Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 448: things go to beijing

   Chapter 448 Things Enter Beijing

  Chen Ningya couldn't wait to open the envelope. After reading the letter, she was in a sluggish and dazed state. She opened her mouth several times, but she didn't know what to say.

The dark guard lowered his eyes and explained in a low voice: "Old Madam, this subordinate brought everything back in the name of a businessman, but he didn't dare to send it into the capital rashly. To Dizhou?"

  Chen Ningya glanced at the dark guard and pondered: "You also participated?"

  The dark guard nodded honestly, "This subordinate is one of the guards who escorted the master into the Tibet. After returning, the master gave a lot of things."

   means that he also got the benefit.

Chen Ningya understood, took a deep breath, and said hesitantly, "Leave Zhuo's Feng family's belongings in a box, and seal everything else back to Dizhou, and hand it over to Changxin for disposal, remember, this matter Only Changxin can know about it."


   Dark Guard got the order to leave, and within two days, three seemingly unremarkable boxes entered the Wen family Zhuangzi.

  Chen Ningya asked Zhuo Qianyu to deliver a letter to the Lin family and the Feng family. The Lin family was in the city and could not come over until the next day. It was Feng Xinghai and the Huang family who appeared in the Wen family courtyard that day.

The couple made a lot of money in the past half a year of hard work, and they entered the door with a bright face. When Huang saw Chen Ningya, he directly rubbed against her and sat down, "A Ning, as soon as you called, the master and I immediately put down what we were holding. Come alive!"

   Said, Huang Shi took a sip of tea and was as familiar as in his own home.

  Chen Ningya jokingly said: "It's as if you are busy, the money you have earned in the past six months is enough for you to buy a few servants, where is the need to do it yourself!"

"That's right, but I always feel uneasy. Our family is relying on this oil mill to live, and we can't make any mistakes! Even if the servants work, I have to watch from the side." Huang Shi Shattered thoughts.

Feng Xinghai on the side of    nodded in agreement from time to time.

  Chen Ningya smiled and did not persuade any more. She turned around and let all the maids beside her go out and guarded outside.

  The Feng family watched this battle, their hearts pounded, and they quickly asked, "A-Ning, did something happen again!"

  Feng Xinghai was even more direct, saying: "Could it be that there is another battle in Mobei? Or is there any news from my Hongyu?"

Feng Xinghai's only concern now is his eldest son, who is far away in Mobei. It is absolutely a big deal that Chen Ningya can call both of them over and let them down. Woke up.

  The Huang family didn't think so much, but Feng Xinghai's face turned pale.

  Chen Ningya hurriedly reassured: "No accident, no accident, don't panic, even if there is, that's a good thing!"

   "A good thing?" The couple said in unison, looking at each other.

   Mr. Huang blurted out, "Did Yu'er find us a daughter-in-law?"

  Chen Ningya choked and shook her head.

  Huang's face was disappointed, "What good can that be! Hey! I'm looking forward to it, I hope he can quickly find a girl who is in love with him to tie the knot. Even if the family background is average, I will recognize it, as long as the person is good."

After experiencing a daughter-in-law like Chen Xiaodie, Huang's family has already had a shadow. If she is like the eldest daughter-in-law of the Wen family, everything will be fine, but if she is like Chen Xiaodie, an ancestor who can't be beaten and can't be scolded. Well, their family can't take care of them.

Chen Ningya also knew the knot in Huang's heart, clapped her hand, and said softly: "The children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, Hongyu is still young, maybe the fate has not yet arrived, at most in another two or three years, he will definitely want to It's not too late to take care of him when he comes back."

   Mrs Huang sighed and nodded in dismay.

  Chen Ningya smiled and said, "Tell me something that makes you happy, but don't make it loud."

Under the curious eyes of the Feng family, Chen Ningya whispered what Wen Youshan had done, but she only mentioned it roughly, and then said: "It is said that the people who see it have a share, the things are divided, and Hongyu helps. Busy, he also has a share, it is in my hands now, you can see when you can get it back."

   Feng Xinghai and Huang Shi were stunned for a while, and they both swallowed together.

   Feng Xinghai said: "Brother and sister, are you joking? This sounds too mysterious!"

   It's not that Feng Xinghai doesn't believe it, it's that Wen Youshan dares to lead a few people into Tibet alone, and even destroys a robber's lair, and even more can't believe that Feng Hongyu is still involved, his gentle son has such great courage! What happened to them in Mobei, and how did they feel that they had all changed.

  Huang came back to his senses and held Feng Xinghai's hand tightly, "Master, pinch me to see if I'm dreaming!"

   Feng Xinghai unceremoniously twisted Huang Shi.

   Huang Shi was in pain, so he gave him a slap, "It's not light or heavy! The old lady's hand must be red!"

  Feng Xinghai widened his eyes and asked, "You clearly asked me to pinch."

   "Then I didn't let you really pinch." Huang's akimbo was unreasonable.

  Feng Xinghai felt aggrieved and stopped paying attention to her.

Chen Ningya watched a good show, pursed her lips and chuckled: "Don't talk about those who have or not, things are real, things are real, I also have a box in my house, and Mr. Zhuo is the same. , Mrs. Zhuo comes over tomorrow, and I will let her take it away, but you have to discuss first, how to hide such a big box and take it away."

Feng Xinghai knew better than anyone about the truth of not revealing his wealth, his expression became very serious, and he pondered: "Brother and sister, let's put things on your side first, my wife and I will go back temporarily, I will go out to deliver goods at dawn, and then stop by the way. Pretend to go."

   When he finished delivering the goods, the carriage was empty and the box fit in, and no one would doubt it.

  Chen Ningya nodded and agreed.

   After the couple went back, they were always distracted, thinking about things in their hearts, and they were absent-minded at work. It was hard to wait until dawn, and Feng Xinghai went out half an hour earlier than usual.

   After delivering the goods, it was still before dawn. According to the agreement yesterday, he went to the back door of the Wen family's courtyard. Chen Ningya had someone wait there early, and when she met someone, she directly moved the box to the carriage.

Feng Xinghai thanked him in a low voice, and drove the carriage to run fast. He didn't dare to stop on the road. He rushed home in one breath. He was obviously very nervous. Be careful to move things into the room.

When Mr. Huang heard the movement, he hurriedly opened the door for him. When he stepped forward to hold the hand, he was almost crushed because he misestimated the weight of the box. His eyes widened in shock, and he whispered, "What the **** is in here? So heavy!"

After Feng Xinghai put down the box, he gasped and wiped the sweat off his face, "You ask me who I'm asking, the box has been locked all the time, and there is a seal on it. My younger brother and sister said that it was like this when it was delivered, only the lock, not the one. The key, let me pry it myself."

  Huang: "."

   (end of this chapter)

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