Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 435: the truth

   Chapter 435 The Truth

   "At the same time, Chen's house was assassinated, Chen Kun was seriously injured, but he didn't die. Chen Yangchun's right hand was cut off and his career was abolished, which seemed a little crazy.

  My people sneaked into the Chen Mansion, interrogated Concubine Ling's personal concubine, and asked the old lady's identity as a concubine. The person you were looking for has been found! "

   With Xiao Ding's words and sentences, Chen Xiaodie was completely stupid, and Princess Lingnan was so excited that she cried with joy.

Pu Ya and Xiao Yuyan were afraid that she would be too excited, so they stepped forward to support people and comforted them: "Mother, this is a good thing, you should be happy, but people are still in the capital, you should calm down. Yes."

  Xiao Yuyan also glanced at Chen Xiaodie proudly, without this one and only, see how you will be stunned in the future!

The princess of Lingnan cried so much that the pear blossoms covered her chest, and said, "You don't understand, Xiaodie's mother is gone, so I'm left with such a biological sister! The little sister used to be the most favored, and her temperament was also a little coquettish. Man, I don't know how much hardship I have suffered outside these years! Woohoo."

Xiao Ding paused and said slowly: "Mother, my son thinks that the little aunt who grew up with you is not your real sister, your real sister was raised in Chen's family since childhood, and grew up in Chen's family until she was a teenager. , was persecuted by the Chen family again, and went into exile."

   Princess Lingnan, who was crying and sad, was stunned. She didn't listen carefully because she was too excited just now, as if Xiao Ding said so, she was stunned, "What's going on here!"

Xiao Ding glanced at Chen Xiaodie, lowered his eyes and said, "My son suspects that Concubine Ling in the palace is the younger sister who grew up with you, but she is not the real family of Xi, your real younger sister was replaced by Li Daitao early in the morning. Let's go, these things are told by Mammy Ye, who is next to the imperial concubine, and there will be no falsehood."

"How. How could it be. You mean that the sister who grew up with me is not from the Xi family, but was stolen from the family, but she looks a bit similar to me." Lingnan Princess couldn't accept this fact .

  Xiao Ding pondered expressionlessly: "Mother concubine, that's because you haven't seen that old lady, that old lady is more like you!"

   "Hey!" Princess Lingnan staggered back two steps and asked in a daze, "So, you have already met that old lady?"

   Xiao Ding nodded slightly, "My son is suspicious because he has seen it, so he specially asked people to check. At first, he couldn't find anything, but his son didn't give up.

  Everyone was silent.

  Chen Xiaodie asked loudly, "Cousin, the old lady's husband's surname is Wen."


Xiao Ding replied that it was within Chen Xiaodie's expectations, but also beyond her expectations. Seeing her whether to cry or not to laugh, Xiao Yuyan did not ridicule her for the first time, but asked with a frown. Said: "Brother, do you all know this old lady Wen? What kind of person is she?"

   Princess Lingnan looked at Xiao Ding subconsciously.

Xiao Ding replied unhurriedly: "The appearance is similar to that of his mother, but the mother is the princess of Lingnan, and her temperament is more graceful and luxurious, while the old lady Wen is as soft as water, as warm as the spring breeze, she is a rare wisdom. man of."

   Princess Lingnan was relieved when she heard Xiao Ding's high evaluation. She felt sorry for this ill-fated little sister, and asked anxiously, "Have you identified your identity with her? The mother-in-law wants to see her!"

Xiao Ding was a little embarrassed, "I'm afraid I won't see you now, concubine, and I'll have to wait until the fifth prince's affairs come to light as soon as possible. When my people come back from the capital, I'll see if I can persuade my aunt to go with me, you don't know, My aunt's family also has a younger cousin who has not yet reached the age of 笄, and that little cousin looks just like her mother when she was young. When the son first saw him, he was completely stunned, and you will definitely be happy when you meet him."

   These words made Princess Lingnan more and more impatient to meet people, while others had different thoughts, especially Chen Xiaodie, who slowly lowered his head, bit his lip, and twisted the veil tangled.

After Chen Xiaodie and the others left, Princess Lingnan accepted her excited expression and asked solemnly, "If Concubine Ling was the one who was raised in Xi's house, how did she get here? check!"

  Xiao Ding paused, nodded slightly, and said hesitantly: "Mother, do you want to give the Xi family news about this first? They are probably more aware of what happened back then."

   Lingnan Princess responded with only a slight hesitation.

When Chen Xiaodie returned to her small courtyard, she was still a little out of her mind. When she first arrived in Lingnan, Princess Lingnan actually bought a different courtyard for her outside the palace. At first, Chen Xiaodie and Chen Yangqiu lived there. Lingnan folks are sturdy, and Chen Xiaodie is frightened when he goes out. Chen Yangqiu is not worried, so he asks Xiao Ding.

  Xiao Ding thought of Chen Xiaodie's physical condition, and it was really inconvenient for her to be a weak woman, so she asked Pu Ya to choose a yard for Chen Xiaodie in the palace.

After Xiao Yuyan knew about this, she robbed the errand directly, and chose a side courtyard for Chen Xiaodie that was completely different from the courtyard where Xiao Ding lived, and it would not be too far from the residence of Lingnan Princess, which not only prevented Chen Xiaodie from encountering Xiao Ding It's possible, it won't leave the guests out in the cold, and it's a good calculation.

At first, Chen Xiaodie didn't understand. She moved into the palace with joy. After she got acquainted with the residences of the masters in the mansion, she became sullen, but it was difficult to express her thoughts, so she could only close the door and talk to Tao'er. Just two beeps.

As soon as he entered the yard, Chen Xiaodie saw Chen Yangqiu sitting in the yard drinking tea and reading a book. The spring in Lingnan was warm and hot, and just after the spring sowing, Chen Yangqiu had already put on a thin long gown. There was a feeling that the years were quiet, and for a while, Chen Xiaodie didn't know whether to tell him the news that came today.

After hesitating, Chen Yangqiu had noticed Chen Xiaodie standing at the gate of the courtyard. Seeing her absent-mindedness, her brows could not help wrinkling, she drank the remaining tea in the teacup, and said, "But I met her at the princess's side. unhappy matter?"

  The attitude of the people in the mansion towards Chen Xiaodie is also clear to Chen Yangqiu. The King of Lingnan is a very busy person and will not appear in the backyard easily. After they have been here for so long, they met once at the Fengfeng Banquet on the day they came, but they never showed up again.

Although the Lingnan princess was enthusiastic about them, she always held it to a certain degree. She did not love Chen Xiaodie because she was related to her. Among Chen Xiaodie's contemporaries, Xiao Ding, the prince of Lingnan, always adhered to the defense of men and women. When I came to Lingnan, I didn't see Chen Xiaodie much, and the county owner Xiao Yuyan didn't like to see Chen Xiaodie, and often asked her for trouble.

   (end of this chapter)

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