temper, and when Bailiqing was on the beam, they were honest with Yexiang.

  The old mother came in and took a look, didn't notice anything unusual, snorted lightly, and immediately turned around and left.

It was only the first step that Bailiqing managed to infiltrate the Chen residence. It was not easy to find the place where Yemao lived. He could only continue to disguise himself. The Chen residence in the dark was full of courtyards and people everywhere. , He carefully turned around for more than an hour before he found the side courtyard where Ye Mama was located. At this time, he had to be thankful that although the outside of the Chen residence was heavily guarded, everything in the residence was as usual, and there were no patrols walking back and forth intensively. Otherwise he would have been exposed by now.

   Baili breathed a sigh of relief, took off the two oranges on his chest, adjusted his skirt, took a long sigh, and pushed open the door of Ye Ma's room.

The sleeping mama Ye heard the movement, and just turned over, her mouth was gagged and her hands and feet were bound. Bailiqing pulled out a dagger from Cheng Liang from his waist, shaking Ye Ma's pupils, and she was so frightened. trembling.

A wicked smile flashed across Bailiqing's face covered with a face towel, and he squeezed his throat and said sullenly, "Don't be afraid, old lady, I don't want to kill you, I just want to ask you a few questions, if you cooperate, I will I'll spare you not to die, if you don't obey, then it's hard to say!"

   Ye Ma nodded desperately.

Naturally, Bailiqing would not be foolish enough to believe her so easily. First, he took a pill from his arms and forced Ye Mama to swallow it. He blocked her mouth again and tied her to death. Only then did she loosen her hand, and her left hand was tied to the bed post. Tied together, leaving only one right hand that can write, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone should be placed in front of her.

   Bailiqing asked sharply: "I ask you to write, hurry up!"

   Ye Ma was in tears and nodded again and again. Bailiqing was upset because of the noise. He warned, "Be quiet, don't force me to cut your tongue!"

  Mamma Ye didn't dare to make any more noise, only to hear Bailiqing ask: "The first question, you said that Concubine Ling is the biological daughter of the Chen family, what is the identity of the fake one?"

   Ye Ma's eyes widened in shock, and she didn't dare to look at Bailiqing, but her hand trembled and wrote the word "I don't know".

Bai Liqing directly broke off a finger of her left hand, and the pain was so painful that Mammy Ye broke out in a cold sweat, "Give you another chance, don't give me sloppy eyes, to tell you the truth, I have already guessed the identity of Mrs. Wen, It’s just for you to confirm, if you cooperate, everything is easy to say, if the answer you write is not what I want, your old life will be explained here today!”

Ye Ma was so frightened that she cried desperately, but she couldn't make a sound. If she had died before, she would have died, but she had a cheap life, but now she can't die. She wants to live to see the concubine and remind her to beware of Chen. Kun, after weighing it up, Mammy Ye finally gave in. She collapsed on the ground like mud, tears streaming down her cheeks.

   Bailiqing continued to ask: "How is it? Are you willing to cooperate?"

   Ye Ma nodded heavily and picked up the pen again. Her hands trembled more and more, and she wrote "Businessman's Family" on the paper tremblingly.

   Bailiqing's eyes lit up and he asked, "What's your surname?"

   Ye Ma paused, slowly closed her eyes, and continued to write: "Xi."

   "Sure enough!" Bailiqing's ecstatic tone made Ye Mammy a little puzzled, wondering if Bailiqing could be the Xi family? Thinking about it in this way, her heart suddenly froze, the situation in the capital was already chaotic enough, and many situations were not good for them.

  Bai Liqing didn't care about Ye Ma's mental activities. After calming down, he asked, "Ask you again, what is the relationship between Mrs. Wen and Xi Wanyu?"

   Ye Ma was so shocked that her eyes almost fell out when she heard the name. Does he/she even know this?

   This time, Ye Nuan lost even the slightest bit of luck, and continued to write: "Sister."

   "Dear?" Bailiqing asked lightly.

   Ye Ma nodded heavily.

   Bailiqing couldn't see his emotions on his face, but in fact, he had already turned the river into the sea, and he seemed to know something amazing! Thinking about it like this, Bailiqing suddenly narrowed his eyes, wondering if he could simply solve Ye Momo and make such a calamity disappear completely!

The thought of    only flashed past, but Bailiqing didn't really kill her, she knocked Ye Ma and tied it up, and she went back to the bed again before leaving quietly.

At dawn, two ordinary men pushed a cart of fruits and vegetables to the back door of Chen's residence again. It was still the old woman who opened the door. Pushed to the kitchen, one person went over to settle accounts with the old mother, and the other unloaded the goods there.

  Bai Liqing exchanged glances with the dark guard while his mother was away, and got into the bottom of the cart.

  The old mother was still haggling over the price, spitting out her words, and the dark guard was relieved when he saw that he was almost done, letting the old mother take some advantage.

   (end of this chapter)

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