Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 461: dew

   Chapter 461 Dewdrops

   As night fell, the glazed palace lanterns lit up, and the deep and silent palace seemed to be injected with some warmth, and the number of people on the corridor gradually increased.

Qi Zixi completely forgot about the noon episode, lowered his head and wrote quickly on two pieces of paper, while the other four stared at everyone who came in and out without blinking. They signed up for a name, and Qi Zixi remembered it One stroke, it fits very well.

When he finished writing the last name he announced, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the person coming in front of him, but he didn't see Lan Mo and the others continuing to read. He looked up in confusion, just in line with Wen Youcheng's half-smiling eyes, so frightened. Almost threw the pen away.

  Xie Kaipu stepped forward to stop the person, "I have seen the Prince of Dingbei."

   "What's the matter?" Xiao Guang's voice showed a bit of laziness and indifference. The more he did, the more oppressive he felt.

Xie Kaipu had cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said respectfully: "The emperor has an order that everyone who enters and leaves the Chengqing Palace tonight must register. The subordinates only know the prince, but they don't know the details of these people behind the prince, so. "

   "So you want to stop them?" Xiao Guang's voice was indifferent to anger.

   Qi Zixi saw that the situation was not good, and hurried forward, "Please forgive the prince, he didn't mean that, but the lower officials need to register each person's background in detail, as long as they cooperate with the lower officials."

   "Humph!" Xiao Guang fluttered away.

  Others, under the leadership of Wen Youcheng, used to apply for taboos and official positions.

   When Qi Zixi saw Wen Youcheng announce the word "Pingcheng", his pupils were inexplicable, what was the uncle of his wife's family doing? Isn't it called Wen Youcheng?

Fortunately, he wasn't stupid enough to ask questions. He calmed down and pondered after this group of people passed by. In the end, he didn't understand the twists and turns. Another group of people came in front of him. This time Lan Mo and Xie Kaipu stepped forward to stop him. people.

   Qi Zixi turned his head and looked at it, and was instantly dumbfounded. If it wasn't for the wrong timing, he would really have screamed.

   Xiao Ding squinted his eyes amusingly, took back his gaze that fell on Qi Zixi, and turned to Lan Xie and the two to say, "Xiao Ding, the prince of Lingnan, enters the palace to celebrate his birthday, you also want to stop him?"

   Prince of Lingnan!

  Lan Mo and Xie Kaipu looked at each other, unable to hide their shock.

   Qi Zixi came back to his senses, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Your son is well, and according to the rules of the palace, I also invite the son and the people around you to register with the lower official."

  Xiao Ding is more cooperative than Xiao Guang. Not only did he take the initiative to step forward, but he also reported everyone around him to Qi Zixi, asking vaguely, "Is there any problem now?"

   Of course there are problems! More questions! But he can't ask! Woohoo.

Qi Zixi prayed and begged in his heart, but Xi Hongjun's face was blocked. He didn't even have a chance to "show affection" with him. He could only be anxious in his heart, but shook his head decisively on the face, wishing they hurried in, as for the back What will happen. He has no control.

   After Xiao Ding and his party left, Xie Kaipu asked in a low voice doubtfully, "When did the Prince of Lingnan enter the capital?"

  Lan Mo shook his head with a dignified face, always feeling that something might really happen tonight. Thinking of this, he immediately gave Xie Kaipu a hard look and cursed bitterly, "Crow's mouth!"

  Xie Kaipu: "??????" Who did he provoke, why did he crow?

  Qi Zixi couldn't care about the bickering two people at the moment, and sat down in a dizzy, confused mind.

   Baihe saw the people from the first palace come out, and he pushed Qi Zixi, "Master Qi, it's time to register."

   Qi Zixi came back to his senses and found that the cold sweat on his forehead had rolled down his temples, and quickly wiped it off to take back those messy thoughts.

   It wasn't until most of the courtiers entered a few palace concubines that they came from the other direction.

  Qi Zixi didn't dare to be distracted, lowered his head and wrote seriously, and heard the person beside him recite: "Let the imperial concubine bring the maid of the palace, Luzhu, and the palace servant."

Hearing the three words "Ling Guifei", Qi Zixi raised her head subconsciously. Under the reflection of the glazed lamp, Ling Guifei's delicate appearance became a little more charming and coquettish. She walked slowly, and her appearance became clearer and clearer. She doesn't look like a woman in her thirties, but a young woman in her early twenties. Her appearance is somewhat similar to Chen Ningya, but her demeanor is completely different.

At first glance, this person is a domineering and domineering master. With this knowledge, Qi Zixi suddenly turned his eyes away, his eyes swept over Luzhu and the few little palace maids behind him, and stayed on Luzhu for a while, and waited for the others to leave. Only then did he look at Chunhe and asked in a low voice, "That palace maid is called Luzhu? Is it the big maid next to your concubine Ling?"

  Chunhe peeked inside, making sure no one nodded cautiously, and after a few more waves, she muttered, "How could Master Qi notice Sister Luzhu?"

  Qi Zixi thought of the first group of people registered this morning, and immediately opened it and pointed to the name on it, "Look at it."

   The four of them leaned over to take a look, Lan Mo frowned and said, "Luzhu took someone to Chengqing Palace early in the morning?"

   Why are they not impressed!

Qi Zixi nodded, "The point is not this, but at the time when the sun was rising, I was condescending, and I just noticed the dewdrops leading the way. At that time, I clearly saw her wearing a complicated bead hairpin on her head, shining brightly in the sun. The soft light of her hair, and the pearl hairpin is not small, it is obviously specially worn for today's Qianqiu Festival. But the one she wore on her head just now was clearly not a pearl hairpin, but a silver hairpin, which is not as beautiful as the one in the morning."

   "Master, do you mean that the pearl is a dewdrop?" Bai He exclaimed and covered his mouth with hindsight.

   "Can you be sure?" Lan Mo asked eagerly.

   Qi Zixi shook his head, how could he be sure of this? But it's just a doubt.

   On the other hand, Haruhe on the side turned pale when he heard these words, and his body was shaky.

Bai He hurriedly held her up, Chun He twitched his lips, and after a while he said weakly, "If Master Qi is not mistaken, then the pearl is probably Sister Luzhu's, but what is she doing in the imperial kitchen? "

   Qi Zixi didn't understand, "Even if the pearl is hers, it doesn't mean anything? Anyone can go to the imperial kitchen."

Chunhe shook his head, "No, the emperor loves the imperial concubine, and there is a small kitchen in the Fengxian Temple, where all the ingredients are delivered to the palace, and the imperial concubine has been in the palace for many years, and in the first few years he sent people to the imperial kitchen , After having a small kitchen, I have never ordered anyone to go there again.

  Luzhu is the maid in front of the imperial concubine, no matter what the reason is, she doesn't need to go to the imperial kitchen at this time today, unless."

   "Unless she has a reason to go!" Lan Mo turned and ran away with a sullen face.

   "Where are you going?" Qi Zixi shouted, his head shrank in fright, and he lowered his voice and asked Xie Kaipu anxiously, "Why did he go?"

  Xie Kaipu pondered: "Go to tip off!"

   (end of this chapter)

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