Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 450: Lin's Tucao

   Chapter 450 Lin's Tucao

Lin Shi twisted the veil and nodded, looking irritated, "I don't know what Concubine Ling is thinking, her son has been dead for more than half a year, the old father is lingering on the bed from time to time, and her brother also resigns for recuperation, why does she still act like nothing? jumping?

Since the death of the fifth prince, the emperor's body has not been as good as the day. In the past six months, the imperial doctor has frequently entered the palace, and even the small officials who are not in the stream have received rumors, but the emperor has no intention to cover up, and his temper is getting worse. Well, I often hear my eldest brother say that the emperor in the early dynasty has dealt with so and so again.

   At this time, the harem is living with her head shrunk, but she is better, she is more and more provocative! And every time it is announced that I enter the palace, I still ask the emperor to issue an imperial decree, and I can't even refuse! I heard that the emperor Qianqiu ordered the concubine to make a big deal this time. I have already received the will in advance! "

  If she used to be able to take her children away from Beijing to avoid the limelight for a while, but now Zhuo Bufan is in Mobei, their family said that the good ones are favored, and the ugly ones are hostages.

   Now, when you go out of a city, the guards have to ask three times and four questions. The farthest I guess is to go to the Wen family courtyard. If you go further, the chaser should arrive.

Chen Ningya felt sorry for her, patted her hand and comforted: "Now I can only bear it, fortunately Xue'er is still young, even if the imperial concubine has any thoughts, it can't be done, even the emperor will also You can't make fun of your children's marriage at the head, at most you're just disgusting and disgusting.

  Don't say those bad mood things, tell you."

Chen Ningya came up to Lin and talked to her in a whisper. Lin was sometimes shocked and sometimes surprised, but obviously her reaction was much calmer than that of Feng Xinghai and his wife. , don't panic at all.

   After a while, Mrs. Lin rolled her eyes and said, "A-Ning, it's not convenient for me to get the things back now. Fortunately, my family also has Zhuangzi in the suburbs. Can you send someone to send them there? I'll ask the housekeeper to pick them up."

   Although their family is now strictly watched, it is not easy to leave the city, but they do not need to be checked when entering the city. This is also the emperor's honor to the Zhuo family.

   "What's so difficult about this!" Chen Ningya twitched the corners of her mouth in a funny way.

After    sent Lin Shi away, Feng Xinghai came again. After Chen Ningya knew what he meant, she did not respond immediately, but asked someone to go to Juxianlou to deliver a message, and only came down after receiving a reply from Wen Youcheng.

By the way, she also gave Wen Youcheng her box of treasures. When Wen Youcheng was about to leave, she asked politely, "Uncle, you have a lot of gold and silver treasures from Youshan, do you want them there? Take some away?"

   Wen Youcheng heard the words, turned around and raised his eyebrows, and said angrily and funny: "Do I look like someone who is short of money?"

  Chen Ningya shook her head decisively, joking, if he was short of money, would there still be rich people in this world?

"That's it! You can put away those things yourself!" Wen Youcheng turned around and left after saying this. Chen Ningya was about to leave, but Wen Youcheng turned back and said, "There will be guests at home in a few days. Come to the door, it's not convenient for me to come forward, you can entertain yourself, and call Yuan Hong back if necessary."

  Chen Ningya was confused for a moment, but she thanked Wen Youcheng for reminding her, and she forgot about it as soon as she turned around.

Three days later, two boxes of gold were delivered to Chen Ningya, and they were all converted into gold leaves of the same value. Chen Ningya was instantly happy, and told Feng Xinghai to come and take it away, so she didn't care anymore, teasing her grandchildren and watching her two children. She can knock for a long time with relish, even a soft person like Hu Yiyun is speechless.

The days passed like running water, and another seven or eight days passed in a blink of an eye. In the seventh month, the sky didn’t seem to be that hot anymore, but the cicadas on the branches were still screaming endlessly, causing people to be upset and even taking naps. Can't sleep.

Chen Ningya hadn't moved yet, Zhuo Qianyu had already ordered people to be fully armed and stuck in the yard. The maid exclaimed, the servant laughed, and the child babbled. In a daze, Chen Ning Ya seemed to see many servants coming in and out, and some people were holding copper basins and trays, with a lot of momentum.

   She turned over and continued to sleep. No one came to call her. Before the memory fragment, Chen Ningya had only one thought, and she was dreaming!

The back yard was a lot quieter, and Chen Ningya rarely got a solid sleep. When she woke up, it was already a moment. The room was quiet. Only Lan Shu sat by the bed and fanned her from time to time, her head a little bit. A little bit, looking sleepy.

  Chen Ningya couldn't help but let out a sullen laugh, Lan Su raised her head and muttered with her eyes wide open, "Old Madam, you are awake, there are guests at home."

   "Guests?" Chen Ningya's expression changed, she suddenly remembered what Wen Youcheng said before leaving, and hurriedly asked, "What kind of guests?"

  Lan Shu shook his head, "I don't know about slaves, but the gentleman who took the lead looks very precious."

   "Let's take the lead? How many people came?" Chen Ningya asked while asking Lan Shu to dress her.

  Lan Silk pondered busyly: "The slaves looked around, there seem to be a dozen or so, but it seems that there are only three or four in charge, and the rest are guards."

   "So many!" Chen Ningya was startled, her hands quickened, and she asked casually, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Lan Su replied with a guilty conscience: "The servant was originally going to call, and the eldest lady was going to call you, but the young master told you to rest, not in a hurry, and thoughtfully helped to catch Zhi, because it is rare for you to take a nap. , the eldest lady is not sure whether to call you or not, so she arranged a guest room for a few distinguished guests, but they did not go to rest, they have been sitting in the front yard waiting for you"

  Chen Ningya was speechless, she simply took a shower and went out with the two maids. She walked all the way to the front yard. She found that the harsh cries in the house were much weaker than usual. No wonder she was able to sleep peacefully for so long.

Because she was full of sleep, her spirit was good, and her complexion was good, when Chen Ningya entered the door, the people in the room looked up and saw a radiant and beautiful woman coming back against the light. With a breath of fresh air.

Due to proper maintenance, Chen Ningya's appearance looked like a young woman in her twenties, standing together at the same table Qianyu, the two were not like mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but sisters, if not for Xiao Ding's meeting earlier She really didn't dare to recognize it.

  Chen Ningya also recognized Xiao Ding and asked suspiciously, "Young Master Yunrong?"

  Xiao Ding Zhanyan, "The old lady has a good memory, she is the junior."

While Chen Ningya was amused, she thought of what Wen Youcheng had said, and looked at Xiao Ding with more surprise, "Last time, Mr. Baili came over, sat there for a while, and said that you are going back, but I didn't expect Mr. Come to the door! If I remember correctly, Mr. Baili probably hasn't left yet."

   (end of this chapter)

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