Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 439: three women

   Chapter 439 Three Women

Feng Hongyu broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it, and almost knelt down to Wen Youshan, "Godfather, do your best, inquire about the news, but don't make things up, or the King of Dingbei won't be able to keep you! "

   The situation is very chaotic now, and the imperial court will not talk about it. There are internal and external troubles in Mobei. Fortunately, Daqi has a friendly relationship with Tubo. If Wen Youshan offends Tubo, Daqi will really be the enemy.

Wen Youshan patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, I'm not out of my mind. At that time, we will disguise as Huns and sneak into Tibet. When we arrive in Tibet, we will change into their clothes. When we leave, we will still wear Huns' clothes. The Shayuan side retreated, Yuanliang took the opportunity to attack the Huns, and we came back under their cover, and we would never be discovered. Even if we were discovered, we would not find any evidence!"

Wen Youshan was very confident in himself, but Feng Hongyu was worried, thinking that there was a county master who was pestering him outside, and he suddenly had two big heads, but not only could he not persuade him, but he had to find a way to help. !

   The most important thing is that he has to hide from Qiongzhu County Lord. If Qiongzhu County Lord knows that he is looking for beautiful women, the roof of the county government office will probably be lifted by her.

Feng Hongyu acted like a thief. After three or four days, he finally found three decent beauties for Wen Youshan. The two sides negotiated in a dark and windy night for a month. educated people.

  Wen Youshan looked at these three so-called Tubo beauties, and he was dissatisfied, and muttered, "She's not as good-looking as our maidservants!"

Feng Hongyu looked depressed, "Godfather, this is already the best looking one that can be collected, and you can't just look at people by their looks. These three girls can sing, dance, and are bold, and they are really sent to Fan Qirui's bed, I guarantee that The straw bag is fascinated."

  Wen Youshan's eyes lit up, "Really?"

   Feng Hongyu nodded desperately, hoping that Wen Youshan would quickly get people away and throw away this hot potato errand.

  Wen Youshan thought that there seemed to be no great beauties in Jili County, so it seemed that the three Tubo women were okay, so he reluctantly agreed and let the three women leave quietly.

Feng Hongyu breathed a long sigh of relief and was about to sit down and drink a good glass of water. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Qiongzhu County Master standing at the door like a doorman, and was so frightened that he threw the water glass, "County Master? When are you here? ?"

   Qiongzhu County Lord sneered, "If I don't come, I don't know what shameful deeds you have been sneaking behind my back these days! Feng Hongyu, you are so disappointing!"

Feng Hongyu's heart sank. Seeing that Qiongzhu County Master turned around and was about to run, he hurried forward and grabbed the person, took him into the house without any explanation, closed the door, made a "shh", and explained helplessly: "My Auntie, things are not what you think!"

   "It's not like that!" Qiongzhu asked angrily, her eyes turning red with anger.

  Feng Hongyu felt a little distressed when he saw it, and his tone subconsciously slowed down. He leaned into Qiongzhu's ear and said in a low voice, "Those women are for Fan Qirui, you have to keep this a secret."

   A warm breath passed from his ear to his neck, and Princess Qiongzhu only felt numb, his heart beat faster, his face blushed inexplicably, and he nodded, not daring to look directly at Feng Hongyu at all.

  Feng Hongyu got up after realizing it. Seeing her like this, he had a bad taste in his heart, hooked the corner of his mouth, and teased: "Now you know it."

   "Got it." Qiongzhu's head was almost touching her chest, and she gradually calmed down after leaving the room in a dizzy state. She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Feng Hongyu's closeness just now.

   Wen Youshan asked people to get three Tibetan beauties into the carriage. When they arrived at the place agreed with Wen Yuanliang, the three beauties were **** and thrown into a small farmyard.

The group quickly evacuated. It didn't take long for the sound of iron hoofs to shake the ground. Wen Youshan, who was hiding in the dark, watched Fan Qirui and his group enter the farmyard, and saw three women being taken away. Halfway through, the other half can only wait for news from Wen Yuanliang.

   Fan Qirui took three Tibetan beauties all the way back to the barracks. The guards had long since noticed that he entered the camp with high spirits, and his eyelids never moved.

  Three women were thrown in the middle of the tent, shivering next to each other, and they were about to cry.

  Fan Qirui motioned his cronies to remove the cloth strips from their mouths. His frivolous eyes seemed to be looking at some prey, and he touched his chin with interest and asked, "Why are you in the arse?"

   As soon as the three women made a sound, Fan Qirui's brows furrowed into a ball, "Come here, get someone who can understand Tubo."

   The cronies withdrew embarrassingly, and soon found such a person for Fan Qirui.

   Fan Qirui looked at the visitor with disgust, "Isn't this the guard beside the deputy commander? Do you understand Tubo?"

  Bian Chen replied calmly, "Reporting to the Marshal, I understand a little bit. If the Marshal feels that his subordinates are not competent enough, he can send someone to Jili County to ask if there is anyone who is good at it."

   Seeing his reluctant attitude, Fan Qirui snorted coldly and asked reluctantly, "Ask these three women, why are they **** in that small yard at night."

Bian Chen turned his head indifferently, copied the stammering Tubo words to talk to the three women, and then replied calmly: "Marshal, these three girls said that they were oppressed by the Tubo manor and fled to Daqi. , I didn't expect to be targeted by a trafficker within two days of arriving in Jili County, and the trafficker wanted to get them to serve men."

   "Oh?" Fan Qirui raised his eyebrows, and his eyes became more interested.

  Bian Chen Rai said a few more words, "I heard that the Tibetan women are enthusiastic and unrestrained. The traffickers probably want to get them to the brothel. Does the marshal have any other questions? If not, the subordinates will retire first."

  Fan Qirui waved his hand impatiently, without even giving Bian Chen a straight eye, interpreting the word defiant incisively and vividly.

  Bian Chen is even more agile, as soon as he turns around, he can no longer see the figure.

Fan Qirui's confidant knew what he was thinking by looking at him, and specially asked the soldiers to take the three women down to wash up, flattering and flattering, "General, although these three women look average, their figures are real. It's not bad, the chest is the chest, the **** is the butt, it must feel good to touch."

  Fan Qirui's body became hotter as he listened, and his face cringed with laughter, "Don't hurry, let those three women come to serve me! This general will show his glory tonight!"

   "Yes, yes, this subordinate will go down and remind me." The confidant winked and trotted out.

   That night, the "sound of waves" from Fan Qirui's tent came one after another, causing the soldiers standing guard outside to be absent-minded, secretly scolding Fan Qirui for not being a thing, and spending the spring night with the beauty in his arms, but they couldn't even touch a mother's.

   (end of this chapter)

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